Page 64 - ThePhoenix1991-92
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PageS Western Maryland College Focus on a Student: Grant Sheehan shooting," he said. all my classes. With a liberal nv D~:METRllAMIlROS That feat was remarkable in arts education I can keep Imy 1 Amolbo"",i"""AlH.ii,,,, itsclf, since he either had one, options wide open." Grant Sheehan, a senior two, or no crew members to as- Although WMC does not communication major is prob- sist him everyday. "Some of the have a structured film study cur- ably the closest thing WMC has cast members worked as crew riculum, Sheehan was able to to a jack-of-all-trades. He's an members, and I appreciated design his own concentration in honor student. He's a drummer that. Ireally see film as a team film and video studies. "It in a hard-core band. He's the effort," he said. doesn't matter where you go," president of Uplink, the student- He became involved in film he said. "If you have the motiva- run cahle station. He's a because he saw it as a way to tion and desire to do it, you can scriptwriter. He's a film-maker. "make people see themselves in ~~~.'~ccess to everything you And he's editing a feature a different way. [Film 1 can ex- length video project. pose truth," he said. As president of Uplink, This Jan. Term Sheehan di- Sheehan first came to WMC Sheehan purchased new editing rected a full-length feature with an interest in working on equipment for the student-run video project on campus. special effects make-up for hor- station, and has been trying to Sheehan also wrote the ror films, and by his sophomore find people to help. script, acted in it, worked as a year, he knew he wanted to di- He has been building student crew member, lighting de- rect film. interest in the station, and hopes signer, and as his own location WMC's liberal arts program to have some type of daily, manager. Shooting began on has assisted him in his film- prime-time programming by the He is also con- January 6, and was completed making enormously. "I've got- end of March. having a video booth f~~~",,:::~~~~~!fI!I!!!I;==~!!IIII~~~ on the last day of Jan. Term, ten a really, really good educa- templating "the exact day Iwanted to finish Lion, landl I can pull ideas from at Spring Ring this May. 0 Black Student Union Sponsors Drama Fest By ROBIN Bt.:TH ASKINS with Jennifer Cormeny reciting speech by Marcus Garvey, read Dumbar's "My Sort of Man." from Victor, victoria. C",,"ibJoJi.gR'I,(N'k' a JX>Cmby Maya Angelou. by Kevin Richardson. Robin Beth Askins, with the aid Not only did BSU members The Black Student Union Rochere Whitaker, took the Richardson is currently the of slides, spoke about African take part in the Drama Fest, sponsored the Drama Fest, stage next, singing, accapelJa President of the BSU. Other American Women in History. some even wrote, directed and bringing together a variety of "What the World Needs Now." members of the BSU, Pat Other performers who are acted in original pieces. talents from the WMC Commu- Later, Mark Hughes read three Young and Wayne Brooks sang not active in the BSU, but sup- Eric Byrd, a senior music nity February 19. poems by M.L. Moore. tts so Hard to Say Goodbye by ported the everu, were major, played his originally Corbett Logan, a junior so- Adding to the variety of the BOYZII MEN. Demetrios Lambros, and RJ composed piano piece entitled cial work major, was the Me for show, Jerel Moses, a three year Kristina Johnson, a coordi- Measday. Lambros did a im- "Kristen's Song." Freshman the evening's event that drew a old from the New Era Day Care, nator of the event, and Jennifer provisation on his feelings on psychology major James crowd of a hundred people. recited poems. Cormeny performedanoriginal Black History Month and Fclhon wroLc both "A letter to The Drama Fest opened The show continued with a interpretation of Paul Lawrence Measday sang "Le Jazz Hot," David Duke" and "Who Am I?" The latter which was performed by Renee Bartley, Anissa It's Here . SLICES! Corbeu Logan, Dcandra Brice. and Bartley. and also wrote Slices Plus Delivers acted in his original skit, along with James Fullton. was brought The evening to Your Dorm an end when LaFasha Kenney to Sun. thru Fri. and Andrea Mack led the audi- of "Lift Every ence in a chorus 6 PM to 10:30 PM Voice and Sing." Tiffany Jenkins, a sopho- Begins Sunday, 311192 more and Resident Assistant, said later that the show "was in- spiring and touching." Dial to "more Her only regret was that the Greek people from Place Your All Pizza is community and other organiza- Served with tions did not come out to sec the show." Fresh Dough Order! Our Very Own A reception followed in WMC Favorite Ext. 642 WMC Deluxe McDaniel Lounge. The Drama Fest was just one several Cheese Pizza $6.75 Your Bread Sticks! of Black History events honoring Month. \ Add'l Toppings 75ยข Each Pub & Grille ribbon The BSU also sponsored stu- a campaign where \ dents could show their support by wearing the colors of the Af- 25 On rican Flag: red, green, and black. Dr. Peggy February Brooks-Bertram discussed the topic, African Origins of Humanity.A BSU open house was hosted in their clubroom located in McDaniel Hall on February 27. 0
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