Page 59 - ThePhoenix1991-92
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February 28, 1992 Western Maryland College Page 3 South African Ambassador Time Table for Nominated for Honorary Degree Honorary Degrees Summer before ceremony Currently, he does not "think ment. President's Office receives nominations. Letters sent to tac. it would be in the best interest of Despite the report from ulty requesting nominations. All WMC Community members can The college Board of'Trustees the college" to offer the ambas- Smothers, Resnick continues to nominate candidates. 20·25 has been discussing whether or sador the degree. support the nomination. "When The office normally receives nominees. not to offer an honorary degree Ambassador Schwarz could somebody goes against the tide," Late Summer Academic Affairs Committee to the Ambassador from South not be reached for comment. it makes them an exceptional nominees to present to full board. meets to select also four selected or five to Alternatives Africa since July 23, according Vemie Chetty, spokeswoman person, he said. replace first choice candidates who can not accept. to college president Robert for the South African Embassy, Black trustee Wayne Curry Candidates announced to Executive Cern- Chambers. did say however that Schwarz's agrees with Resnick and also mittee of Board. According to white trustee views on property ownership supports Schwarz 's nomination. October Allcck Resnick, the ambassador , were fair. Curry said, "The real key is Academic Affairs Committee Chair pre- for vote. Harry Heinz Schwarz, has been bassador has never received an whether or not the man's life's sents selected Office nominees to approved can· President's writes an opponent of apartheid through honorary degree before. work stands as a tribute ID the didates and asks them to come to earn- out his political career. Resnick, AccordingtoChambers,hon- empowerment of everybody." pus 10 receive degrees. who originally nominated orary degree candidates are nor- Marjorie Lippy, the chair of Winter Schwarz for the degree, said that mally approved in October by the committee that originally Candidates notify President's Office. the ambassador was legal coun- the board. Because of the con- presented Schwarz tothetrustecs Alternates notified, if necessary. sel to anti-apartheid activist troversy over Schwarz, however, as acandidate, also supports him May Nelson Mandela. He also said his nomination was tabled. Sub- because of his anti-apartheid ac- Honorary degrees presented at that Schwarz has been ambassa- sequently, the issue can not be uviues. graduation ceremony. dor since May. discussed again unless someone However, Anne Griffin, leg- Source. President Robert Chambers Trustee Joseph Smothers, raisesit at a future trustees meet- islative director for Trans-Af- who is black, does not support ing. rica, said Schwarz would not be BSU president Kevin never came. Both Richardson the nomination. Resnick said that he does not a good candidate since he works Richardson said, "I need more and Byrd said that black students Smothers said that he had re- plan to raise theissueateitherthe for the South African govern- concrete evidence.; before 1 on campus will not support the ceived information that February or April meetings, but mem now. make a final decision." nomination. Schwarz's position on the prop- will resubmit the ambassador for Political science professor Richardson and other BSU "I don't understand how a erty rights of Africans and consideration during the sum- Patrick Reed agreed with Grif- members were consulted by the society that's racist is supposed coloreds was questionable, but fin, saying that Schwarz was fine trustees about the nomination on to have a representative that's would not comment further. He Opinion 011 whether or not to as an individual but is primarily December2,according toCham- foreign ID their thinking," Byrd said that he is waiting for a letter offer the degree to the ambassa- identified as a representative of bcrs. BSU member Eric Byrd said. 0 to be sent to Academic Affairs dor has centered around what he the government, said that Chambers was sup- Committee Chair Marjorie represents. Many people have White sociology professor F. posed to supply the organization Lippy from Randall Robinson, said that he is a symbol of the Glen Ashburn said he does not with the telephone number for Be A Magazine head of the foreign policy lobby- college's ideals, but others point support the nomination because the South African embassy so Model! ing group TransAfrica, which to the fact that he is the delegate of the "unseuled conditions" in that they could do their own in- will give him more information. of the South African govern- South Africa. vestigation, but the number CCC Students Get a Small Taste ofWMC aroon and Director of Housing friendliness of the students. 8v KRISJ1NE HOLLAND lng Western Maryland showed COp)FLliu" Joanne Goldwater, Bandel set "It wouldn't have been suc- him the academic and social dif- This Jan. Term 15 students up an exciting agenda of acuvi- cessful without the students ferences between his commu- from Catonsville Community lies and learning experiences. here. The students made them nity college and a small four- College received full scholar- She took them to many places feel welcome," she said. year college. Trostle said that ships with room, board, tuition, on campus that could help them Steven Trostle, CCC sopho- one of the best parts of his Jan. and books included to attend with the transition from two- more, was nervous about how Term at WMC was living in a Western Maryland College. year to four-year college includ- WMC students would react to- donn. "I learned how incred- Co-sponsored by CCC and ing the admissions office and ward him. "We went into this ibly nice it is to just roll out of WMC, the program was set in the career department. program with our shields and bed and go to class instead of motion three years ago ID en- On the social scene, Bandel armour on because we thought driving twenty minutes every- courage two-year college stu- showed them how ID tie cherry people would look down on us day," he said. ENTER THE "GLAMOUR dents with outstanding grade stems with her tongue, played since we were going to a com- Bandel enjoyed her job this MODELS" MAGAZINE point averages to go on to a basketball and volleyball with munity college," he said. Jan. Term so much that she de- MODEL SEARCH! four-year college. them, took them ID the best bars, "However, everyone made cided she will definitely enter a DOf\'tmissthisfantastic~portu· Junior Lisa Bandel, who and coerced them all into get- us feel so comfortable, not just career in student personnel. She nity! Over 200winners to be transferred from CCC last se- ting fake tattoos as a practical the people who were running said, "It was a great experience selectedfor magarine covers and mester, was the peer advisor and joke on Dean Disharoon. the programs. We even had con- working with student personnel. editorials! The rand prize winner coordinator this year. With the Bandel said what impressed versations with the ladies in the It showed me a small view of will receive a proi"essionalmodel aid of Assistant Dean of Aca- the Catonsville students the lunchlines." what my future career will be portfolio and case valued at $2000! demic Affairs Barbara Dish- most about WMC was the According to Trostle, attend- like" 0 For free details, call: 848-4624 Anytime or Come by on". Help Wanted Rape Myth #65 Sat. March 7th tOamto 8pm Sports-oriented boys camp in Maine seeks Myth: Rape on college campuses is ~rated. Comforllnn, f::e~f:~~7J:p~r~ri~dlzt:l;~~t~:'i:';!1:~%;;:a~g students and teachers to serve as counselors. FACT Authorities all ~ee that rape 011 campus is far more Presidential Suite Instruct tennis, basketball, golf, lacrosse, :z:gbk::w~~t"~~r,,:€er';p:~::;fttf:rh::mtz:~~:~~:,:::: Westminster swimming, boating, arts/crafts, etc. authorities .. ljlLflo/lRI.140/or876-00fO,IDam.8pm enroll Contact Lee Horowitz, 7900 Stevenson Rd., For help or more information, contact the Rape Crisis Intcrven- Meet Don Kelly-to Model In the magazine Baltimore, MD 21208, (410)653-2480. tion Service for free assistance. All inquiries arc confidentiaL Search! Men and Women Hotline: 857·1322 Office: 851-0900 welcome. Bring Photos!
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