Page 28 - ThePhoenix1991-92
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Page 8 Western Maryland College October 18, 1991 Budget ministrative and students, "one of the only schools in the Since losing toJohns Hopkins third in kills), freshman Denise seemed optimistic about the fu- area to have an increase in new in their first MAC SouthWest Spangler (first in kills, shot per- From Page 1 ture. students,"andpromises "tuition, section match, the Terrors have centage, fourth in service aces), This may be fine for the aca- Said Seligman, ''The Col- room, and board increases for been on a roll, winning five con- and freshman Krista Shaffer (first demics, which is, and should be. lege is in excellent financial '92-'93 to be minimal." 0 sccutive matches that has team in service aces, total attempts, of primary concern, but extra- health." However, headded,my play written allover them. There and third in kills). Juniors Sandra curricular organizations are also forecast for next year's budget is are five players on the team who Hoelz, Julie Rife, and Heather important to a college experi- very tight. Another drastic short- Volleyball have twenty or more serv iceaces, Wakefield.sophomores Marilyn Naas and Denise l.Inn.and fresh- and three who have one hundred ence. How have they been af- fall next year could translate into From Page 6 kills or more. The big hitters for men Carolyn Kelsey, Tineka fected? reduced operations as far as the 17, the Terrors were unable to the team have been junior captain Byes, Anne Plunkett, and Jen- DeanofStudentAffairsPhilip media groups are concerned, overcome the Guilford team and Jen Staub(second on the team in nifer Jensen round out a solid Sayre believes the reductions Sayer stated. lost the second game 12-15 to fin- service aces, total attempts, block team with aspirations for another "did as little damage to existing Thomas notes that WMC is ish second in the tournament. assists, and shot percentage, and trip to post-season play. 0 programs as possible." The five media organizations, of which he heads, wereallocated$15,625 last May. This September that was cut by $2000. Sayre was encouraged by the fact that the "people [the media heads] worked together on the planning of cuts." They agreed to curtail themselves and each other, from 5% off of Contrast's budget to nearly 22% off of Uplink's. lit .1'.'1(.j DaveMiller,generai manager of WMCR which took a 11 % cut. predicts a good year despite save the monetary crunch. Although, he added, "we might have to hold back on buying the latest CDs right away." TreasurerofCAPboardJames Martin affirms they recieved a 9.1 % cut at the beginningofSep- money on tember, the fourth year in a row of diminished funds. "Basically, it means we'll havea couple less programs, less elaborate ones." Macintosh Although he wasn't suprised by the reduction, the need exists "to rearrange the budget to accomadate the cuts." Because of this, said Martin, "we won't Here's the deal: We've paired some of (he be able to run ads in the Phoenix This offer is availableonly for a limited time. or on WMCR." This may have most popular Apple" Macintosh" computers See your authorized Apple campus reselier further ramifications for those with some of the most popular Apple print- today for details. , organizations. Theirwas a posi- ers. Buyone of these combinations, and save And discover the power of Macin- • tive note amidst the bad news, big bucks. Got it?Good. Now get going. tush. The power to be your bes~ .. according to Martin, "The lead- ership at CAPboard has become MaCintoshClassic Macintosh LC Macintosh IIsl more wise and budget -conscien- uous." Mike Razzi, oftheSGA allo- cations committee wasn 'tsure if there would be across the board cuts because it is still in the plan- ning/allocation stage, which should be finalized by the end of October. Outof$II,QOO given to them by the scool they took out $1600 for operating expenses, as well as a $1000 cut, which leaves 'Off"'ppI""ooJy'o,Ma(;"O>IlQ'''''''';Ih,btJ;II·mh.rdd'' $8400 to give out, a shortfall of ··Moo;Io>>old"p.""dy $1500 from last year. For more information stop by the Western Maryland "Size of the groups is impor- tant" when the money requests College Bookstore every Wednesday during the Fall Session come in, as well as past perfor- and talk to George Fisher from Towson Computer mance and adherence to goals, said Razzi, when asked what or call him at 301/662-0359 determines the amount of fund- ing for campus organizations. He anticipates a little disgruntle- • Save $125 . $800 now on Macintosh bundles ment when fh~ requests are re- turned. So, despite the downcast air C> 1991AppIeComp.Mr, Inc.AppIe,"h.... I'I'I<~l:I>orW"''''".MKI"to!h.$!\ ..\I·n'"r,.oo "Th
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