Page 29 - ThePhoenix1991-92
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Football Fumbles Against Lebanon Valley-Story Page 6 THE PHOENIX Western Maryland College College Plans Phone System, Other Additions By Christa Lawson and be financed over an eight will be phased into other build- Western Maryland College is year period. ingsthrougbouuhecampus. The planning improvements such as The upgrade would serve as a college plans to keep the devices updating phone facilities, safety recruitment tool for incoming on Whiteford and Rouzer Hall methods,providing day care ser- studeotsandsummerconfcrence doors that setoff buzzing alarms vice and building a dance studio staff. Goldwater said other col- if the door is held open longer according to Joanne Goldwater, leges of equal size, such as than 20 seconds. Assistant Director of Residence Bucknell College, already use Included in the current safety Life. the phone service. upgrade are more lighting fix- Goldwater announced at the Actual implementation ofthe tures placed along buildings and October board of trustees meet- proposed service will depend on stairwells on campus. ing that the college plans to up- student interest and the ability of Plans for the next five to ten grade phone facilities through- the college to finance the up- years call for more security out the campus by providing grade. screens, outside phone systems more trunk lines. allowing the Plans for a new dance studio in bathrooms, outside residence college to become "intermedi- were also discussed. The dance dorms, and in parking lots. The New director or Campus Sarety Michael Webster wants ary." This would place tele- studio would concentrate on ex- college also wants to upgrade to initiate a Student Auxiliary Patrol. phones in every residence room, ercises that strengthen the car- locks and provide an enunciat- freeing students from having to diovascular system. Plans will ing burglary system which would Campus Safety pay a separate local telephone be discussed further in Decem- alert Campus Safely immediately sys- bill and hook-up charges. ber. of a break: in. A card access Board charges would be in- Hires New Director creased slightly lOcover the ser- rity Concerning were safety, recently in- tem throughout campus access into 28 secu- which screens would allow student vice. The logistics of handling stalled in Whiteford Hall along buildings and dormitories by usc long distance and creditcard fees with door alarms to control un- of their ID card is also planned By Kristin Vick will be discussed at a later time. authorized entry into the all fe- for. Western Maryland College, in the Iatestof a series of actions The estimated costofthetelc- male and mostly freshman donn. 10 to 12 student as- Finally, to improve the Department of Campus Safety, hired a new phone installations, according to The new screens, which can- sistants to campus safety may be director for the division after a five month search. Goldwater, will cost $450,000 not be cut by knives, axes, etc.. See PHONE, Pg. 3 Col. 1 The new director, Michael Webster, majored in law en- Police Phi Mu Clubroom Vandalized forcement and security administration at Northeastern Univer- sity in Boston. He went on to become the Campus Operations Supervisor at Wentworth Institute in Boston, and was the Assistant Director of Public Safety at Emerson College By Corinne Milligan stolen. Campus Safety's inability to pre- (also in Boston) up until he accepted his position at WMC. The clubroom of Phi Mu fe- Fratemuyspokeswomensald vent the incident. "It is ironic Webster has also received training in the areas of criminal male fraternity was vandalized that furniture in the clubroom that such vandalism happened See DIRECTOR, Pg. 2 Col. 4 over fall break: and several items was moved and stacked against right outside their door," she said, used in the clubs rituals were doors and that the organization 's referring to the fact that the Cam- bar was moved against a win- pus Safety office is located near dow. the clubroom in the basement of The vandals apparently knew Rouzer Hall. whanhey were looking for .slnce Campus Safely officials could By Bob Kirkendall known as Area 1002; It the items that were stolen were not be reached for comment. An environmental activist and is here at the Beaufort oflittlcmonetary value and valu- When Saksa found the photographer delivered a slide Sea that the herd gives able-silver platters were left be- clubroom defaced and reported show and talk at WMC concern- birth to their calves. It hind. Spokeswomen stated that the incident to Campus Safety, ing Alaska's wildlife and coastal is also in this30by 125 the ritual items were locked in a they were interested in moving reef as part of a campaign for the mile strip that oil has trunk in a back room. the furniture back to their preservation of these areas. been discovered by the In addition, the vandals wrote origainal places ,taking pictures, Lenny Kohm said that he be- petroleum industry. ami-greek slogans on the back and attempting to get to the bot- gan campaigning for the Arctic Lenny Kohm urged wall in lipstick. tom of the situation. refuge following a photography the audience to support -e Phi Mu just recently occu- "I don't know if this was a expedition for the Audubon So- legislation that would ~ pied the clubroom, :,hich is in personal act against our sorority ciety. prevent establishment ~ the basement of Daniel Mac Lea or against Greeks in general," Kohm discussed some of is- of 700 drilling pads, .g HailonthesideclosesttoDecker Rachel Snyder, a sister, stated. sues concerning this region, in- 6000 workers, and an ';.. College Center. Since moving Since heavy, bulky furniture cluding that the lands which are estimated 300 miles of ~ into the new location from the was moved and stacked, the sis- the isolated home of the porcu- roads across Area 1002. ~ other sideot Daniel Mact.ea. the ters suspect that more than one pine caribou herd are now in To relay an idea of =-==-===-=:_===-.::~ sisters had been worried about person was involved. danger of development by the the impact of such de- Lenny Kohm is concerned about the security problems in the unfin- "Doesn't it seem odd that no petroleum industry. He added velopment,Lennygave porcupine caribou of Alaska. ished room. one saw a group of people enter that every year165,00Q caribou an example of a 900 mile stretch trucks transporting crude oil. Organization president through aside window and move migrate across the 3,700 square on a nearby road where 1000 Kohm also added that fifty miles Christy Saksa voiced dissatis- furniture around?" sister Mary mile strip along the coastal plain caribou are killed annually by See KOHM, Pg. 8 Col. 3 faction with the Department of McGuirk said. Q
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