Page 136 - ThePhoenix1992-93
P. 136
Design YourOwn Major? demic affairs. mnoduced the idea to her. interests and studies." found few problems Jonsson's major has become popular, as she Lawson Although said there are two others currently with the with the program, Jonsson said the main By LISA WIEDER must be submitted to thecuniculum com- same major, and four students in the process disadvantage is the length of time it takes Conl..;l>uti.,Wti,,, minee during the sophomore year. of designing an international studies major. for the proposed major to be approved, Still haven', found the major of your The student, wilh the help of a faculty Because of its popularity, she said the col- along with having to face the possibility choice? advisor, must give evidence that a current lege would like to incorporate it as a standard that it may not be approved. For those students still branded "UN- major would not be compatible with their major, but iscurrenuy Jacking the funds to do "1 started the process in the fall semes- DECIDED," and who can', seem to fmd a interests, while they must also have a list ter sophomore year, and it was not ap- major in the cunicu1um guide that suits their of specific courses that could be mcorpo- Another international studies major, proved until late April!" Jonsson said. "If interests, creating their own majer's may be rated into the new major. Christa Lawson, differed from Jonsson be- I'd have found out it wasn't approved, I tbenexialtemative. The process can take up to a full school cause Lawson was already aware that she would have been taking classes for a Acrontingk>theWM.C.U_ year to complete. Additional infcnnation could become a part of the student-designed whole year that 1 wouldn't have needed:' Catalog, the student-designed major pr0- on the process can be found in the Guid- major program upon her admission. Despite the lengthy process, having de- gram is geared toward students, "whose aca- ance Bulletin ortbe W .M.C. Undergradu- The junior transferred into Western signed their own majors will benefit both demic interests and goals cannot be served by ate Catalog. Maryland four semesters ago, knowing that students in the long run. an existing program" Some past examples of student-de- she could design a major that would be tai- Lawson and Jonsson feel their major Only four studenlS
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