Page 57 - ThePhoenix1991-92
P. 57
Wayne's World Reviewed - Story, Pg. 9 THE PHOENIX Western Maryland College Housing Requirement Expanded By BOB KIRKENDALL school's policies. Lamas re- Marshall Price, who is cur- PholoW'ophJlidi/<>r sponded, "Many residential col- rcruly circulating jl. petition to Freshman and sophomores leges have this requirement for appeal the requirement said, recently received notice that the all four years. It is not meant to "They need to add a grandfather on-campus residency require- take freedoms away." clause or they will have a lot of ment will be expanded to in- Lamas does not see any angry students." He added, clude juniors for the 1992/93 negative impact on perspective "They claim it will unite the academic year. students as a result of the re- school but this school is ex- Three exceptions to the re- quirement. He said equivalent tremely segregated already quirement are for studems who schools have similar require- whether they choose to ac- commute from home, are over mcnts. knowledge it or not, and this 25 years of age, or are married. However, The Phoenix policy is not going to change that Loyola, ~~~~~~~~~IIIooi;;:::;::~~~~~~~~ ass~~~;d!~;ntooir;~~;:m:;~ and Dickenson, St. that." found Hopkins, ML Johns Freshman dorms and freshman bike racks will be full next fairs, me emphasis is on diver- Mary's colleges do not require When asked. the administra- year with the new housing and parking requirements. shy. Money is not the main ob- junior residency. Two require it tion said they were not aware of Price's petition. Freshmen will be jective. said Lamas. only of sophomores and fresh- policy Lamas may seem unfair that to the the recognizes Many vacancies throughout men. Spotless Next Year the dormitories and a re-empba- Maryland is vocal about his dis- class of 1994. He said, however, One sophomore at Western sis on a learning campus armo- that no complaints been have sphere were other reasons cued. agreement with the new require- filed and a grandfather clause is spaces," he continued, "and we Asked about comparable ment. See HOUSING, Pg. 10 Col. 1 By KRISTIN VICK S"'ffR<"""" have a growing number of com- When the class of 1995 ap- muter students and graduate stu- plied to Western Maryland dur- dents." PAC Urges Student Voting in ing the fall of 1990 and the According to Sayre, there are spring of 1991, the Admissions 1081 undergraduates, 582 Maryland Primary, March 3 Offiee assured them the privi- graduate students. and 380 em- lege of having a car on campus ployees who are currently en- represent. By TUOMAS E. QUIRK sues and the candidates some if they chose to do so. rolled or employed at WMC. SIIJ/fR,p""" PAC is also sponsoring a time later in March. At this de- They beeame the last fresh- The total number of parking Registered Democrats and voter registration drive. Those man class to have this privilege spaces that these students and Republicans will be able LO vote who wish to register should sec bate, PAC hopes to inform the students even further on what the on May 3, 1991, when it was of- employees have access to is this Tuesday for the candidate Niccolo Amodeo or Jonathan issues are and who may lead this ficially decided that incoming 763. they want LO represent their party Johns in the PAC affinity hous- country come the general elec- freshmen, would no longer be The numbers speak for them- in the November general elec- ing suite, DMC 102, call 876- uon. permitted to park on campus. selves, according to Sayre. As a uon. 1907, or write to PAC, P.O. Box For those asking "What docs "Parking has always been a result, a special committee was The Political Action Coati- #13. it matter if I vote or note?" PAC problem and always will be," formed some years ago to face tion. under Niccolo Amodeo, is According to Amodeo, it is views this as a defeatist altitude. said Dean of Student Affairs the growing problem. actively promoting the primary too late to become registered for Amodeo said, "Nolxxly hears Philip Sayre, addressing a di- The Parking Committee is and the general election. the primary, but there is sLiIi the students. Iwork down in An- lemma that has been a concern part of the larger Board of On Sunday, February 23, plenty of time to register for the napolis for a delegate, and when of students, faculty, and admin- Trustees committee of Building PAC sponsored "Campaign 92," general election. there are young voices, the mcm- istrauon over recent years. and Grounds. The members of showing a video profile of the The politically active group is bcrs usually blow them off." "There arc a limited number of See PARKING, Pg. 9 Col. 1 candidates and what issues they also planning a debate on the is- See PRIMARY, Pg. 5 Col. 2 Survey Reveals Students Split over Bookstore Question the store," By R~nI<:CCA L.. KANE things to make an intelligent de- S"'ffR
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