Page 32 - ThePhoenix1991-92
P. 32
Page 4 Western Maryland College November 8, 1991 _ _1__ Editorial: $_32''' ' By Jenn Scott Western Maryland College. What kind of name is that? We aren 't a state school, so why is "Maryland" in our name? We aren't in the western part of the state, so where does "Western" come from? Our name, given to the college 125 years ago,came from the name of the railroad company that ran through town. Its owner, John Smith, became the college's first president of its board of trustees. But the railroad company has long since been taken over by larger companies and Smith has long since died. Neither is obviously associated with the college now. "Western Maryland College? Isn't that a state school near Frostburg?" has been said more than once as students attempt to tell others of their college. "No, Western Maryland College is in central Maryland, about30 minutes from Baltimore. And it isn 'ta state college, its a small private liberal arts school." "Then why is it called WeslernMarylandCollege?" comes the bewildered reply. -Sigb- Well, apparently, certain members to the boardofuusreeaas wellasPresidentChambersaretiredofexplainingthemisnomer as well. Editor, They want to change Western Maryland College's name. I don 'tbelleve aday has gone who require a special diet, such so. The cafeteria staff will obvi- How does Hoover College strike you? Rouzer College? Or by that I haven'tsatdown in Glar as the many vegetarians on cam- ously make mistakes and, if we how about Ensor College? to eat my meal only to hear a pus, have been catered to as well feel there is a legitimate com- "I go to Ensor College." stream of negative comments as possible. New items have plaint, they are more than happy "Never heard of it." concerning the quality of the food been introduced at the deli and to correct it, but we have to tell "Well, it used to be called Western Maryland College." that sits before us. Often, I have on the line because of the sug- them. Try something better than "Oh, the state school by Frostburg, right? Why did they inquired after an explanation for gestions of the students. "It's gross." change the name?" the slander they spew so readily I also see a student body ex- So, if we want Mommy to and I have been told again and pressing not only blatant culi- cook us wonderful food again, -Sigh- again, "It'sgross,"or"Well,just nary ignorance and an intellec- we can go home. But,ifwewant I know the president only wants to help the school. He look at it." As the properly tuallevel unable to grapple with to go to college, get used to insti- pointed out at the October meeting of the board of trustees that trained, inquistive product of a conversation that goes beyond tutional food because, in all hon- other colleges have changed their names and have gone on to liberal arts coUege, I seek out a the level of the food that we eat, esty, the service we receive in achieve greatness. Colleges like Harvard and Yale. more feasible justification for but a callous contempt for the G lar, though perhaps notthe best, I'm confused if that is a causal relationship, though. their apparently mindless accu- staff obviously working very is far above average. Change Name = Great Ivy-League College. sations. But, onee again I am hard at what they do and receiv- I just don't see the connection. given the same intelligent re- ing very little thanks for doing Kenneth A. Geremia Instead I see this scenario: plies stated above. I see a From my perspective, Change Name =: Great Expense + Great Confusion + Great competent staff whose concern The Phoenix Alienation of Alumni + Great Exodus ofPresentStudentBody. for the quality of their product In short: Change Name = Great Desuucuon and Death of can be seen vividly in the time College. they have spent organizing a Editor Andrea Covington We have a history of 125 years. That is something of a "Food Committee" of student Assistant Editor ยทยท , Jennifer Scott Frangos Editor distinction. CanHooverCollegelayclaim totharpasrt'Hoover' representatives and posting a Layout Editor Constantine Ed Rigling Sports the name of a library. And "Ensor" sounds much better with suggestion board, so that the stu- Photography Editor , Bob Kirkendall "Lounge," not "College." dents have a forum fortheir ideas Production Assistants Andrea Covington, Jennifer SCOll I think the board ofTrustees should occupy themselves with and complaints. Unfortunately, Cartoonist Mike Jenkins issues that willkeep the college on firm financial standing rather the many changes that have re- Reporters Wendy Bollinger, Andrea Covington, than toying with an idea that may very well destroy it. sulted from these forums have Lauren E. Himmel, Kristine Holland, President Chambers should push the current name of the gone relatively if not completely Bob Kirkendall, Mike Kubacki, Dernetri Lambros, college and work to make itknown whatand where we really are. unnoticed by us students. Reci- Dave Miller, Jennifer SCOlt, pes have been altered. Menu Kristin vtck, Tracy Walter, Peter White There are radio commercials on the air now that, though ratherchcesy, do help to make us known. That is the way to go.O plans have been changed. People Advisor Terry A. Dalton The Phoenix is published bi-weekly. The opinions expressed Editor, that your school offered such an cffort and journalistic diligence. do not necessarily reflect those of Phoenix staff members, the In early October, I had the activity, I was ecstatic that the Last, during my brief stay at faculty, or the administration at Western Maryland College. honor of participationg in a pro- college newspaper would cover your school, I wasmet with warm The Phoenix welcomes submissions and Letters to the Editor. duction at Western Maryland the story. By reporting on the and open arms. There were not Letters that are one page, typed, and double spaced are College sponsored by the West- show, you publicized a worth- stares of indignation, no fin$cr guarenteed publication in the upcoming issue. Letters exceed- ern Maryland College Gay and while event and recognized the pointing saying, "look at that ing that limit will be published as space permits and must be disk Word, Lesbian Student Alliance. The combined efforts of hundreds of freak dressed like a woman." I submitted on a Macintosh formats. in either Microsoft a phone or MacWrite include Please WriteNow, show,ANight of Illusion, was in people. Not every school news- was greeted for exactly what I number for verification. honor of National Coming Out paper would be so representa- am: an entertainer and an artist. Address mail to: The Phoenix Week, and of course featured tive of their campus commu- Keep up the good work. 2 College Hill female impersonators. nity-which as we saw during Western Maryland College Notonlywas I impressed as a Coming Out Week includes les- Mikasa Wesuninster,MD 21157 member of the gay community bians and gays. I applaud your Miss Zippers 1992
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