Page 38 - ThePhoenix1991-92
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Page 2 Western Maryland College Driver by Day, Grill Cook by Night: WMC's Own Dave Staub Doug Rettberg WMCsince 1964. Before work- Charter Service. Why does he Most people would probably ing in the pub, Staub ran the like driving motor coaches? "I not enjoy driving kids to school, dining hall's salad department, enjoy traveling the most," Staub cooking for students, and then was a baker, and then became said. providing transportation for the head cook. One place of particular inter- people of all ages, but David Beforecomingtowork at the est that his weekend job took Staub loves it. Pub, Staub drives a school bus him was Camp Drum, N.Y., said Staub, a Westminster resi- for the local kindergancn, el- Staub, where he got an idea of dent, closes the WMC Pub Sun- ementary, middle and high how the military works. ''They day through Thursday nights. "I schools, he said. The bachelor go up there and play war," he enjoy it very much. lenjoywork- really enjoys the kids as well as said. ing with you young people. The just driving. "I probably enjoy But one of the most embar- students are friendly to be kids because I have none,"said rassing things Staub has ever around,"said the neatly dressed Staub. done occurred whilehe wasdriv- 46-year-old. The end of the week brings ing a school bus. Staub, who has worked in yct another job for him. He He was in Annapolis, MD, thePub as agri11cook for the last drives motor coaches pan time for a school field trip one day six years, has been employed by on weekends for Rohrbaugh and forgot to put the parking brake on, and the bus rolled into the Severn River. "I remember Holiday Party people coming out of the restau- Dave Staub said that he likes working around kids, since he rant and watching the bus go into the river. It went through two has none. The CoUege Store Is Having a Party! guardrails and Ijust saw the top needed a ride to the college. He year to do this and "of course it Wednesday December 4 of the yellow bus in the river. It drove [0 Green Bay, Wis., to would be in a truck," he said. 4:30-6:30 took two tow trucks to get the pick up Dave Radosevich. "I Staub is just as enthusiastic All Invited bus out," Staub said. As bad as left here Friday at 1:00 in the about recalling his childhood as Entertalnment-Speclals Discounts afternoon, drove straight he is about making plans for the At The CoUege Store through, and arrived at Green future. According to Staub, be- Bay at5:00in the morning," said ing raised on a farm brought him Staub. He spent Saturday after- some fond memories. "They noon with the Radosevich fam- were the best years of my life, no ily and left Wisconsin Sunday worries, no problems," he re- morning at 8:00. According to called. Staub, they stoppedSundaynight During Staub's childhood, in Warrenton, Ohio, and returned his family took care of a 300- loWMCby IOa.rn. on Monday. acre farm, and there were many City just to drive some- Even Staub's future plans in- things to do for entertainment, where," said Staub, volve driving. He said he wants he said. There was a pond to who might stay an hour to drive across the United States swim in, a hay loft to jump in, and then drive back. and back "to meet people, see fresh ice cream to make, and Staub even picked upa the scenery. and just to do it." even an old dairy cow named WMC residence assis- He would start out going north, Doris to ride.according to Staub. tant this past summer and then come back through the His older brother, Grover, his because the person South. He'd like to take about a older sister, Esther, and he would 11 n ide Dori nsjus tf or un. "It was an easy time of life," said Dave. Financial Aid available immedi- Perhaps theday will come ately! Special grants program. Ev- when someone Staub ery student eligible. No one turned drove back and forth to school or cooked for will down. Simple application. Send give Staub an opportunity name, address and $1 P&Hfee (re- to take a year-long trip across the United States. THIS SUMMER, YOU CAN ••• fundable) to: Student Services, P.O. Better yet, maybe one of • Choose from over 1,000 counes. Box 22-4026, Hollywood, FL 33022 hisregularcustomerswill • Study wllh a distinguished faculty. pay Staub to drive him or • Live In Greenwich Village for as~iHle her across the country. 0 as $100 per six-week session. Make the NYU Summer iN~YO~k-U~i~.e~sitY- --NYU--- -- --- -- -- \ lAin $500",$1000 ... $1500 FAN'S part of your year- : 25WestFourthStreet SU R LOOll round plan. Callus :~~:N.YIOOI2 today toll free at , II~;~·:·)~ @ 1-800-24S4NYU, iPlease send meaFRfE 1992SummerSessions Bulletin ext.2;J6, :Myareaofinterestis OUnde/graduate OG/oduale I F ....... II» orsendmlhecoupon. : .. -.""".- __ I I 1992Calendar I lr!fllll CHINESE RESTAURANT Szechuan> Cantonese- American I M~~lu1~3 :"'~;------=-----=~- s:~:rr,;.ur::~e,;;~rher 59 West Main St., Westminster, MD 21157 i=E'::Hm~"~ ~~~~") I campus organIzation. Telephone: A8SOJ.UfllY NO JUI~~~;14 I INVISfMfNf .fOUI.rD' L ~:~=:"':'"::'""=:"= ":4) Iij·!!.ij:l·,&#:'tW'IH (301) 848-0919 • (301) 876-3166
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