Page 58 - ThePhoenix1991-92
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Western Maryland College Focus ona Professor: Dr. Carol Rouzer Rumor has it (Rumors spread quick on campus, it seems.) By P~::n:R warrs that the Pub will shortly begin delivering its college-famous S/JiffR.por'" pizza (please note sarcasm) todonn rooms. Now wouldn't that Dr. Carol Rouzer, associate professor of chem- belovcly? istry at WMC, was recently awarded the Cottrell Ican imagine what it's going to be like. College Science Award in the form of a $35,000 Delivery persons will have to wear silly-looking tiger cos- grant from Research Corporation. tumes so that they look like the Express Plan™ tiger. They'll If good data is obtained from the research, a pa- also cany a portable eard machine so that you can charge your per will be published, which will open the field to multi-topping (mmm--mmm good!) pizza to your Express the big research giants like Harvard and Yale. She Card™. hopes a drug from these experiments might be on And they'll have a tiny green tiger coin that you get with ev- the market within ten years. ery large pizza, and after collecting 12 coins, you can redeem The two-year grant covers a stipend for herself them for a free, multi-topping (mmm-mmm good/) pizza as well as two student assistants for the next two But what if you arconcof'ihc few pcoplcon campus who do summers. not like the Pub's pizza (hereon denoted as PPTM)?And what if Juniors Tricia Skinner, a chemistry major, and most of the work can now be done at WMC. you want a delicious Dominocs™ pizza instead? Or a Pizza Erin Thompson, a biology/chemistry dual major, If a drug can be found, Rouzer is well qualified Hut™ pizza? Or Monopolyt" pizza? have been selected by Rouzer to help in the re- to help in the process. She received her BA from Well, you can get it hand delivered to you in the middle of search. The money will also be used to buy another winter(inasnowstorm preferably), in front of Rouzer HaJJ. It's high-performance liquid chromatograph for the WMC in 1976, a PhD in biochemistry from Rockcrfeller University in 1982, and an MD from only a short walk from Blanche. McDaniel, and Whiteford (es- WMC chemistry laboratory. Cornell University in 1983. pecially when Decker is locked). "My first and foremost purpose is to provide re- Can we sacrifice taste for convenience? Why can we get She went on to complete her post-doctoral fel- pprM personally delivered to our door, and not other college- search opportunities for students," Rouzer said. lowship from 1983-1986 at the Karolinski Institute famous pizzas? And this is probably the only research currently in Stockholm, Sweden, where she helped to assist ApparenLlythe small student population on campus is more being conducted from this angle in the world, ac- Bengt Samuelsson, a Nobel Prize winner in chem- cording to Rouzer. violent and prone toauack delivery persons in front of their own istry. doors: a) if the person is carrying a fresh warm pizza, b) carry- She has worked on the research for the last two Rouzer then took a post at the Merke, Sharp and ing under $20 in change, c) wearing funny red hats. I suppose summers at Ft. Detrick, MD, but Rouzer said that See ROUZER, Pg. 5 Col. 1 the student population is less likely to auack people if they no- So why should we let Westminster residents get home de- Lack of Structure Hurts Fraternities tice the gun rack in their delivery vehicles. livery while we walk? Why not pass a bill in the City Council By CORINNE MILLIGAN ccssful, this rush has to be a Laura Walker is the presi- stating that all pizza deliveries may only deliver to the front of S"/fR,_" group effort. One person cannot dent of the Panhellenic Council, Rouzer Hall, and all people residing within Westminster city Though Spring Rush is well do everything," he said. an organization for sororities on limits must pick up their pizzas there? underway, there is a marked Valerie Funk, the current campus. She agreed that the But westminster residents would be able to order a fresh, lack of response to "going JGC president, also fell that the lack of the clubroom parties is a hOI, ppTMand have guaranteed home delivery within thirty greek" on the Western Mary- men were harder to motivate minutes, or they receive a free Ginsu™ PJtaLOpeeler. What a land College campus, with the into a new system. factor in a change of auitude to- deal. main number of problems aris- "Without the motivation and ward going Greek at WMC. The choice is ours. We can continue to receive home deliv- ing with the five fraternities. "We need to show freshmen ery ofPprM and letWMC have a monopoly on pizza delivery- A number of Greeks inter- the coordination that the the benefits of going Greek," women's rush involves, men's or we can fight back! viewed noted that the men's said Walker. "Right now, even We can petition the Board ofTrustccs,go straight to the top, rush will definitely suffer in the though [hall parties} are illegaJ, and make some changes now! rush lacks the organizations of future," she added. groups are having [them], and it the women's rush. We can have hot, steaming, good, delicious, multi-topping Another problem with the provides ... all of the social ad- pizzas (mmm--mmm good!)dclivercd to our doors! Ifonly we The number of men who are current rush involves the Greek vantages of being Greek with- took action to do ill If you want pizza on your doorstep let's do rushing this spring is only 10. out the responsibility of being it now! Are you with me?!!? The number who were offered Greek," she pointed out. (Scream 'Yeah!' loudly.) bids was unavailable when The ''"Womell's rush is very The Greeks arc backing up Arc we going to do it?!!? Phoenix went to press. Thirty- well structured, [provid- their complaints with sugges- (Again!) five women rushed this semes- ing] high visibility for tions on reviving Greek life at Then let's do ill ter; 30 were offered bids. Last each sorority.i.the men's WMC. (One last timcl) spring, 14 men pledged, while program doesn't do that." Zeiher, Spera, and Rosas all Now, will the three of you who read this please spread the 24 women entered one of four =-Tony Rosas ap- word? I can't get anyone else to do anything on campus. 0 sororities. talked about the expected pearance of an Inter Fraternity Next week: Why nobody will do anything while somebody "Thc women's rush is very mens' social life and how the Council to further organize does u for everybody. well structured, and it provides abolishment of clubrooms has men's rush and to promote the a high visibility for each soror- cut the number of opportunities awareness of the fraternities on ity, whereas the men's program that the Greeks can offer to eli- campus. On February 20, the doesn't do that," said Gamma gibles and freshmen. Cindy Council was formally voted into Beta Chi brother Tony Rosas. Zeiher, Associate Director of effect. Phi Delta Theta brother, Jeff College Activities, said that fra- Funk said that the Greek Spera, agreed. "One problem in temitles need to change the fo- groups on campus should accept getting eligibles to rush is the cus of their rush. the current alcohol and lack of organization and com- "They can't sell themselves clubroom party policies and munication between the frater- ona [c1ubroom] party any more. L40 EAST MAIN STREET WESTMINSTER, MO 21157 nities," he said. "move on from there." The B4B
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