Page 108 - ThePhoenix1992-93
P. 108
NewslF-eatures March 22,1993~age8 Westminster Inn Bar Soon To Change Location By THOMAS ROBERTS be enclosed with glass panels which SOI/fWn'". would resemble our own dining porch in A local bar in Weslminster will be Glar. This will give Ih~ patio the same moving to a new location bot it can be open air effect as it has in the past ac- found only a stones throwaway from the cording to tbe pub manager, Boush. ongtnarone. Also, the ceiling will have five remov- The bar is the Naughty Boys Pub able glass panels that will be taken out which operates in the basement of the fortbehotterweather. Westminster Inn which is located off Table seating will be one of the pluses Main Street on Center Street. The pub gained by moving to the courtyard, ac- has been in that location for the past four cording to the general manager. As of years ever since the tbe bed and breakfast right now, the pub consists of a small hoierrestauranr opened. front bar and seating area with a larger According to the Naughty Boys Pub seating area in the back. Manager Bruce Boush, the plans of the The tight seating arrangement bas not establishment are to move the bar area to kept the popularity of the pub from fal- a different yet convenient location. They tering. have decided to enclose the courtyard On campus, the Naugbty Boys' Pub area located behind tbe main building. The Westminster Inn stands in all its glory. is affectionately known as "The Inn," ac- This section is usually open only during cording to most WMC students. Some the spring and summer months. students are even members of the Boush speculated that the new pub Naughty Boys' Pub Mug Club which will be finished construction by May. He entitles them to their own personal and said that they are running behind sched- numbered 20 ounce mug. ule because of the current weather con- The dawn of a new location for the ditions. pub has brought positive results from And why have they decided to do students/mug holders on campus. this? "It's better for the customers," said "Personally, I like the idea. I wish Boush. they had thougbt of it sooner," said se- Also, the general manager of the nior and mug owner Sabra Karr. westminster Inn, David Homer, had a Junior and mug owner Christian few comments on this subject. Radjowski said, "I think that's a fabulous "We decided to do this because of the idea for a bar around here." request and demand of the courtyard year Homer, the general manager, left off round," said Homer. "Now we don't by saying how pleased they are with en- have to be at the mercy of the weather for closing the courtyard. the courtyard to be open." Asked what the old pub space will be ",..:,,... According to Horhen.the current pub' used for Horner said they .may make it area will at no time be closed so as net 10 into a gourmet carry out store but that inconvenience customers such as WMC idea is stilI upin the air. students. He also said that the beer, food Homer concluded by saying, "The menu and bappy hour times will Slay the pub being moved to the courtyard will same. give us an outdoor eunosphere all year The outside area of the courtyard will round." The Future of WMCR ctassmen are willing to assume more re- By JOSEPH STOITA SJo/fw,;". sponsibility," said Miller. The future of Western Maryland Col- Station Manager Andy Coutts says lege Radio hangs in uncertainty as 50 per- that people involved with the station last cent of the executive staff will be graduat- year didn't take it seriously. This year, ing later this spring. However, according those on the staff arc more dedicated to Amy Hackman, General Manager of which is wbat the station needs next year, WMCR, losing five of the 10 executives said Couns. won't damage the station. According to Hackman, elections for "I really don't see any problems because executive positions will be held some- people 'Who aren't on the executive staff time in the beginning of April. right now know a lot already," said Hack- It is hard to believe that the station is man. In addition, underclass involvement already six-years-old. However, the idea is abundant this year, indicating the poten- of having a campus radio station is much tial for strong leadership in the future, she older. "People have been trying to get a said. station since the 1940's but there was no David Miller, forrncr General Manager administrative or student support," said and current News Director, hopes for a Miller. smooth transition but admits the changes Finally, in 1987, WMCR was born could be positive or negative. "Good thanks to the leadership and drive of stu things can happen but only if the under- dent Dave Sweezy. Since then, the sta Schmitt's ~ Drugs X4)l·59X()· FAX-X76-20X I 5S E. MAIN STREET, WESTMINSTER, MD 21157 -Computcnzcd -fux and Copy Service Prescription Service ·24IIr. Film Service -Bccr-wtnes-I .iquur ·1.u!I(:heol1cHe
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