Page 61 - ThePhoenix1991-92
P. 61
February 28, 1992 Western Maryland College PageS Letters to the Continued: Letter Housing Policy is Unfair ... 60 Seconds From Page 4 Dear Editor, using the Commons late at night. administration has once again taken it upon itself on Campus It has come to my attention in the last week that the The subsequent decision to close the Com- In mons at midnight was based on sincere concern change a housing policy, requiring students of junior sa- By Bob Kirkendall for the safety of persons, not properly, and was lUS In live on campus, effective September 1992. a shared decision, not dictated by a single office. When 1 received the notice infonning me of this What do you think Joanne In response to your rhetorical question change Iwas funous. but then Irealized that this really (v.c.why is it li.e., the Library] closed alilhe didn't surprise me ataIJ. Goldwater does in her spare time? time"), Iwould point out that the Library is open Ihad almost come In expect it as the edministraicn about 97 hours per week during the academic had done the same thing 1Osophomores I
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