Page 31 - ThePhoenix1991-92
P. 31
November 8, 1991 Western Maryland College Page 3 Haunted House Helps Heighten Halloween Horror By Demetrios Lambros a phantom played eerie tunes on For two nights, students on a pipe organ and were greeted by campus watched a mad scientist a lost soul who, as rumor states, use a circular saw to cut a half- never passed the math profi- dead woman in half, stumbled ciency test and was condemned through a pitch black maze, were to live on campus forever. attacked by Freddy Krueger, They were then led down a navigated themselves through flight of stairs and into a dark the lair of two swamp monsters, room with a coffin, obviously witnessed a father chopping up containing a vampire, who his son's hand with a cleaver, chased them into the basement. were chased by ghouls with They were then left on their own chainsaws, were scared out of to roam amongst screams of ter- their minds, and these students ror and pain, and a few spirits as paid to do it. well. Students eventually found All this, and more. was part their way out of the basement of the first annual Haunted after being grabbed at more than House, held in the basement of a few limes. Little Baker Chapel and spon- Jenny Smith, a junior, said sored by Alpha Psi Omega the- that she "reallyliked[thehaunted atre honor society and the Col- house], r was very impressed." A Mad Doctor, Wicked Witch, and Dracula terrorized 300 people on Halloween night. lege Activities Programming In order to make the haunted uon in the project. Thissummer, for Theatre on the Hill. haunted house opened. A total Board. housearealhy. AlphaPsi Omega members of the honor society Construction began in Sep- ofabout400pcoplcauendedthe During the event, students had to overcome two years of finalized the plans for the tember and wasn't completed haunted house on October 27 entered through the church while glitches and lack of participa- Haunted House while working until October 27, when the and 31. 0 College Gambles on Olin Grant for New Science Building By Michael Kubacki only two received grants. away," the president added. The 30, 1993," added Chambers. faculty offices. Dean Panek also WMC is belting on the long ''This year, applications are building design right now would Dean Panek said, "the most said that the new building will shot in order to fund the pro- up 10%, and sixty to seventy have it standing ten feet away optimistic plans for beginning hold faculty and student research posed new science building. colleges arc competing, and from the modem part of Lewis construction would be next labs as well. According LO WMCpresident maybe two will get them," said Hall. spring." When renovations are done Robert Chambers and Associate Chambers. Chambers also said that, in After the new building iscom- on the old Lewis building, "some Dean of Academic Affairs If Olin gives WMC the nee- order to get the Olin grant, the pleted, the college hopes to reno- other departments might move LeRoy Panek, the college has essary funds, the college will building can't be an extension of vale the older part of Lewis Hall. into Lewis, but we are not sure asked the Olin foundation, a phil- have to meet a number of condi- any other building. According to Dean Panek, what they will be," added Panek. anthropic group, to fund the uons. If WMC doesn't get an Olin "me trustee committee is work- Chambers said that, "this is a building. First, "Olin pays for every- grant, "wearenotquitesurehow ing ~n the funding of the build- two phase project, with phase The estimated cost of the thing, and in return they would we will fund the building," said mg. one being building the new build- project, according to Chambers, like to have the their name on the Chambers. The new building will be two ing, and moving things from old is "six to seven million dollars; building, as they don't want any One other option to fund the stories. with the first floor hous- Lewis to the new facility. Phase but the total renovation includ- other money put into it, and as building is from the state of ing chemistry labs and the sec- two is to renovate old and new ing old and new Lewis might be they want to be the sale con- Maryland. "We got $1,900,000 ond floor biology labs. Both Lewis and make them as close to ten to twelve million." tnbutors," said Chambers. from the state to fund the lab floors will provide additional state of the art as possible." a However, the chances of get- Second, "the building must building, but in order to get this ting an Olin grant are slim. Last not touch any other buildi ng, and money, w.e have to match it with year sixty colleges applied, but it has to be [at least] five feet ourown$I.9 million beforeJune Phone (rom Page 1 Financial Aid available immedi- hired to beef up security. ately! Special grants program. Ev- The issue of a daycare center ery student eligible. No one turned is still ongoing after 16 years when it was first brought LO the down. Simple application. Send trustees. name, address and $1 P&Hfee (re- An on-site facility is outside of the college's budgetand needs, fundable) to: Student Services, P.O. but there is a possibility of a Box 22-4026, Hollywood, FL 33022 CASH IN ON GOOD GRADES. local established center working with the college allowing WMC If you're a freshman or sophomore with LOoffer reduced rates LOstudents, good grades. apply now for an Army faculty, and staff. 0 ROTC scholarship, It pays off during college. And afterwards. ~~~~~iofee:~rurt by There's more to Do you want to know how journalism than to help a friend? ~ writing! Call us for free, ARMY ROTC Want to handle confidential services. ads or take Rape Crisis Intervention Service mSMAIITEST COJ.LOOE COURSE YOU WI TJIIE. pictures? 224 North Center Street ยป Westminster, Md. 21157 Join The Phoenix 24-Hour Hotline: 857-7322 Contact the Dept. of Military Science 2nd Floor, Gill Gym Dr Call 857-2720
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