Page 30 - ThePhoenix1991-92
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Page 2 Western Maryland College November 8, 1991 Byrd to Perform at Jazz Festival Director By Adam Scott graduated from high school in Eric hopes next sprirrg will be From Page 1 elude the transferral of the safety office from the campus Eric Byrd was seven years the spring of 1988. After gradu- memorable for him. If the festi- justice, fire protection and Office of Administration and old when he watched his televi- ation from Willingboro High val is successful. he believes that safety, CPR instruction, and Finance to the Office of Stu- sion in amazement while a blind School he placed second in a he has a good chance of getting as an Emergency Medical dent Affairs. Since Campus man,RayCharles,pleasedmany national competition for classi- a recording contract. He said he Technician. Safety'S work coincides with people by just playing the piano. cal pianists. is looking forward to graduation "This is the first depart- the work of three other divi- Thirteen years later Eric will have Asked how he maintains a in May and getting ajob in New ment I've worked for in Stu- sionsof StudentAffairs---Stu- the same opportunity at the low profile, he responded, "if York so he can stay around the dent Affairs .. it really gives dent Health, Residence Life, Willingboro Jazz Festival inNJ. the talent you have isGod-given, jazz scene. He wants to work for you a different viewpoint on and College Activities-the The senior communication one must remember that God a recording studio so he can re- things," said Webster. He is change in management was and music major will perform can also take away that talent." ceive a steady income and then happy with the transition he agreed upon by both divisions. next spring for hopefully find are- has made here, though he de- "It worked out really well. 5,000 people. The cording contract. scribes it as being a "culture .. We are trying to make the festival has had "I'm really shock" at first. "The wholc transition to help the office be such individuals as looking forward to environment is much more more supportive of students," Miles Davis. Dizzy the jazz festival," southern than 1 had expected. explains Dean of Student Af- Gillespie, and he said. Why? "1 .. the life style change is nice." fairs PhilipR. Sayre. address- Kenny G. perform have gotten to the Webster's primary goals ing the tension that is some- there. point that 1feel that for WMC are crime preven- times present in the relation- Eric received this chance af- One of Eric's most memo- 1can reach the audience with my tion and having the public be- ships between campus secu- ter his mother introduced him La rable moments was an opportu- music. I compare music with come more receptive and ap- rity and students. "It's not the mayor of Willingboro. The nity he had to play with Bob public speaking, everyone can preciative of the department. always easy," Sayre contin- mayor was aware that Eric was Berg and Mike Stem at a jazz speak but only a few individuals "This is a little like a small ues, "There was a sort of nega- an aspiring musician so she in- festival at Towson State. Berg have the talent to reach the audi- business ... there is a certain tive attitude towards provid- vited him to play atseveral char- has played the saxophone with ence and hold them captivated amount of negativity. and you ing the best environment for ity events. After hearing Eric's Davis and Jon Coaltrain. Mike through out the whole speech. It have to offset that with posi- students ... We [Student Af- performance she invited him to Stem has played the gutlar with is the same with music, there are tive programs." fairs] were excluding them play at the festival. Gillespie. a lot of musicians out there but Webster sees the need for [Campus Safety] from the Not bad fora young man who Davis and Gillespie were and only a few musicians can reach more community out reach team." was bom in 1970 in Jersey City, still are Eric's idols. Asked who out and keep the audience capti- programming, not only to edu- Healsosaidthatwhendea1- NJ. His family then moved to he would like to becompared to, vated." he said. cate students, but to help them ing with any type of enforce- Willingboro, where he was first he said, "I'm not caught up in Ericsits behind the piano and see officers in a role that is not ment organization, it is some- introduced to the piano in1978. trying to better than someone one cannot help but listen to the adversarial. He also supports times difficult, in the eyes of In1979, Eric took his first piano else. I just want to be the best artwork that comes from the pi- improved technology like a the students, to see the agency lesson. jazz musician that Eric Byrd can ano and the musician behind it. card key access in residence as one working to help them WhileEricattendedTwinHill be." When he lifts his hands it is like halls, which he believes would instead of being more author- Elementary SchoolhepJayed the Eric has one sister. 25. who is an artist lifting a paint bursh to be more efficient and effec- itytodeal with. violin. He was the president of an artist and graduate of Moore paint a self-portrait. Eric is not uve. Other improvements in- his class in Memorial Junior High College of Alt. His sister has just a musician, entertainer, or Associate Dean of Student clude implementing new pro- School and started to play the already been in six art shows, he an artist, he is a combination of Affairs Frank Lamas, grams and projects such as the drums in the seventh grade. He said. all three. 0 Webster's boss, is also push- new safety screens installed in Star-Studded Students Strut Their Stuff Ing rorimprovements. Lamas some of the dorm buildings, Auxil- and better lighting of the cam- wants to see a Student iary Patrol program put into pus at night. By Demetrios Lambros motion, where students would "We've reworked every- of the evening was BACCHUS' ity (l-10pts.), and Audience For a few shining moments, infamous virgin strawberry dai- Reaction (1-lOpts.) by WMC be working in the Campus thing," Sayre added, refening WMC students became stars. Or quiri topped with whipped senior Liz Emanuel and WMC Safety offices and working at not only the physical changes singers. Or rappers. Or comedi- cream-or to compete for the staff member Dave Staub. First special events on campus. La- taking place, butalso the trans- ans. But whatever they became, prize money, they came. The prize was awarded to Phil mas hopes this type of campus formation of the staff itself. they tried to compete for a $50 turnout for the event was well Lathroum for his acoustic guitar employment will start as soon Sayre said, "Security on a first prize or a $25 second prize over 50 people, a much Jarger and singing renditions of Jimmy as next year. He is also look- college campus is very open at BACCHUS' Open Mic Pub crowd than last year for the same Buffet and James Taylor tunes. ing to coordinate more educa- and different from other Night. event. Second prize went to Mike tional services with the resi- places. There is a high value The event was em-ceed by Althoughthepreviousweek's Webster and Ricardo Washing- dence halls, and is in the pro- here on freedom of access and WMC basketball player and auditions only had four people ton for their comedy/rap skit cess of developing a survey of expression. This can pose BACCHUS member Paul show up, the competition for the about bodily functions. this fall for residence life to threats to security, and they Pawlowski and his puppet evening was strong, with a few The open mic night was the examine the students' needs have to adjust. .. and we have Peabody, a furry critter with a acts gracing the stage up to three culminating event in a series of and campus safety issues that sensitized them to the college bow-tie. Whether they came for or four times. Each act was events during National Colle- willcomeout. Lamasis work- environment." Education pro- the free rnocktails that were judged on Stage Presence/Show- giate Alcohol Awareness Week ing more with crime statistics grams have not only helped served-the most popular drink manship (1-IOpts.), Talent/Abil- (Oct. 13-0ct. 20), sponsored as well, and wants to fulfill the safety officers, but have also by CAPBoard and BACCHUS. "Students Right 1OKnow" law addressed other important con- was started FAN'S The idea for theevem of last year by recently passed by Congress. Pa- cems dealing with medical stu- is- ''The Student Auxiliary sues, the roles of faculty mem- at the beginning an excellent trol is absolutely minority bers on campus, former Life Coordi- @ nator Eric Chase, who wanted to idea," Webster said. "It would dents,and the international stu- Residence serve to benefit the students. dents. hold a pub nightduring the alco- provide the division has a good awareness hol week. Senior for the department, quality staff been Inaddition, to avoid slashing able and allow Amanda Thompson, president of CHINESE RESTAURANT BACCHUS, said it was done in the money to stay on cam- safety personnel despite bud- Szechuon » Cantonese» American order to "encourage people to pus." Webster says this pro- get constraints, Lamas said. gram and many others worked S9 West Main St., Westminster, MD 21157 get involved," and to let "people well at Emerson, and he wants Campus safety currently has have a chance to do something." 13 staff, who work along with Telephone: Although Thompson was to see the same at WMC. four residence live coordina- Other actions that (301) 848-0919 • (301) 876-3166 pleased with this year's turnout occured in the last year have in- tors and 21 residence assis- Q tants. she hopes that it will increase in the following years. 0
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