Page 110 - ThePhoenix1992-93
P. 110
cAfc'S' & Entertainment March 22, 1993 Page 10 Chambers UplinkDebut lchaikovsky project? Demetri Lambros, editor and Bv THOMAS ROBERTS managing director of Uplink, ap- . Commemorative S"IUWrl~. proached Chambers and asked him if One guest appearance on a campus he cable channel and already he has his own him he would do two things. First, on ·Concoert.· was asked to make a guest appearance show. Who does this guy think he is . Trials and Tribulations, and second, to the President? WMC's own Dr. Robert Chambers star in his own show called "Ask Bob." last semcs- asked Chambers made his Uplink Cable Channel 17 debut terifhe Lambros was interested alter he made sev- on March 1, 1993 at 7:30 p.m. on the eral appearances on Tile Grant and Reid soap opera, Trials and Tribulations. Now, he has set his sights on taking pari Show- another pet project of Uplink. "They both struck me as good ideas," in an original question-and-answer talk said the president. show. The "Ask Bob" show is designed spe- Chambers made his "cameo appear- ance" in the show earlier this semester. Cifically for President Chambers, giving from He said that while he enjoyed letting the him the chance to answer questions to Cham- According students. WMC "ham" in him come our, he has no other bers, it would be a half-hour program in plans to guest star on Trials and Tribula- questions tions again in the future. which the or mailed in. could be either phoned "Thai's it forme," Chambers said of his soap opera career. "But I still don', Chambers said that as of now, there know exactly what the plot is yet." have been no definite plans for organiz- How did he get involved in this ing the sbow although it is scheduled to debut later this month. nr fft~§ill~!\l,C:;~~mi;>l1rssmiles,for,the1camera, Jam . From Page 9 smaller sized group-5 dancers and 3 began to recruit audience members. musicians-clearly enchanted and enter- "At flfSttheycouldn't get people," said rained their audience. "I truly wish ev- juniorMarkHughes,aB.SHmembe:r. "Ev- eryoneon campus could have seen just a erybcdy was scared It looked like fun, but glimpse of their performance," said jun- we didn't ihinkwecould oo n" ior Holly Presley, a psychology major. By taking five audience members to Junior Karen Downs, who is chair- start,the audiencebecamemoreinvolvcd. -r man of the CAP Board Performing Arts was one of the ftrSl ones they dragged up," Committee agreed that their perfor- said Johnson. But. as the dancing crowd mance was even more striking in person. grew.sbe quickly easedherwaytotheback. Downs recruited the group during a Cooper noted how pleased she was that National Association of College Activi- almost the entire audience was brave ties Conference over Fall Break, 1992. enough to give it a try. "1 was so pleased Arter they sent her some video tapes, that we could finally bring something like she worked with Corbell Logan, chair- that to western Maryland," she said. man of Second Stage and B.S.U. mem- Presley agreed, "If you missed them ber, 10 reach the final decision. this time and get a second chance to see The group was dressed in traditional them-don't miss it! It will be the most African garb, with the dancers constantly ninhibited, untamed night of your life!" changing. Beginning with the slow he exclaimed, rhythmic beat of the drums, which grew more and more intense, the wild frenzied Welcome dancing and throbbing drums took over the entire audience. Back ... "You felt like jumping out of your seat and joining right in, "said Presley. Obviously, the J.A.S.s.U. Dance Com- to Next Break pany sensed their audience clinging the edge of their scats. By the end of the Will Be performance, they invited everyone to participate in a traditional African dance. they Asking the audience to "pretend they Summer!!! were at a party" learning a dance,
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