Page 134 - ThePhoenix1992-93
P. 134
8eM8F8Il?:etdur:eSrr ,,;w;;;;,,@@iNiC;Wi@wm:;·@_J Alumna Responds to Campus Safety Article Dear Editor: about these types of incidents - "shovel my car out of the This letter is in response to Kim Ostrow's article Better snow," "it's 1:00 a.m. -come kill the roaches in my room Call AAA. Having graduated from WMC this past May, I now." All I have to say is grow-up and take responsibility stayed in Westminster to work and kept in close touch with for yourself. If you lived on your own, you would not call people on campus. the local cops to come change your tire or hold a flashlight I lived on campus 3.5 years and one summer, and aside _they would laugh in your face. And do not say the student from registering my car and getting identification I only is crippled because he is deaf. Everyone has handicaps, but needed to go to Campus Safety once for belp, which they only people who let their handicaps rule their lives are willingly did. All the times the heat was too high, too low. crippled. the dormitory too noisy, or any other problem (like getting It is interesting that Ms. Ostrow conveniently forgot all sick at night), I took care of myself. My parents sent me off the stuff Campus Safety does for the college, such as dorm to college to learn to be responsible for myself. lock-outs, escorts. opening and closing buildings, medical The night of March 25, I happened to be with Campus calls, calls to quiet noisy drunks in the wee hours, calls to Safety taking care of some business and overheard the calls let people into locked buildings to retrieve forgotten items, that came in about the tire change. The woman who called etc. She also seems to feel that money is an important rae- first told Campus Safety tbey had to come and change tbe tor. Students are not denied assistance for legitimate calls. guy's tire. She did not ask them for help, nor did she ask No matter how much tuition is, the Campus Safety officers for a flashlight at first. She was told Campus Safety would are not slaves at the beck and call of students. The majority call AAA or another service for help but they themselves of the students at WMC are on financial aid and not paying could not change the tire. She then got huffy and said the full tuition. The amount of money they are paying goes to student was deaf and that Campus Safety was discriminat- food (that is wasted by the students), housing (that is darn- ing. BULL- since I know the people in Campus Safety who aged by the students), and education in small classes with were on duty at the time do not discriminate. I remember full professors or highly qualified professionals (classes hearing the supervisor tell the woman that Campus Safety which are cut by students). You cannot find the personal was understaffed and did not have the manpower to change attention you get at WMC at any large state university. I tires, and changing students' tires was not their responsibtl- was shocked when an officer told me how much money he ity. The woman bung up, then called back a few moments made in a year - less than one student's tuition _ obviously later and wanted Campus Safety to bring a flashlight and the officers are not benefitting from the tuition hikes. stand there and hold it. Why does the student not have a To all the students who complain about being cold: wait flashlight of his own? Any smart motorist knows to have a until you have to pay a heating bill, then you will turn down working flashlight in the car at all times for such emergen- the heat, close the windows and use a blanket. I know. My cles. The woman then got more angry when she was told heat did not go on until November, was set around 62 de- Campus Safety had no flashlights to lend out. She and the grees and was turned off at the end of February. Believe student came to the Campus Safety office to complain more me, you have it nice on The Hill. As an alumna of the col- and she made a point of saying she was on The Phoenix staff lege, I refuse to donate any of my hard earned money to and she would write an article about their treatment. Well, WMC until the students grow-up and learn some responst- obviously she remembered that but forgot her attitude and bility. demands. The people in Campus Safety tell me all the time -Alumna, Class of '92 MAGNA Probe F-150 I • I Tempo Explorer Bronco SAVINGS. Festiva ==- fII a-j) r ~ - -- - .. ....-:::::-, ..:.--. , Taurus Aerostar Mustang Escort Get $400 To Use As Cash Back Or A Down Payment. Plus, Pre-Approved Credit For Qualified College Graduates. ?iJ ••!.! Youtook endless tests and endured more than you can remember. rrs $18.!XKIMSRPYoucan even deferyourfirst payment up to 12{ldays. 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