Page 39 - ThePhoenix1991-92
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November 22, 1991 Western Maryland College Page 3 Student Uses Art to Explore Eating Disorders By Kristine Holland madefromplasterofparismolds The sculptures will be set up she almost died from kidney for professional help and admit- Always in motion, Kelly will be the main focus of the opposite a mirror, so the viewer failure. While she managed to ted the that she was suffering Schoen, senior studio art major exhibit. All of the figures will be will be forced to look at his or overcome her anorexia, she still from a distorted body image. and art history minor, leans for- modeled after herself. "Model- her selfin the process of viewing struggled for the next six years However she feels that her false ward and gestures enthusiasti- ing each figure after myself ex- the sculptures. with bulemia and negative body perceptions are shared by many cally about the sculpture and film presses my direct and personal Inspiration for thispiececame perceptions. She said, "The fight other women. "We identify our- projects she is planning with her connection to these works," she from her personal experience for a ba1ance between my own selves with our bodies and it is a WMC creativity grant. said. " I want to show that all of with anorexia from age sixteen expectations and what society false identity," she said. Three sculptures of heavy, these physical aspects are within tonineteen. Herbodyweakened holds as the ideal was hard." She hopes this projcct will healthy, and skinny women us all." from the strain she put on it and This spring, she decided to go See ART, Pg. 8 Col. 1 Through a sculpture exhibit in the Dorothy Elderdice The- search papers at WMC. will be carried on into graduate Grants dedicated to the subject of ater. Christine Pieper '92 will at- these grants, Palmer thinks that school." By setting aside money for woman and body images. Kelly To apply for the awards, From Page 1 Schoen '92 (see related story) tend theEastem Analytical Syrn- this school is encouraging the which are given out twice a year, willshowthecontradictoryways posium where scientists discuss kind of research that goes on in students must have a 3.2 grade would not have happened other- woman view themselves. The research findings and modem the graduate level. "Thesegrants poin taverage and a faculty spon- wise." exhibit will be set up in Decker analytical techniques. Atten- are the kind of thing that gradu- sor. Applications for the spring Kip Jacobs '95 will use his during March, Woman'sHistory dance at this event will assist her ate students apply for," he said, semester are available at the grant to run a call-in talk show Month. in electrochemistry and polymer "I hope that some of these ideas Academic Affairs office. 0 on Carroll Public Access Tele- Jonathon Boehman '94 is us- characterization which she plans vision,channel55. Jacobs hopes ing his grant to catalogue one to pursue in graduate studies. to create an understanding of third of WMC's Art collection. A group of students in ad- free expression and provide The catalog, featuring Eygptian vancedgenetics-molecular stud- ~~:~Ztuofee~~furt by viewers with anon-competitive, works, Indian objects, African ies utilized their grant to attend non-commercial forum for VOIe- masks and more, will be pub- the International congress of Do you want to know bow to help a friend? ing their opinion. lished through WMC Press for Human Genetics in Washington Jennifer Dean '93, with the distribution. D.C. This trip extended the Call us for free, asslstanceorScou Grocki '93,is A multi-media presentation material of the course through confidential services. taking on the task of writing the is being planned by Elaine lectures, poster sessions and a Rape Crisis Intervention Service script, lyrics, and music outlin- Bucher '93 about the life of Black workshop. In consultation with ing the events of Houdini's life. Elk. Slides, video, songs, music, faculty ,Robert Pick '92 will cre- 224 North Center Street> Westminster, Md. 21157 She hopes to produce it on cam- narration, and live acting will be ate a manual to assist students 24·Hour Hotline: 857·7322 pus in the future. shown on April third and fourth with the proper format for re- FUTONS Classes are now fonning at Watetbed Galleries. Ihope you are prepared for your first exam. I. What is inexpensive, easy to assemble, and comes in a box? B. Some come finished but on others you create your own finish? m. What can you sleep on, relax on, party on, recooperate on, study on, and-most importantly-do the horizontal bop on? You're Correct!! FUTONS Only at Waterbed Galleries 140 Village Shopping Center (Next to Ames) 876-0808
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