Page 37 - ThePhoenix1991-92
P. 37
Football Wins One to Remember-Story Page 6 THE PHOENIX Western Maryland College Creativity Grants By Jennifer Scott When it was over Monday Awarded 5:00 It started at approximately morning, Stem's the Furniture Store building that seven night-a Sunday housed alarm fire in downtown West- and Heagy's Sports Shop was By Kristine Holland minster that could be seen all the destroyed. This semester, studentsre- way from Western Maryland's The Flower Box, a store in a ceivedResearch and Creativ- campus and involved fire com- neighboring building, received ity grants for a wide scope of panies from three counties. extensivewater andsrnoke dam- project ideas, from creating a "Champs is burning!" was the age. The electricity had not been musical to researching recy- rumor that spread across cam- turned on by Monday morning. cling. pus as fast as the fire in the The Babylon Building, con- The grants, ranging for stores. taining White's Bicycles and $25 to $500, are intended to Scores of college students Antiques, and Champs also suf- encourage special projects drove or walked down Main fered water damage but electric- that complement a student's Street to the block between Bond ity was restored Sunday night. major academic emphasis Street and Rt. 27 to find the truth Five inches of water was Concerned that there was pooled in the basement of r~t!~~;;~~~~rJi§!.of the story. Joanne no monetary assistance for 11 Directorof Housing, Goldwater, Champs.according to Chief Sam made a trip student research.Dr. Melvin to the scene as well on word that Leppo of the westminster Po- Palmer, fonnerdean of Aca- college students may have lived lice Department. He also said it demic Affairs, started up cre- in some of the 10 apartments would be several days before the ativity grants in 1985. When above the burning stores. Flower Box would reopen. he presented the idea to the _.I~""'· Two to three blocks around Champs may be open for busi- WMC's budget committee, ness this weekend. ~~~~~~~~~~~~J~~~;;~~the area were cordoned off as they gave him $2,000 dollars : more than 20 fire companies at- According to Leppo, the fire in the first year. Firelighters worked to ensure the lire was out while smoke tempted to bring the blaze under began in the back of Stem 's while The grant money can cover billowed from Heagy's Sports Shop. control. See FIRE, Pg. 8 Col. 1 almost any area of interest, including the humanities, art, SGA Completes Allocations for Clubs and science fields. "There were no heavy guidelines, be- cause I wanted to give stu- By Peter White Webster, a junior senator to the The Italian Club, for instance, not specify what the money was dents freedom in their grant TheStudentGovemmentAs- SGA. petitioned for$665, but received to be spent on, "we assumed it ideas," Palmer said. sociatlon Allocation Committee This is partly due to the large only $25, and the Trumpeters, was for them [the club alone]," Palmer views the grants as announced the sums to be given amounts of money many groups who asked for $700, were given he said. Both size and age of incentivestostimulatethetal- to student clubs and organiza- requested, but also because of nothing. However, the Jewish applying organizations were ent here. He said, "I believe uons on November 6. this year's budget cuts. Mike Student Union received the en- critical to the final decision, as that the creativity grants en- "We had $7,400 for people Razze. chairman of the commit- tire $255 they requested, while well as past performance. couraged some things that who asked for $30,000. Need- tee and junior class president, the Political Action Coalition got Quality fundraising by the less to say, noteveryone got what said they received $1200 less $500 of the $525 it sought. clubs was part of the criteria. l_S_ee_G_R_A_N_T_S_,P_g_.3_C_O_,._1_J they wanted," said Elizabeth than last year. SGA's money is used to Consequently, those events that Sexual Assault Team Being Formed supplement campus-wide pro- ac- bombed had a negative impact on the committee. groups, "Why should grams by registered cording to Razze. If a club did See CLUBS, Pg. 8 Col. 1 By Doug Rettberg The Director of Counseling Services, Susan Glore, announced November lata WMCjoumal- Phone System Not Definite ism class that a Sexual Assault Information Team is being formed to help carry out the college's new The discussion of a new phone system at the trustees sexual assault policy. meeting was meant as a proposal and not an announcement, The college's new policy states that WMC will according to Director of Housing Joanne Goldwater. not tolerate assault of any kind on campus and that In an interview last week, Goldwater said that the Phoenix resources are available and actions will be taken, article in the November 8, 1991 issue was misleading because according to Susan Glore. it implied that the phone system was definatcly going to be There have been talks about forming a team for installed. a while since sexual assaults arc getting more Goldwater also said that she did not provide any informa- notice, said Glore. "When men's and women's tion on a proposed day care facility or on a dance studio and roles' were different, it was less reported," she that the information on those topics came from Professor of said. The national FBI statistics show that one out Education Joan Coley and Vice President of Administration of every four college students will be sexually and Finance Jennie Mingolelli, respectively. assaulted before graduating, according to Glore. If the phone system were to be installed, the cost would not "But this only includes what gets reported to the be added onto the board rate, said Goldwater. Board rates police. It's very difficult for people to talkabout," Susan Glore would help train members of the cover the cost of dining services only. Sexual Assualt Information Team. she said. Goldwater said that she did not know what the actual cost But what exactly is sexual assault? It is defined assault does not include sexual harassment, Glore of the phone system would be and that the $450,000 estimate by the policy as forced or unwanted physical said. "The team might help the person decide ifit's was inaccurate. 0 contact of a sexual nature without consent. Sexual See TEAM, Pg. 5 Col. 1
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