Page 55 - ThePhoenix1991-92
P. 55
February 14, 1992 Western Maryland College Page 7 Study Uncovers Why Freshmen Chose WMC By BoB KIRKENDAI.L source. Almost half of the scholar- I'~OIof"'P/rJIi4~Q' The study concluded that ship recipients had compared A marketing study was con- personal representation of career placement; two-thirds ducted last moruh to determine WMC in college fairs and distri- were planning to aucnd gradu- why incoming freshmen chose bution of brochures emphasiz- ate school, 75% of whom had Western Maryland College.over ing the other two points would selected a field of further study. it's competitors. not only spread out reputation Asked what role their parents The study, involving inter- but promote prospective stu- played in the decision to auend views with thirty-nine current dents to visit the campus as Western Maryland, 38 out of 39 WMC freshmen, was overseen well. interviewed claimed to have by the Dean of College Plan- Students were compared by been given an open hand in the ning, Dr. leRoy Panek. Finan- scholarship recipients and full- decision. One full paying stu- cial aid recipients and full pay- paying status. dent claimed that her parents ing freshman who had applied According to the study, next played a major role in the deci- to Loyola, Mount SL Mary's, to financial considerations, the sion. The validity of the re- and St. Mary's colleges were greatest factor for scholarship sponses to this question is in asked what factors lead them to recipients was the size of doubt according to the student choose Western Maryland. WMC's student body. The who conducted the interviews. The study had three major greatest concern of all students Another difference in the conclusions: applying to Loyola College was way the two groups selected 1) The size of the student that of safety because of the colleges lay in their comparison Kelly Benvin starts her leg of the Women's Free Relay body was a recurrent consider- school's Baltimore location. of programs of study. About ahead of Lebanon Valley over Jan. Term. ation for most students. The study also found that one-lhird of the full paying stu- 2) WMC'srurallocation has athletic programs, campus fa- dents responded that they had been the deciding factor among cilities, and social groups were compared programs of study, WMC Sports Shorts several students. Improved far more important points to the but only one identified an area lighting compliments that im- full paying students than schol- of study (Art) as being superior Women's Basketball age. A comparison of safety arship recipients. Another dis- to other colleges. Overall Record: ,...... . 9-7, 3-3 (MAC-SW) with other competing schools crepancy between the two Ten out of eleven scholar- Messiah 59, W!\1C 48; WMC 66, Dickinson 41; may reinforce this. groups involved post-graduate ship recipients claimed to have WMC 79, Gettysburg 64; WMC 61, Gallaudet 59 3) Of the three other col- opportunities. Two-thirds of compared WMC programs of lIighlighls: Thtl Lady Terrors are 0" 11 Ihree·game winning slreak and record 50Ulhwesl i" MAC· Confere"ce leges studied, the majority of full paying students did noreen- study with other colleges. Four have evened guard up lhe" Sue Head has scored,a IOlal of 52 povus and grabbed play. Sophomore the students are learning about sider career placement; half students identified the majors of 26 rebounds in tnc lasllhree Terror. WinS. Agamsl Gettysburg, guards these schools through their high were planning to go OIl to gradu- Spanish, Communications, Bi- S~k1ey, Alfarw, and llead combined lor 51 of Ihe learn's 79 total pO.fIlS. school advisors and college ate school, only one-third of ology, Philosophy, and Com- Men's Basketball fairs. Only 18% learned of whom had chosen a field of parative Literature to be supe- Overall Record: ".""" , .4-13, 1-7 (MAC-SW) Western Maryland through this study. rior to those of other schools. Q Widener 86, WMC 61; Dickinson 67, WMC62 Rushing want to win," Carter added. fund raising through pursuing Muhl~nberg 72, WI\1C 55; WMC 77, Lebanon Valley 71; weshtngtoe, MD 87, WMC 69 "We have had 100% support corporate sponsorship. From Page 6 lIighlighl.f: Se"ior Scou ROIhha,f ,bee"averagi"g 19.o6poifl1sand8.1 from our friends and families, The Terrors will have six rebounds pe~ game. S"u:e relurn"'g /0 Ihe I~am, Rolando Welch has been a~erag"'g 936po;"'/;- and 7.5 rebounds per game. /" Iheir win vs. cerns with the state that Russia too," explains Trevor Sellers, practices at home before they LelxJnon Val!ey, IN; Terrors had/our players score in IhtI double digil,f is in now. However, Hamm line backer. leave the country on the trip, /orlhe.FIJsll
   50   51   52   53   54   55   56   57   58   59   60