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Features March 22, 1993 Page 7 / Making Women's History By CHRISTINE KEINER receivesis a function of the ques- history course." She says that Sl1ff w "Ii' tion one asks. women's history cannot be sepa- "Let's rewrite history with Why do we need women's his- rated from men 's h..istory and vice- women in it!" reads the motto of tory? "Well,theobviousansweris versa, and asks, "what propels his- The Wild Woman Association, a we've been getting men's history tory along?' Is it "war and esos- California-based publishing group foralongtime,"saysDr.Katherine erooe-dnven statesmanship," or which recently released Wild Rogers, who teaches the only (in the language of the Hindu life Women: Crusaders, Curmudgeons wonen'stnsceycocrseatwesern stages) '''the maintenance of the and Completely Corseuess Ladies MarylandCoUege. "It's important world'''? Klasmeier uses the in the Otherwise VinUQus ViCIo- to know what WOOlen have Hindu expression to describe nan Era achieved" beyond the slandard women's historical role: mainte- The book presents, in author textbook references to Betsy Ross nance of family, of children, of Autumn Stevens' words, "a few and Molly Pitcher. According to bnldmgs.cfmen. Theanswer,she aneneuve images to round out the Rogers, "evenuerecemsenes The says, oeperds on one's "'ideologi- Victorian photo album," Such a Civil War cut WOOlen oct" She cal prism," historian Barbara projectraisesseriousquestions,as says the twelve-bour program weler'stem fortbeindividual hi- does the existence of a "Women's mentioned neither Haniet Tubman ases through which historians flilf:r History Mooth." norDortlraDix,andthattbeonly and intetpret data, Indeed, what is women's tus- woman's voice was Mary Chest- Although Klasmeier says it is lOry? Who has the right 10 "re- nut, who was "bright but, ..not in important for groups like The Wild write"bistay? A"feature"article any sense a pioneer or forward Woman Association to find and can only present the question, thinker." doctnnent the significant women of though of course the answer one Rogers says we need women's the past, we should focus on history because "not enough atten- women's current actions: "We Sweethearts tion nas been given to movements shouJd be creating rather than re- of importance to women," such as writing history. Iknowthiswillget From PageS birth control, which cast light on me into trouble with the History playinglacrosserorw.M'C. He contemporary issues. In addition, Department, but historians are n0- is also a member of the Preach- beceusewomen'stustoryrecesser- toriously archaic-what do they ers fraternity, so he doesn't have ilyaddresses issuesofdcmesticla- doT' In her view, addressing the extra time for a girlfriend, he bor, it dispels the notion that "me SerOO' systematic raping and im- said. only worlc. is men's work," pregnating of 50,00) Bosnian On the other hand, being new Professor R. Patrick Reed has Muslim women "is much more on campus can also make hav- taught women's liiStayatolherin':- iffiPcrtanI ~thari' my,·!tabng a ing a relationship more difficult. stitutions and remains interested in women'shistorycourseatWestem Freshman Heather Reese said ntecause "it gives particularly use- Maryland CoUege--and much she hasn't met anyone who she ful insights into understanding the more important than this artide is interested in dating. She said structure of the past." He frames you're writing." she is hasn't met many people his questions in the context of Kristina Johnson '93, a because she isn't involved in IXJ'NCf,citing the Salem witch tria1s women's studies and sociology that many activities. as "tteclassicexemple" of bow the miner and psycbology major, af- Despite these factors, one roles of women illuminate the flrmstbeneedforwomen's history sophomore couple may be on analysis of historical events: "To becauseofit<>oonsequencesforthe their way to becoming college understand them you have to presenl Assbesays,discovering JSU to Sponsor sweethearts. Jenny Brown and understand ...that the witchcraft the existence oftre black feminist Lee Stratton have been exclu- scare-or the reality of witch- movement marked "the day that Passover Seder sively dating for about a year craft-began amongst a group of changed my life." On that day in and three months now. young womenataparticularly vul- Dr. Ira Zepp's "Uberatioo Move- By S.A.·SoMMER AND AARON' to auow it to rise. Because they aren't involved mab!e period of their lives in that ments and Hmnan Freedcrn" class KAlIN The Seder begins with a in a lot of activities, they have ~." Thusthewitchtrialswere she. heard the Rev. Cheryl Ander- N,...,U",,,,,,dC ...... ,,,,•..,w,;w· ritual washing of the hands to ample time to spend together. notsimpl.yafunctionof~c son, a Womanisl, address the his- On April 8, 1993 the Jewish purify so that all present may Brown said they don't feel pres- separation. but a complex represen- tory of African-Arrerican worren. Student Union will sponsor a receive the gifts of G-d symbol- sured to spend time with other tationofhowIXlWerwas"accessed "She made me realize there was a Passover Seder for the entire ized by tbe Seder meal. Then people because they have mu- and used vertically throughout the place for me-a place roc black campus. The Seder, a meal cel- tbe symboli~ foods, which have tual friends and they socialize samerommunity." WOOlen" woo, she says, have been ebrating Passover, will be held been arranged on the Seder together. When asked what righllle ha<; exduded from both the American in the President's Dining Room plate, are distributed to all ac- But they too aren't without a<;a man to work in the ftekl, Rced wOO\e(\'s movement and the civil at 6:00 pm. cording to the Haggadah, the their problems. ,When Brown declares, "the fact that I am Il()( a rights movement "rthinkifsvery Mariy students may not be Passover narrative. decided to rush this past semes- woman does not disqualify me necessary to know aOOut your past aware of the significance of the The Leader then takes the ter, they agreed that it put a from teaching women's history. before you try to create it," says Passover Seder to the Jewish three matzot and breaks the strain on their relationship. ...1 can present the facts of sexual Johnson. "I'm definitely not quiet people. The Seder on campus is middle one in half, setting one Brown said it was hard on discrimination; (however,) I can't anytnOre." an opportunity for all members of the pieces a<;ide for the Stratton because she had made a pretencltopresenttherealityofdis- In-.onIyby_gtbe of the WMC community to Aflkoman, or dessert. He then sudden decision to rush and he criminatioo." Reed iclentif1CShim- IXJwer imbalances of the past can come and learn about this im- takes the AfIkoman and places was not expecting il After they self a<;a iX non-fonnal holidays. During this festival, complete, the Leader has to buy ity for the couple, but it may be meaningoftheJX& Whatlbelieve wcrlcforce), yet receive a tenth of people of the Jewish faith com- back the Aflkoman with a gift. too soon to tell. to be recessary is a more inclusive the world's incane. Womenown memorate the deliverance of If you are interested in learn- ..It's not like we haven't teachingofhistay" lessthanooepen:entoftheworld's their ancestors from slavery in ing more about Passover or talked about it. Wehavealotof Coleen Klasmeier '93 does not property, a<; documented by the Egypt by having Seders and eat- other Jewish traditions come time so we don't worry about il, minceheJ"words: "rrejecttheidea UnitedNationsDevelop;nentFund ing matzoh. Matzoh is the and join the Jewish Student now," Brown said. of women's history. I think it's forWomen. Amaeindusivedis- unleavened bread which the Union at their Passover Seder. For now, not many on-cam- very signif!C3llt that a<; a history lributioo of material benefit<> is in- Jewish people. led by Moses, RSVP to Aaron Rosen, box 863, pus are interested in having a majoc and a woman----and a femi- separable from a more inclusive carried into the desert with them by April 1, 1993. All are wel- college sweetheart. '. nist..........J:'venever Iaken a women's teo:Itingofrus>xy. because they did not have time come and enrouraged to attend.
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