Page 33 - ThePhoenix1991-92
P. 33
November 8, 1991 Western Maryland College PageS 60 Seconds on Campus Bob Kirkendall What do you consider sexual harassment? Adam Wiener Thaddeus Shepherd Jennifer Milstein Van Lurton Christine Keiner '95 '95 '93 '92 '93 -Social Work -Business -Communication/Art -Political Science -Biology "When someone "Any abuse verbal or "Someone that "When a girl starts to "Unwanted gestures takes advanatage of physical that has a makes a pass at you feel threatened, you're including both ver- someone else against sexual connotation." either physically or infringing on her bal and physical ac- their will." verbally." rights." tions." Letters to the Editor WMC Improves Handicapped Access Editor, Todd Robinson. You were won- By Lauren E. Himmel Tom Gibbons, who is the coor- trances, bathrooms and pool of I want to publicly commend derful! In an effort to make the cam- dinator of the academic skills the Harlow Pool area, and reno- several Western Maryland Col- Another group of WMC stu- pus of WMC more accessible to center and is also involved with vation to the entrance and bath- lege students who represented dents was involved in a session persons with physical disabili- the Accessibility Compliance rooms as well as construction of WMC well at a regional confer- presentation on Gay/Lesbian is- ties, a handicap accessibility Committee. a wheelchair ramp in McDaniel ence recently. These students sues. What the Students Think committee is proposing a two- The purpose of the plan is to lounge, These three areas alone participated in the Mid-Atlantic was organized by Sharon year plan to make renovations provide documentation that cost the school $51,500. College Health Association's Skozilas, R.N. and WMC col- and changes to buildings on cam- WMC is making systematic ef- Gibbons said, "We've gone annual meeting which was held lege nurse. Michal Hall, Chris- pus, including Alumni Hall. forts to meet the needs of per- around campus and looked at the at the Hunt Valley Inn last week tine Pieper, and Wade Fannin, Theschool is required to make sonswithdisabiliuesandtocom- buildings and tried to make them and represented 300 college along with a Penn State student, Alumni, which houses the the- ply with federal and state man- more accessible for handicapped health professionals from 74 presented a powerful, provoca- ater, accessible since it is a his- dates regarding accessibility. people." However, according to campuses in the mid-Atlantic tive panel discussion which was toric building and it sponsors Someexamplesofthesegoals Gibbons, WMC has only a small region (pA,NJ, VA, MD, WV, very well received by those at- public events. WMC is getting for 1990-91 were a wheelchair number of handicapped students. DE, and Washington, D.C.). tending. Many thanks to you bids and estimates for the work ramp and entrance to Little Baker "The main concerns are the Members of WMC's Alpha three! on Alumni Hall, according to Chapel, renovations of the en- See HANDICAP, Pg. 8 Col. 1 Psi Omega theater honorary so- Western Maryland and Stu- ciety provided the entertainment dent Health Services are proud for the Friday evening banquet to have you represent us. AndI, and captivated the audience. personally, thank all of you for Comments I received after their your suppon, commitment, and performance included "first rate a great job. WMC's reputation group," "entertainers should be has been spread a little farther by congratulated," "cabaret a won- the fine representation of each of derful addition," "great," "su- you. per," "real fun," "first class tal- Bravo and congratulations! ent," and "very professional." Thanks Scott Grocki, Steve Marlene Clements Zumbrum, Lea Stanley, Laura Student Health Services Tull, Steve Parsons, Reed President, Mid-Atlantic Wraase, Frank Huminski, and College Health Association WSE$500 ...$1000 ...$1500 FREE TRAVEL. CASH, AND EX- EXPERI- CELLENT BUSINESS WANT%D! ~~~.?J~ Openings available for ENCE!! F U ... 1£» Talented Photogl'aphers and I?A.III individuals or student organiza- Reporters for the Phoenix. s:;':rft;~reZ~e:~~rhe, tions to promote the country's most successful SPRING BREAK ~Ieeting times are Mondays 6:30 campus organization. tours. Call Inter-Campus Pro- .ISO"'fflY NO in the Basement Daniel MeLea INVfSTMfNT .fOUIIED' grams 1-800-327-6013 '''''''0 II,§jfHHfftl'H
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