Page 62 - ThePhoenix1991-92
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Page 6 Wrestling Team: Hanging in There By MICIIELLE DAYOT "I don't think Maryland wrestlers S"flR,p""" arc up to par with prospcctivcs from "It takes more courage to get through New Jersey or Pennsylvania, but re- a hard situation compared to when cruiting has gone upand down the scale things are going well." Dr. Sam Case lately," said head coach Paul Johnson said in defense of the wrestling team's about recruiting from Virginia and rough, past season. Maryland. What is holding thc team back from a "Schools such as Delaware Valley winning season? Dr. Case, Senior Scott and Susquchannaaren'tascxpcnsiveas Tinney and Sophomore Ray Pickersgitl western Maryland," Johnson ex- seem to have come LO the same conclu- plained. "They have lower academic sion: "low numbers." standards and more financial aid and so "Nonnally there are two to three guys they sometimes gel the prospective re- per weight class. There are 10 weight cruits we were also looking at." classes and we have 11 guys." said team "The learn is as well coached as it's f~I!!!"!'!!!!'o~~~~~~~~~ manager Libby Bieling, "We've had to ever been. If anything, they're trying Justin Deibel loses to Susquehanna opponent in the 126 lb. weight class. forfeit four guys for the last three meers harder than before," said Dr. Sam Case, "The support for wrestling has never "The learn is keeping its head up and [Del Val/Susquehanna, Lycoming, and the team's manager of four years ago. really been good," said Senior Jeff is doing the best they can," emphasized Gettysburg] because three are injured Johnson said he's been running basi- McAndrew whose been on the team for Dr. Case. "They lost three conference and one is sick. The team automatically cally the same program that he followed four years. winners by transfers or graduation in the loses six points for every forfeit." as a wrestler under Case. He said lack of school spirit could be last year." "We have quality wrestlers," said The wrestling team, like other de- caused by the fact that matches are rarely "Losing is as contagious as winning," sophomore wrestler Pickersgill, adding partmenrs on campus, have been forced home or because people don't under- said Pickersgill, "and it's hard to be ag- rnore perspective to the problem, "but to cutback on expenses. stand college wrestling. gressive." numbers are down and [at practice] guys They've had to drive the "pickle "If we would get more support the But according to learn captain Scott keep wrestling the same people so we van" and bring boxed lunches from team would really benefit from it," Tinney, "The guys are able to retain know what to expect from each other." Englar Dining Hall to away matches. McAndrew concluded. spunk, spirit, and a fighter attitude." D "Season of Close Calls" Behind Them; Swim Teams Prepare for MAC's By J. J. BOGGS was decided by the last event. the men's team finished the own 3-11 record. College February 28 through C;"""';bwsingR.".",,, The women's free relay team regular season with an impres- As a result of the several March 1. For both the Men's and swam their personal best times sive victory against Washington close meets. the records don't This extra time may seem Women's Swim Teams, "It's in order to defeat Goucher Col- College, while the women's accurately reflect the potential minimal, but it allows room to been a season of close calls," lege, while the men swam hard learn lost by one relay event to the teams have going into Con- spread out the events and allow according to senior co-captain only to barely lose to the same end the year. Ference Championships. Spread versatile swimmers such as Mau Cook. opponent. Despite the loss, the women over a three day period in com- Malt Cook and Trevor Wysong During the last month of the Led by Matt Cook, who finished the season on a proud parison to two and a half days more opportunities. Coach Kim 1991-92 season, there were sev- broke his previous school note with a 6-9 record. The men over previous years, this year's Easterday is looking forward to eral meets where the outcome record in the 200 m backstroke, were disappointed with their MAC's will be held at Widener watching the performances of Sig Eps Seek to Defend Intermural Title both the women's free and med- ley relays, although she expects stiff competition in the likes of By PATRICK DONNEU-Y and I start in the North Division underway, they will be chal- ulty/staffteam (2-2) who are al- Franklin & Marshall, Gettys- S"'IfRe_" with their only loss coming lenged by two teams that each ways capable of pulling off an burg, and Dickinson. Who will be the 1992 from the hands of the R & B have one loss: the Wertey Birds, upset to get their team into the The relays will consist of se- intcnnural men's basketball Hornets (3-0). Other teams and the Rouzer Roaches, who play-off round. nior Valerie Shearer, sopho- champion? With twenty teams chasing the Hornets are Seth's are 4-1 and 3-1 respectively. All teams will be playing a mores Anna Jakubiec and fighting for the honors the an- Stars (4-1). Phi Den A (3-1), Also in the thick of the hunt nine game.regutar season sched- Heather Hyland, and freshmen swer will be well worth wailing and Bachelor II (3-2), is the A team for Delta Upsilon ule. The teams with thefour besr Alison Denlinger and Huffy for. In the South Division, the who carry an impressive 5 and 1 records in each division will Burke. Coach Easterday also Last year's champions, Sig mid-season favorite is the record, the most wins in the make the play-off round. Each feels that Matt Gebhard and Ja- Ep I, arc attempting to defend undefeated Bachelor I squad (4- league. division will crown a champion son Drissel have excellent their title. They are off to a 2 0). But as the second half gets And let's not forget the fac- on March 8 with quarterfinal chances in their individual action in the afternoon and the events. HOUSE OF UQUORS division semifinals that same high Though they may not score and evening. men's the overall, On Sunday, March 9, women's swim teams will be "Everything in Spirits, PLUS Courtesy & Service" CARROLL PLAZA SHOPPING CENTER, WESTMINSTER, 1.1)21157 WMC's version of March Mad- sure to make themselves known (Rt. 140 and Englar Rd.) ness will come to a finale with in and out of the pool during the Pg. 7 Col. 1 848·1314 See INTERMURAL, concluding meet. D Lotto & Lottery Headquarters LARS HVIDING, JR. (301) 526-5447 FINE WINE& SPIRITS· n« PERFECT GIFT FOR All OCCASIOOS ... - - - - - - -, SALES FOR FEBRUARY I $100 off I Milw.aukee's Best ······ ", __ $8.99/case C-_ PIi-.l $pIIrls_r I I~~~~~e~k'L_i,'::.: .: :::::::::,':::::::::::::::::::.:::::::::::::::~j:~~~6~;~ [.';IIW;;lfq@W!J I A~~ce~!:r~~~c:r I Keystone (Reg., Lt. Dry) " .." $5.99/12 pk. $9.99/case I [saleitems excluded) I EVERYDAY LOW PRICES I NO LIMIT I Coors u (All Cans) ..$13.99/ease Printed Apparel, AthletiC Uniforms, Jackets. etc. L _ 2~~31';'8J9';'_.J g~:~(1-2-PkS.-i':::: ..... ·$~.~~?j2~le 2920 DE DE RD.• RNKSBURG. MD 21048
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