Page 60 - ThePhoenix1991-92
P. 60
Page 4 Western Maryland College February 28, 1992 Editorial: Finally, a Parking Space! Have you ever watched a cal stalk a bird or a dog chase a squirrel? This hum isn't any different You do it, we all do it, and it happens every day. You can sec people circling their prey, sial king pedestrians,and finally lashing out with a screech. It is the hunt for a parking space, any parking space this side of Frizzlcburg. Editorial: ProtestNewRequirement Over 2000 students and employees at WMC are com- Bi ;;·"1~;.llIIZ@~ lim _Eill peting for 763 spaces forcing late comers to overflow 1« ow down West Main Street and along other side streets. By JENl'iWER SCOTI to spend inordinate amounts of money on the Of Loyola, Mt. SL Mary's, and Johns Hopkins, West- &ii,tw.,.-CA, meal plan. ern Maryland has been the only to allow freshman park- The class of 1994 has been screwed again. The Express Plan has helped a little. Students ing. When they entered in the fall of 1990, there can now eat $50 wonh at the Pub (if they don't Not that I'm against students having cars (I realize it is was no housing requirement. spend it in the Bookstore), but they still have 17 more man a convenience for many) but something had to They could live on-campus or off, as their bud- meals at Glar that they either have to force down be done. get and their indigestion allowed. But then last or waste, uneaten. The new parking policy going into effect next year pro- year they got hit with the news: as sophomores, Perhaps students would be able to stomach the hibiting freshman to have cars is the best alternative to that choice would be taken away from them. new housing requirement better if they had more paving a field, but it may still not be enough. But prohib- Well, the administration has done it again this (and cheaper) dining alternatives. iting cars to freshmen is not the only alternative. year by hitting the class of 1994 with yet another The administration must realize that if we are What about those parking lots that never seem to be housing restriction. hit with decisions we don't like, we won't put up filled, right under our noses? Students are upset, and rightfully so. It is al- with them. What use do the faculty and staff have for whole lots ready the end of February. Plans have been made Associate Dean of Student Affairs Frank la- designated as "24-hour"? How often have you seen an to live off campus by some. Leases have even mas said that no one complained when the last open space behind Rouzer, Daniel MacLca, or next to the been signed or were just about to be. restriction was imposed. Library but were prevented from going near it by the om- I do not like the idea of a housing requirement, Maybe no one complained vocally, but how nipresent "Towing Enforced" signs? but if WMC feels it can't get students to live here many students transferred outlast year because Why do they need to park next to the dormitories. any- any other way, there are beuer ways to go about they were restricted? How many will transfer this way, if they aren't going to use it for another eight hours? implementing it than announcing it me beginning year because of Iunher restrictions? Why can't the faculty, staff, and administrators park be- of spring semester. The administration expects the same silence hind Harrison and Carroll House, instead of us? Marshall Price has suggested that a grandfa- this time around. This may seem disrespectful, but leaving their cars next ther clause be put into effect. Don't silently transfer out. .. Protest! to the three dormitories that can house over 600 students That means new rules are suspended for the Make a difference for your cJass and those that is similar to us going to their houses, parking in their ga- present student body, but applied to incoming will follow. Write to The Phoenix; write to Stu- rages and visiting someone across the street. 0 classes who don't know any better. dent Affairs; write to President Chambers. March This new requirement comes Letters to the Editor: fewer PA houses will be available at a time when on the quad! can be, and is, ignored. 0 listen. Make the administration for alternative The result is more people housing. being forced Silence _jiiJ:~'!C].L" 2;.·~"E;'.f;:; r---------------------~ written in fine print) that came Credit and Calling tible to theft as well. Recently, with your credit or calling card The Phoenix Card Theft... ~h~a~k~c:~:~~~a~~~~I::O~~~ as to what to do if something is Editor-ln-Chter " " Jennifer Scott wrong on your bill. Dear Editor, the keypad as guard against oth- A word to the wise. ..:::~'.::=~~~~~~~~~r:::~ Recently on television, there ers observing the numbers en- Don Ehrhardt ~:~;u~~~~o:.~~~~~~~: •.::::::::::: ..': ...: was a story of how telephone tered. Credit eard numbers used Administrative Compuier Sevices Sports Editor " Ed Rigling calling card numbers were sto- in ATM machines can be sold or Arts & Entertainment Editor Demetri Lambros len, then sold to other people. used for over-the-phone pur- Response from Photography Editor " Bob Kirkendall Last month, this evidently hap- chases, then the purchases can Library ... Cartoonist ..· · Mike Jenkins pened LOa WMC staff-member. be re-sold. Business Manager " Mark Long The story showed that a If you're using an ATM that Dear Editor, Advertising Managers Wah Eife and Bill Michaelsen video camera focused on a pay doesn't have a shield, or a pub- I am writing in response to Faculty Advisor Terry Dalton phone booth could record a per- lic telephone, here 's a couple of your comments in the February Student Advisor Andrea Covington son dialing long distance using suggestions to protect your 3 issue of The Phoenix regard- The Phoenix is published bi-weekly. The opinions expressed his or her calling card. The cards: calling or credit. Always ing library hours and the library do not necessarily reflect those of Phoenix starr members, the video would be played back, the insure that no one is close by collection. faculty, or the administration at Western Maryland College. calling card number written that could watch what numbers The theft of a campus tele- The Phoenix welcomes free-lance submissions on Macintosh or down and sold. The unsuspect- are entered. Also, cover up the phone (and of a wall clock sto- IBM disk in most word processor formats. The editor reserves ing person would receive the buttons with one hand when di- len within 24 hours of its instal- the right to edit for clarity, length and liable, and will be bill a month later. aling or entering a number. This lation) from the Library Com- published as space permits. Letters to the Editor that are one Fortunately, the long dis- protects the numbers dialed mons last October underlined page, typed, and double-spaced are guaremeed publication in tance company issuing the card from being recorded on video or the vulnerability of the site dur- the upcoming issue. The editor reserves the right to edit for liable. to the staff member saw the re- by spotters with binoculars. ing the hours after midnight. sults and cancelled the card. The In the recent incident with Following the incident, All submissions (excluding self-addressed diskettes) become the property of The Phoenix and cannot be returned. bill for that card was in excess the starr member, the long dis- Campus Safety officers ex- of $725 for over 500 minutes of tance company will be remov- pressed great concern about Please include a name and phone number for verification. The Phoenix international calls made during ing the calls from the bill. If this their ability to provide for the Address mail to: a two hour period. happens to your personal card, safety and security of persons 2 College Hill Western Maryland College 21157 MD Westminster, ATM machines arc suscep- follow the instructions (usually See LETTER, Pg. 5 Col. I