Page 135 - ThePhoenix1992-93
P. 135
Featuses Garette Heights Elementary Senior Matt Bayley, whose fra- forth) are not so popular any- Champions School. As Wordheldon tea rope temityCO-sponscm:llheevent,was more. I can see a European From Page 1 down Ux= course, Roatcbe enthusi- alsoactively boostingthemoralof culture being created more and asticallyran along side bet, hand in his buddy. Alldayhecouldbeseen more as a result of a fragmented as spina bifJda, visual impainnent, hand close by his buddy, fifth graoer mixture of all 12 individual cul- cerebral palsy, teed uauma, arthri- "I thought I would be nervous Chris Hutchinson, cheering him tures. tis, muscular dystrophy, and because I never got contact with on. Like two peas ina pod., Bayley MTV began broadcasting osthrogryposis, according to the anyone with a disability before," only leftHutchinson's sideonce, to in Europe on cable and event's co-director, Tracey Roatcbe admitted. But, as Ux= day satellite in 1987. However, Snyder, who graduated from soc concluded, "It feels returnwith lunchfor them to share. quickly, it had to move and Aside from the genuine concern WMCin 1991 progressed, of the volunteers, the spirit of ex- Lets Look at adjust its content to the really good inside to belp." Didlhey let that get in the way? It was apparent that being a overseas audience's tastes. So, Noway!!! Withtrebelpofover , buddy toachild meant much mere citement for the children was con- the World watching MTV as shown to tagious around the gym during the 125 volunteers tluoughout the to the volunteers than keeping fmalrelayrace. Italians, for instance, could community, the event featured score at each station. Senior Tony Afterwards, all of ue children By ELISABETH BmEAUD have some exotic spice to it various activities which challenged Brust,who was astudent co-direc- wereedomedwithmedalsend bal- Sl4/JWrl,,, from an American perspective. fundamental motor skills, while tor,said that he chosetobeabuddy loons, leaving with a certificate of CANADA- Check it out next time you go meeting the special needs of me again this year "for fun" and to their best scores. FeY Bullock, Conservative Defense abroad! children. "help the kids." these awards were the bottom line. Minister Kim Campbell who is Not onlywas there mass student Meanwhile. sophomore Eric "Kids only race against them- likely to become Canada's first Now, here is a steamy prob- involvement from Western Mary- Reeves and senior John Pitarresi selves. EVCI)'oocgets to win," he woman Prime Minister admit- lem: it may be useful to decide land, but the community overall. said. ted that she had smoked mart- which language Europe should The 6th annual Tomnament of ignited a friendship between their But, the children weren't the juana when sbe was a student use, whether it should be En- 8-yearold buddies who were from Champioosgrcwfrom 17cbildren only winners. Many of the volun- at British Columbia in the glish, Spanish or Esperanto. in its first ycar to 73 this year, ac- different scbools. Throughout the teers gained from the experience. 196Os.... And she inhaled the But even if Esperanto is chosen cording to its founder and director, day, Sam Markowitz and Jordan "It reaUyopened my eyes to how smoke!!!!! oh no! to be spoken in the European to the basket- Willis kept returning Jim Bullock. "I think the whole ball station for a friendly match, fmuoate one can really be." said She concluded that mari- Parliament or the airports, the college turned out," surveyed vol- buddies junior Man Lecorchick. Then, he juana did nothing for her and real problem is how Europe can unteer Bill Beu~ a 1953 WMC with their geed-natured added that the real reward was the she did not try again. achieve political unity through following along close behind. graduate. Volunteers came from While those volunteers helped polyglottism. The living lan- many organizations, as well as the the children fonn friendships.jun- feeling that a volunteer gets from ...back to serious, now ... guages should not become dead helpingthe children out, "You feel families and friends of the athletes iocDavid Smith traveled from sta- good about it after its all done," he languages. (it would be too to assist the event in a variety of tion to station with thewhole group reflected. THE FALL OF AN EMPIRE? much of a trauma for ways. from Southeast Middle School. The impact on both those par- - AMERICA ANDf- French!!) the After the opening parade.the "We're all going together to cheer ticipating and the volunteers will GLISH IN EUROPE- athletes from 20 different elemen- each otheron," Smith said motion- hopefullylead to the further growth 20 years ago, the stan d tary and high schools paired up ing to the four kids and buddies. of the annual event. With 4 years method for advertisers tryi to UNITED NATIONS- Did you know that there with their buddies for the day to His buddy, 7th grader Tamer Ali, of experience with the tournament, reach the European youth ar- are 60,000 U,N. peacekeepers visit the recreational stations that really appreciated the encourage- Snyder reflects her next goal, "I ket was to link the produ t to out on the planet at an annual were set up around the gym. While ment. "I think it's great!" be said would like to expand this state America However, even cost or approximately $2.8 thechildtossedtheballcrthewlhc inthemidstofthefrisl:re throw. wide!" though today nearly 70,% of frisbee, their buddy kept track of young people in the European billion? The 13operations that their test scores for distance aOO Community ages 18 to 24 are carried out at this moment accuracy. speak English, the American stretch from EI Salvador to Snyder, who currently works as Dream is no longer enough !! Angola, to the former Yugosla- a Physical Education teacber at Now, with satellite television via to Cambodia Hampstead Elementary School, and cable stations throughout The peacekeeping depart- pointed out that there were adapta- all Europe, diverse styles have ment is being reorganized and given a permanent planning tions for the disabilities, such as a profifercd and music and fash- beeper at the basketball net for ion are completely different unit to prepare operations. I blindchildren to bear where to aim what what you would see did not know that it did not al- ready existed before ... Well, in the ban. in America. The 60 yard dash was also an I grew up watching cartoons, order to "improve even more, option for the blind. "We got a soaps and cop stories made in voice and data communication track star here!" exclaimed WMC the U.S.A. Now, when I go with all peace rescue attempts freshman Michele Roatche, who home, Bill Cosby, Roseanne, or will be better planned, syn- was a buddy to JamcUeWord of Inspector Columbo ( and so chronized and made avail- able to the access or govern- ments intelligences. Here are some plans for the future: First, if a peace agree- ment is reached in Bosnia, the U.N. will send about 50,000 or more NATO troops in order to check and use force if necessary against the local res.istance. Second, the U.N. is dispatch- ing approximately 30,000 sol- diers and civilians to replace the American-led force in Somalia Andthereismoretocome ... Asfar as Bosnia is concerned, the ques- tion is: will that be enough? Isthe UN. on the right track? Is it really doing everything to solve the pr0b- r----::,......., horrors have to last untilsomebody While-supplies lem at itscore? How long will the I Coors Lt,. I riscs upandsays: ''ENOUGH !"Is : $11.99 : the excuse or poor voice and systerm data conununicatiom Icase cans I reaDy valid? M. Is ittrue that we do not have the means to carry on any [ ... ..••.I anned operation? If you have any L_~LC2,.~n.;..J answers to that, please share them with us!
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