Page 109 - ThePhoenix1992-93
P. 109
.. Arts & Entertainment March 22, 1993 Page 9 Students Jam With J.A.A.S.U. and By RANEE DI':YO AND JESSiCA others chose to relish a cultural event, a car accident 60 Seconds CAP Board, sors, 8.S.U. FISHEL experience for free right on F""""".£tj;""dodC,",,,;b .. I"$W,;,,, had previously scheduled the It was a Thursday night-a campus when the J.A.A.S.U. almost pre- presented time to let loose and party for Dance Company African Dance vented the group from perform- their traditional many WMC students-and all ensemble on Feb. 18, accord- mg. A week before, five group in the were injured members around campus people were ing to Donna Cooper, co-advt- wreck. "The stilt walker had ~~_Campus making decisions. sor or me 8.S.V. broken ribs," said Kristina Some were opting for the What many participants popular $5 Champs night with later called an "unforgettable" Johnson, vice president of the B.S.V. some hip-hop dancing. experience was also a fortunate Despite their misfortune, the On the other hand, about 70 one. Altbough tbe co-spon- See Jam, Page 10 The Future How do you cope with spring fever? From Pa e8 non has grown incredibly. The Miller. not to follow any format. "It is original station consisted of 10 "In the long run we would a listening and learning expcri- people, a very small studio, and like to upgrade to an FM fre- ence," said Miller. Playing mu- an even smaller music collec- quency which would allow us sic is suppose to be fun and at- tion, said Miller. Today the or- to impact not only Westmin- lowing the OJ's to play what ganization has grown toabout45 ster, but Baltimore as well," he they want keeps the station people, two studios, and an im- said. fresh, he added. pressive collection of music, he The station would also liked To be consistently on the air said. to be recognized more by the is another goal of the station, "[just go with the The station hasn't forgotten student body. The station gets said Miller. It bas been impos- flow. " Sweezy's contributions and to criticized for not playing sible this semester because the show their appreciation named enough ofacertain type ofmu- station's broadcast over cable the main studio "Studio Sweez." sic, said Hackman. The station channel three isn't working and Continued growth is a goal doesn't put limits on the OJ's the problem of playing in Hackman and Miller are hopeful and anyone tbat wants to hear a decker was just recently taken for and they feel it is something certain kind of music can join care of. \'lllgaliqootwlJrense to be fiscal support and that's fi),,)oon~ ~wilhtwo about n, he said. OfJlerstafl_eo_ Coutts stresses they had all w~mChargeof!listn'OOtinglbe of Jan term to fix the cable. tee and cbecldng for _ "We are very dissatisfied with foml&Qf~'Ihi;i1n- how the administration is han- "Idressfor it. " dling the situation," he con- fessed. Dr. Seidel, who is respon- sible for bringing cable to WMC,says they can't find any· thing wrong with the cable equipment on their end. "The signal isn't getting from the ra- Jeff Peveto '94 dio station to the head end. It's Business Administration a long suctcb but I'm hoping it is something simple to find," he said. Seidel says the main rea- son for the delay is they haven't been able to locate any problems. He added that the company that in- stalled the cable, Vision Source. charges a lot of money for each visit and Lankford '95 stresses there isn't enough Art and Art History money in the budget to have them keep coming down. However, Vision Source is presently scheduled to come "I get really excited back in about a week to about green trees. " check for a problem. "The problem may be at the station but tbe only way to check is to have the sta- tion on the air," he said.
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