Page 106 - ThePhoenix1992-93
P. 106
J~eaturesILeUers_ ~ March 22,1993 Page 6 t·,;.-",,,, ;);,--- c, ,', ','"c, "uN" '","c",,'_"_ Students Approve of Dining Hall Changes By JOE STOFFA hard on ourselves, we have the other catering services but it $I4fIWriU, commitment to quality service," isn't competitive with super- Change, a word that Presi- markets," she added. Cotaroru. Colatorti said. dent Clinton made the focus of The six students surveyed when describing the student ca- his campaign, is a word the agreed that the service in Glar tering guide, said "The platters management of Englar Dining has improved since last year. we offer are very competitive in Hall have added to their menu. "Overall service has improved price." According to Mary Colatorti, c and over the four years I have In addition, White said that the director for Englar Dining J been here it has improved Ire- the silverware and dishes aren't Hall, Gtar has undergone many ... mendcusly," said Ed Rigling, a clean all of the time. -r found changes in the past year to im- ~ senior English major. dried-up food in my glass but prove its service to students. if! Junior Julie Simmons and didn't find it till Isaw it floating "We have improved but not so ~ senior Carol White also agree in my milk," said White. good it can't be better," said If that Glar has improved and now Bulich, when asked about Colatorti. has a larger variety to choose food presentation, explained Six students were asked how from on the menu. that they try to make the food they felt about the changes in in advance. or a catering guide committee currently has only 10 Freshman Ridge Knauff look presentable. "We can't do Glar and all agreed that the that allows them to order vari- members and thai others are likes the addition of grill items much with casserole dishes," changes have had a positive im- ous platters, she said. welcome to join. "We've pub- on line two and believes this is she confessed.On the subject of pact on service. Colatorti, who hopes the licized the committee but we do the major reason for Glar's im- cleanliness, Bulich pointed out Some of the things new to changes will improve the ser- lack participation," said provement that even dishwashers at home Glar are expanded bread and vice students receive, noted that Guenther. Sopbomore Kristin Vick said don't get dishes clean 100 per- salad bar selections, open deli "the Food Service Committee In an effort to collect more she loves the new decorations cent of the time. Employees nights on Tuesday, Wednesday, has made a lot of these changes input, Guenther visits her soror- and feels that the food isn't as check but some dirty dishes and and Thursday instead of just happen." ity floor and hands out a blank greasy. silverware will Slip out, she ac- two nights per week, and a The Food Service Commit- sheet of paper asking her soror- However, students did voice knowledged. "Vegan" entree, which is a veg- tee is one of several ways stu- ity sisters to write down any- some complaints about the din- According to Bulich, the etarian dinner that contains no dents can have a voice in the thing they want about the dining ing hall. Simmons heard that feedback they receive has animal or dairy products. dining hall's operation. Stu- hall. A lot of the committee's the dining hall was adding a been helpful and they now "The dining hall has alSo dents may also post their com- input comes from these surveys, TLC (Terrifically Light Cui- receive more positive com- changed the serving lines. Line pliments or complaints on the she said. sine) menu and she wants to ments. More negative com- one now consists of two bot en- napkin comment board, tell one The committee has brought know where it is. plaints come from fresh- trees, a vegetarian entree, one oftbe line servers, or talk to the about many changes to Giar, Cathy Bulich, production men because "they aren't starch, and two vegetables managers, said Colatorti. including the additions of the manager for the dining hall, used to being away from while line two now serves alter- Graduate student Erica Vegan entree and more choices says that the TLC is available mom's home cooking," she native choices such as pizza, Guenther, a member of the Food for vegetarians. but hasn't been marked on the said. ~ervic.e Commi}y.tee, said ~~ All of the changes in Glar Sue Anderson, a dining f:~~~t-~k~~~;:!~~~.ers,. goal of the committee is to VOice leave Colatom feeling very op- :~~y~~~~.~iIl¥ post~ ball employee, believes that Students now have the op- concerns. comments, and com- timistic. She adds that student White feels that food pre- Glar has improved tremen- tion of using the standardized pliments and meet together to perceptions will change about sentation isn't all that spectacu- dously. "Every employee meal exchange program where solve problems that come up. what can be done for improve- lar. She tried the chili the other here is trying to make it a they can select alternative meals Guenther added that the ment. "This is why we are so night and it looked very bad, but happier and nicer environ- What Ever Happened she admitted that it tasted pretty ment for the students," she Appearance is very im- said. good. Colatorti to College Sweethearts? portant and some students won't they are proud and Bulich say of their com- try the food if it looks bad, said institutional "For mitment. White. White also feels the catering cooking I think we are at the small school like W.M.C., said both at W.M.C., they had the top of the scale," said By KELLY BERG same goal - to graduate, but guide is a little too expensive. C"'drl_"lWns..- senior Beth Webster. "They say it's competitive with Bulich. True love can be sweet, but "When you're at W.M.C., after his graduation last May for some Western Maryland it's not like you're dating that they went their separate ways, College students the prospects she said. Webster CRANBERRY SQUARE After he graduated. are preuy sour. realized that they had different SHOPPING CENTER The idea of meeting the per- P.O.BOX867 son of your dreams while wait- goals. He wanted to settle down WESTMINSlCR, MD 2 I 158 while she wanted to travel and ing in line at Glar seems an ide- attend graduate school, she said. (410) 8574545' FAX 876-6677 alistic concept here on campus. "Putting effort into a rela- Junior Rochere Whitaker, tionship wasn't as important said that the existence of college my dreams." Webster said. as sweethearts is rare - almost It's hard enough for students non-existent. "I really don't believe in cot- ! to juggle academics and extra- lege sweethearts because I have; ~ curricular activities. After that, there is little time for a serious yet to see it," she said. relationship. Whitaker said most of the people she knows have off-cam- ===-.:::=::n~ ested Webster said she is not inter- she because in dating pus boyfriends. doesn't have time. Being a Why are more people in- one person; you're dating the Resident Assistant and a five volved in relationships off cam- whole campus because every- year member of the Army Na- pusthanon? Whitakerbelieves body knows," she said. tional Guard takes up enough people don't get together on For Webster,W.M.C. is a time as it is, she said. Also, campus because they are so comfortable and fun environ- school is very important to her close together. And if they do, mentfor love to grow. But,itis because she plans to attend it doesn't last because they after graduation that creates a graduate school, she said. share the same friends and cam- problem, said Webster. Another senior, Chris Lynch, pus and that can ruin a relation- Webster said she was in- said that he doesn't have a girl- ship, she said. volved in a wonderful two-year friend because he has other co- Another reason it's hard to relationship with someone on ligations. He said he is taking have a relationship on campus is campus but they broke up last 20 credits this semester and that there is no privacy at a September. When they were See Sweethearts, Page 7
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