Page 34 - ThePhoenix1991-92
P. 34
Page 6 Western Maryland College November 8, 1991 Football Drops Third Straight to Lebanon Valley 15-13 By Dave Miller Behind the ann of freshman quar- the and Ed Rigling terback Jody Goane, the hands Western Maryland receiving stall gained the ball and marched the drive. Lebanon Valley satan ball only to have theoffense After losing two close games of Andy Steckel, and the legs of again. The Terror defense, led down the field behind the work- the ball to run out the clock and horse play of tail back Eric Frees, to rival Dickinson and Franklin Eric Frees, the Terrors marched by senior Jim Webster's fumble finally scoring on the first play hand the Terrors their third loss. straight & Marshall, Western Maryland right back down me field. Going recovery, forced a turnover and of the third quarter as quarter- A week earlier, an ugly 19-15 attempted to break the losing straight to me air, Goane con- placed Western Maryland in back Goane went over the top to streak against Lebanon Valley, nected with Steckel twice for prime scoring position on the bring the Terrors within two, the loss to the Franklin and Marshall October Diplomatson Saturday, only to fall short 15-13 and drop gains of forty-three and twenty- Lebanon Valley forty-one yard score 15-13 in favorofthe Dutch- 26 turned even uglier as theG reen their record LO4-4 overall. five yards respectively, bringing line. Three plays later, the Ter- men. Terrors football squad was in- At the offensive helm for the Western Maryland down to the ror drive ended with a Dutch- was fought The final quarter Terrors against Lebanon Valley Lebanon Valley one yard line. men interception of Goane to once again between the goal lines volved in a game-ending bench- clearing brawl. was freshman Jody Goane. start- One play later, Eric Frees stop the drive. Lebanon Valley as neither team scored in the A frustrating ing only his second collegiate punched the ball in on a second began on their own one yard final fifteen minutes. Lebanon caused tempers and close game to flare on both game as he replaced the injured effort to tie the score at six. The line. After a quarterback sneak, Valley missed a field goal with Paul McCord. remainder of the half was played QB Orndorff for the Dutchmen sidesofthefleld.makingitwcst- The day looked bleak right between the twenty yard-lines took to the air, finding his wide 1:22 left in the game, and West- em Maryland's second loss in from the opening kickoff as the as each team's defense dug in, receiver Bob Schwenk who ern Maryland attempt went totheairina The the Centennial Football Confer- desperate rival F&M an ence to perennial to score. Flying Dutchmen's Bob bending but not breaking until broke the play open for a ninety- inexperience of Goane became Schwenk returned the opening the Dutchmen kicked a field goal eight yard touchdown reception evident as he missed receivers even more bitter pill to swallow. kickoff eighty-three yards to give with 2:40 remaining in the sec- and a big 15-6 lead. and was finally sacked on his Holding the Green Terror's pow- Lebanon Valley a quick 6-0 lead ond quarter. After another Western Mary- own forty yard line with fifty erful offense to only fifteen total of- following a missed extra point. The second half began with land turnover, the Terrors re- seconds left in the game to end points and 228 yards Pg. 7 Col, 1 See FOOTBALL, Quiet Weible Explodes on the Track Men's Soccer Loses to F&M By Wendy Dollinger and fifty miles a week." She may not be well-known These workouts do not in- By Wendy Bollinger around campus, but Kendra clude the five to seven miles a The Western Maryland men's Weible is making a name for week she runs during team prac- soccer team closed out their sea- herself on the track. tices. These consist of running son Saturday with a tough 1-0 Heading into the Middle At- ''The Hill," (golf course) doing lantic Conference Champion- mile intervals or 800's, and run- loss to Franklin & Marshall. The Diplomatsended the Ter- ships this weekend, Weible, a ning distances. "Friday's we of tying junior, eclipsed her "19 minute don't do much because there's a rors' hopes for wins when the school Adam record barrier" last Saturday at leba- meet the next day." Schur scored the deciding goal non Valley. Weible finished Ist After practices Weible goes with 13:24 remaining. The loss with a time of 18:21 to lead the swimming to "recover." As part moves the team's final record to women'scrosscountry team toa of her training, she does push- 11-&.1 overall and to 2-4 in the 17-40 win and broke her previ- ups, sit-ups.and lifts weights. "I ous personal best of 19:05. try to stay away from heavy MAC Southwest section. Her success this season is re- meats and I can't eat junk food," ""~::::::=================:~ Before Saturday'S game, the were 4-0-1 in their pre- markable considering that she she says, although she does ad- Her strategy seems to be ing weekend. If she achieves Terrors five games. Included in vious began running competively just mit to being a coffee addict. working. In addition to her first this goal, she will be on a bus that stretch was a 1-0 win over threeyearsago. "My senior year On Saturday'S, Weible pre- place finish at Lebanon Valley, headed to Nationals. Dickinson which head coach [in high school) I ran track but 1 pares herself for meets both she came in second at Dickinson, Weibleshouldbeusedtolong cites as one of got hurt after the second meet." physically and mentally by eat- beating over 120 other runners. bus trips by now as the team had Malt Robinson highlights. their season's AtWestemMaryland, Weible ing alight breakfast and trying to Weible appears to be surprised only one home meet all season. That shutout has been on the track and field relax. Before each race Weible atheraccomp!ishments. "Ididn't She explains this phenomenon the season recorded was the 8th of by Terror team for three years and the cross listens to herwalkman and drinks want to set too high expecta- by saying, "Our course is very goalie Matt S1. Jean, breaking country team for two years. alotofwater. When asked about tions, but I never expected all difficult because of all of the the previous school record of Obviously, this means she does her strategies during races she this so I'm happy." hills." Weible goes on to say seven. S1. Jean added another a lot of running. "In the begin- replied, "It's frustrating because At the MAC's this weekend, that she understands this reason- shutout the following game as ningofthe year, I'll do two work- you never know how you're go- Weible is hoping to improve ing, but hales the bus rides. the team beat Shepherd College outs a day. Now, I'm only work- ing to feel that day. l don't try to upon her eleventh place finish If she goes on to Nationals, 3-0. Dave Storey, Brian ing out twice a day four times a go out fast, instead I build mo- last year. Her goal from there is Weible would have plenty of Redding, and Malt Massey week. I like to run between forty mentum." LOplace at Regionals me follow- lime to rethink that statemem.O See SOCCER, Pg. 8 Col. I ' H.2!!n~i~Pi2!u~~u2~2~,S _ CARROLL (Rt. 140and EnglarRd.) CENTER SHOPPING PLAZA MD 21157 WESTMINSTER, 848-1314 Lotto & Lottery Headquarters r-------'r-------'r-------~ OUALITY RESUMES Strvius Provilfd PRINT RESUMES FINE WINE & SPIRITS, THE PERFECT GIFT FOR All OCCASIONS QUICK I 15% off I I 50ยข off II $100 off I TYPESETTING WORD PROCESSING I 11'11 I BOOKS MANUAlS ANNUAL FORMS I Any Bottle of Wine I I An.Y Case of Beer I I Any Case of Beer I BUSINESS AND FOUR COLOR BROCHUReS REPORTS TWO I (saleitemsexcluded) I I rs~;:fteU~~x~~~~~ I I (:~~:~~e~:~~~) I I NO LIMIT I I NO LIMIT I I NO LIMIT I Samt. 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