Page 65 - ThePhoenix1991-92
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February 28, 1992 Western Maryland College Page 9 _& Movie Review: Personal Announcements Policy: ~ Wayne's World nix, proper payment enclosed. Payment for the March 12 is- Personals may be sent through campus mail to The Phoe- sue IS 25 cents per announcement, March 6. There is a 50-word limit. 5 for $1, and arc due by In Wayne's World. Mike Myers and Dana events. Alice Cooper portrayed himself in a rock Announcements that the editors deem libelous will be cen- Carvey star as the infamous Saturday Night Live concert scene, and the guy who plays AI Bundy sored, payment non-refundable. duo, taking their adventures on the road as they on Married with Children played the murder-ob- make a film. A conniving television producer sessed donut shop owner. In addition, Wayne & To Cap!. Monaghan- Iwill never To Matt Ballard- Remember, You're an MP wannna be, cheese a brilliant man like (Rob Lowe) exploits Wayne and Garth's show by Garth did a hilarious parody of the opening se- yourself. -a soon-to-be MS III Trcadhead gonna be. -Chcese. selling them out to a majoradvertiscr(Noah's Ar- quence from Lavern and Shirley. Dear Administration- Icould put ],. cade). Wayne falls in love, purchases a new gui- up with the expense and distaste of Charlotta-, Hei. (Den tar, becomes fluent in Cantonese, and Garth Lambros: I also liked the surprise for all those on-campus housing and Glar for Amcrikanemorske Jcmcl). You makes a man out of a jelly donut and murders him that have seen 12. But there's nothing really two years, but I just can't afford it arc a great, comfoningperson and also a good friend. Mangc tak. on screen. (PG-I3). meaningful about the movie, and it didn't activate a third year. Revoke this policy or Take care of yourself this semester my emotions to get me to go out and do some- I'll have 10 revoke my moncy..-a A&E editor's note: In the spirit ofSiskel and thing, except watch some old Scooby-doo reruns. concerned sophomore. rest. .. Z7J.Z. God fumeyclse og Ebert, we bring you Bucher and Lambros. Butit was a fun lime. To Patti G.- God you have some lylkk til. P.S.- en god latter forlcnger livet!!!-den fantasticlegs.-lohn "Normandy" jente. (Neste d0r.) Lambros: I think the movie started out slow. I Bucher: I agree. The three Scooby-doo endings wasn't sure where the plot was going. were a great way to please all audiences. If you desire change, you must Happy Birthday, Matt and James. sacrifice. You have to be true to Consider this your present! -Jenn Bucher: I agree. The first twenty minutes were Lambros: True. The film's strongest element was yourself despite "Time's scythe." KcJly- 3 Words: 1. Biology. dedicated to character development when the au- the soundtrack. They interspersed original songs -Lovc Always. Your Conscicnce XYMOX. (99.1) 3. And. you 2. dience was already familiar with them. throughout the movie, and supplemented them To MSG Fachct-It is an honor to helped fix my 'Iil black box! with familiar tunes. Overall, I enjoyed watching be in the presence of the best SF Thanks a bunch! -Christa Lambros: There were a few funny things in the trooper in the U.S. Army.-A the movie. I give it 3 1!2 "froggies" out of 5. beginning, such as Wayne & Garth singing along Cadet RAPX2 Listen to WMCR 640 with Queen's Bohemian Rhapsody. The begin- Bucher: I wouldn't give it 3 1/2 "froggies" be- To My Sisters (Nupy, Deniclle, AM, Cable Channel 3 on Mondays Noon to 1:30 pm and Fridays ning also gave them time to set the precedent that cause 5 minutes of Wayne's World holds my at- len, & Ladda)- Work the Goods! 10:30 pm -Midnight. only Wayne & Garth could talk to the camera. It tention, but 1 1t2 hours became a little tiresome. -Love, Phil was just a couple of guys having fun, making a But it's a great matinee movie to go see with a big To Jenn (Master)- Thank you for Tugs- Never forget Rouzer, my scorer admirer (who was movie. group of friends. I give it 3 "froggies." a tricking me. Ihope the dollar will shmok'n), nor Nonnandy. Iknow go far. -John I won't. Are you down with Bucher: I enjoyed seeing familiar faces and The "froggy" icon is courtesy of Barry Hoopengardner. O.P.P.? -Then you know me. To Maj. Burker- Iknow the (Toct-tcot.) rumors about you are true ... that Parking From Pagel were SO/50. No consistent policy for freshmen you personally planned Desert parking was suggested. The study did reveal, Stonn. -an MS II the Parking Committee include Dr. Richard however, that the policies other colleges have MISSING: m Group from C.C.c. Clower. Dr. SherrLHughes.. Michell Alexander. were often determined by their-local-conditions. Ican'tfmd_my kids! -Your Barry Bosley, Ed Sell, and Dr. Ethan Seidel. "You can never satisfy everybody," Panek Fearless Leader The members advise the trustees, but when concluded. "Incoming students and their parents Hi Billy & John-I miss you. Good luck, 80 Bo Head! YOU'll they advise Campus Safety and the administra- will know it up front. .. it will not be as if some- Let's hang out soon. -.Jen get the job. tion, a graduate and two undergraduate students thing will be taken away are also included as members of the committee. from them." Dean of Planning and Research LeRoy Panek, Martha O'Connell, chair of the Parking Commlucc explained that the director of Admissions, group which has been in existence for at least two said that parents of per- DON'T FORGET years, and was formed as a part of the master site spectives seem to be re- plan. lieved when they hear of The master site plan is an ongoing project of the new parking policy. that THE BARE ESSENTIALS. improvements to the campus, mainly dealing with O'Connell feels the construction of roads and parking. as a residential college, The first phase of the plan went into effect with the policy will help keep the elimination of parking spaces in front of the WMC away from the Decker College Center and Baker Memorial suitcase image, and will You don't have to be a Chaple and with the new parking lot built behind prevent the college from perfect size to find that Daniel McLca last spring. "giving the green space special swimsuit at Water, Part two is the new policy for freshmen park- up" to meet the demands Water, Everywhere. ing. of more parking spaces. Expert assistance to help Panek explained further: "One parking space If the new policy for one car costs $1,000 by the time we install keeps a perspective from you choose from over proper drainage and facilities." choosing to attend 2500 Bikini's, separates, Panek said that not only is the cost of expand- WMC, O'Connel be- and one piece suits. ing parking lots phenomenal, but the esthetic as- lieves the college prob- pects of the grounds are also at stake. He added, ably was not their first "You have to ask yourself whether we want to choice to begin with. throw black LOpover more of the campus." O'Connell is in full Before deciding on the policy, the Parking agreement with the Committee conducted a study comparing the policy as it now stands. parking policies of colleges similar in size to She said, "It keeps us in WMC. The study included schools such as line with what we say we Geuysburg and MountSt Mary's, and the results are." a WANTltDT Talented Photographers for The Phoenix. TOWSON TOWN OWINGS MILLS FAIR OAKS CENTER TOWN CENTER MALL Meedng dales art MaDUY8at GI30iD Ihe Base.e.' 01Daniel MeLea. 410-821-9287 410-356-0280 703-359-2943
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