Page 105 - ThePhoenix1992-93
P. 105
SditoriaJsLL.etters· March 22, 1993 Page 5 Students Can't Be Bought Another View of chines at the same time. Yes, Pibb instead of a Coke or fail to Dear Editor, I've heard me rumors thai West- gel my change back, I could Senior Class Gift I have a complaint - like al- em Maryland has once again care less if they planteddaiseys most everyone else who sub- betrayed its overpaying students in the end zone. And why do I Dear Editor, men and women, who make mits articles to Ihis paper. I by selling its soul to a corporate have to carry two hundred dol- After reading the edito- up WMC's alumni body. must admit, my complaint is interest in return for a cosmetic lars in "ones" in order that the rial, "A Gift of Apprecia- contribute significantly to petty, but to tell you the truth face-lift. How dare those ad- machine might like one picture tion for Mr. and Mrs. Col- the educational excellence I'm generally happy with ministrators look for ways to of George over anomer. lege," which appeared in of a WMC education. Bc . Western Maryland - Imagine improve where we live without If Coca-Cola thinks that the the February 18, edition of neve it or not, what students that. It's true, my complaint further spending our tuition dol- way to sell more Cokes at West- The Phoenix, I would like pay in tuition and fees cnv- has nothing to do with the ad- lars. If this rumor is (rue and ern Maryland is to buy us pre- to offer another view of the ers approximately 75% of ministration, or money, or Coca-Cola did spend what must sents, they are only half right. 1993 Senior Class Gift ef- the actual cost of attending even "glar" My problem is have been thousands dollars You see, while we may be a fort. Western Maryland. The rest with Coca-Cola. landscaping and painting our relatively small student body, The idea of graduating is paid for, in part, by gifts It seems to me that Coca- stadium, J respectfully thank we by far out-drink the even seniors banding together to from alumni. Cola has suddenly found rea- them. smaller administration. raise funds for a campus As art additional incen- son to not only increase the At the same time, I must ad- Sincerely, project, which will in some tive for seniors to partici- price of their product, but to mit that when I use their rna- David Weigelt '95 way enrich the College for pale in this worthwhile cr. neglect the service of its ma- chines lately and receive a Mr. future generations of stu- fort, Mr. Martin K.P. Hill, Secret ChristiansEverywhere dents, is not a new concept se. father of Jen a challenge '93, fund Hill has at western established Maryland. niors have, for years, taken of $5,000 towards the cam- Dear Editor, "Yes," I said, wondering "You are proud to be a ii~~ ~nf~ii:i~~~O~~~!st~::li; ~:~f~~c:~~t r~~:~s$~~O~~~ A strange thing happened what was so wrong about be- tome. ing a Christian. ~~~~~ti~:?;~~~s~~~~~ion~~ :~llt re:~~s~u~~rro~:~f~: ~~·dsHi~it~illanma:~:it!~~:~ I was trying to find the "You lead a Bible Study mystcnous squashball on Wednesday night at ::;~P:f C~ir~::ranss~~r~~;~ from past senior classes. $5~~0. February 15th and court on campus when I felt 9:30pm at the bottom of Big pus. All of them fit the de- ~a~~~ t~~ :~~~e of!~sd::;~ 21st, the Senior Class Gift someone pull me aside. He Baker? You Fellowship on flashed me a cross and Sunday nights in the Chris- ~i~~:tt~b~h;;c~~£e::~n~n~: ~U;i~~ ot~~~s, :~:~,I::S~,;~! ;?~6~~~:be;t~~hlh~os:s~~~; said, "Secret Christian, Are tian Fellowship Suite at you Robert Bates?" 7:30? You pray for the cam- they are silent. We have in- ~::tnt!~g'g~~~Sin~ia~~~:Sn~! ~:~~' ~:!Ie:bt~~~r ~:~~~ra~~ "Yes," r said totally per- pus on Tuesday at 12:30 in to raise funds plexed. the bottom of Big Baker? ~il~:ato:~o~;:·;r.Wb:;~I~y:~~i. Alumni of Hall the and WMC the pur- campus campaign. In just for the chase two class Ca- "Come with me," he said Confess." ~ taking me to the alleged "Yes, I confess," I said ~~~:;~b~:;s~i~~ehO~keern ~~~ boose, have a~tually en- nights, committee me.mbers y. hanced were obtain able the to Squash ball court. He wondering how many screws ~~a~~: p t~ugent~'S~n~on~ 'J"'a:nce';onh~~oneg'e'~'1f' appear- r;n ...·'i'p1l!a~H rOlaJffl}):11riO'ret'lba~ 31 knocked once and whis- did this guy have missi"ng, "I e pered, "I am the Way, the think it's fun." TheY';e t ;ecr:: Chr;sStti:~~ 19:3hi~a~e:~~c~~~ ~~aSr~i~! $3~~~~ sure thai 'all seni·ors Truth, and the Life. No "Fun? Do you realize it is everywhere on campus. Let funds for the establishment one comes to the Father ex- impossible for a Cbrtsnan will have the opportunity worth- to in this participate cept through me." Then who openly claims to be a ~~:; y~t:y d~~:tnl~ar:r:~~:~ of a book endowment for the door opened. Christian to have fun? I'm them." the Hoover Library. What while effort, a low cost The man shoved me in- afraid you have been brain- "But I do care," I said to is a book endowment? To pledge program has been de- committee. side and put me in a chair. washed." tbe strange man, "and if I put it simply, by the funds senior that veloped how by the it works: An are raised the Here's He shined a bright light on "No," I said standing up, personally have to visit ev- class will be deposited into initial pledge of only $5.93 me. Now, I've seen a lot of "This is crazy. I can have ery organization on campus, Coneges endowment, before cop movies, and 1 realized fun. I sing on Sundays, then I will," the savings account. One will be collected the remain- its and graduation, quickly that I had stumbled bowl on Saturdays, play vol- When will the Christians half of the annual interest der of the pledge, $75, will onto something big. leyball, and drink beer..;" stop being silent? When "Robert Bates, You "Beer?" he screamed. will they unite? earned from this account be due three years after $155.93 claim to be a Christian, but "Birch beer, but that Robert Bates will be reinvested into the graduation. program The will enable pledge half will account. The other openly engage in this doesn't matter. I'm proud to Class of ·94 be used to buy books for the seniors to make relatively library. Over the years,the small payments on their fund will grow and so will pledges over the course of the number of books it can four years. Pledges of any purchase for the Hoover li- amount will also be greatly brary (the first year the appreciated. The goal of class gift is fully funded, it this campaign is to have as will provide 15-20 books!) many seniors participate as It seems to me that the class possible. of 1993 will indeed be teav- The 1993 Senior Class ing the College with a gift Campaign is a program that never stops giving. which was designed to bring "For every end, there is a seniors together to raise new beginning." This is the funds for a project thai will theme for the 1993 Senior serve the College, for years Class to come, in a positive and Campaign. The theme is meaningful way, while at symbolic of the central pur- the same time, commemo- pose of any Senior Class rating the accomplishments Gift, to celebrate gradua- of the Class of 1993. tion and the entry of each Michael Razze
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