Page 26 - ThePhoenix1991-92
P. 26
Page 6 Western Maryland College October 18, 1991 Longer Hours, More Responsibilities Face Volleyball Former Players Turned Assistant Coaches Boosts Record to 18·10 By Wendy Bollinger ing experience for me," says With three former players as Duncan. Hamm points out that By Ed Rigling coaches who hold three Western the coaches meetings are "long, After a rough start to the sea- Maryland College records and a espedallyonSundays when they son, the Western Maryland vol- Centennial Conference honor- can last from 1:00 until 10 or 11 leyball team has come together able mention award collectively, at night. The beginning of the under coach Jolene Jordan it is no surprise that the Green week is pretty hectic. By the end Hoover, their team attitude cul- Terror footballteam is 4-1. of the week, things begin toslow minating in a second place finish MikeHamm,PatDuncan,and down." in last weekend's Gallaudet Uni- Ben Kling have all had During practice, Duncan and versity Tournament. Jordan, to coach According successsful careers as starters for Kling spend much of their time the team started to turn things Western Maryland, but this year together running defensive drills, around in the Mary Washington they have returned to help on the while Hamm works with Coach tournament. Since that weekend sidelines. Sprague and oversees the of- where the Terrors finished with a As a former quarterback, fense. On Saturdays, Hamm can Ben Kling and Pat Duncan run defensive drills at practice 2-2 record and just missed quali- Hamm holds the record for be seen in the press box relating while Mike Hamm takes care of offense. fying for the semifinals, the Ter- passes attempted (633), passes the opposing team's defense to socialize with them (players) ceive amaster's degree in physi- rors have only lost one game in completed (270), and yards Coach Sprague and suggesting after the games." cal education in two years from their last six regular season (3962), He has taken over as possible offensive plays. Duncan One advantage of the transi- Western Maryland College, says matches, going 5-0 in match play quarterbacks coach. Duncan, a and Kling stand with defensive tion from playing to coaching is that he is "e njoying coaching" with two MAC SouthWestdivi- four year starter in the defensive coach Dave Seibert substituting having a different relationship and would like to continue it. slon wins to boot. "Ithinkthey're used to each next to playing secondary and a punter for three defensiveendsandspccial teams with Coach Sprague. Duncan Duncan, a sociology major, other," Jordan remarked last years, is the team's defensive players respectively. says, "I've gotten to know him wants to stay involved in foot- Thursday in her office before ends coach and kickers coach. Were these ex-players wor- bcuer as a person and he treats ball butisn't sure that he willget practice. When asked what the Ben Kling, who received a Cen- ried aboutcoaching former team- mebertemowthat lamacoach." ajob in the area. Kling, on the biggest factor has been in the tennial Conference honorable mates? While Kling says that he Kling agrees and describes his other hand, wants to get his tumaround.Jordanreptled, "pri- mention in 1990 at center, "wasn't worried," Hamm con- relationshipwithSpmgueas"re- master's degree from the Col- marily the confidence level. coaches the defensive line. fesses to being "unsure at first." laxed." lege and coach "anywhere." They realized that they can beat The transition from playing All agreed that it was easy to When asked about the possi- With the season the Terror the better teams." to coaching means putting in keep a friendly relationship, but bility of coaching football in the football team is having, Coach This new confidence in their at longer hours and having greater they had to pull themselves away future, all three expressed inter- Sprague might be wise to keep abilities was evident Western the Gallaudet tournament. responsibility. "It'sbeenaleam- at times. Klingnotes,"Youcan't est. Hamm, who expects to re- them around for awhile. 0 Maryland began the tournament Team Defeats Hopkins facingEastem Mennonite,ateam they had lost to in the Gettysburg Invitational two weeks earlier. Pete May with the trophy for first participate, including WMC. This time, the Terrors prevailed, place. "Ichostanevenustowin A five eventcompeuuon con- winning the first game 15-12be- an event." sisting of the Army Physical Fit- fore losing the second 9-15. Dig- But the contest was close. ness Test, the one-rope bridge ging deep, Western Maryland The Green Terror Battalion competition, assembly of M-60 won the last game 15-13 and the won over Johns Hopkins Univer- and M-16 weapons, the grenade match two games to one. Next, sity by a slim one point margin, assaultcourse.andthe 10kilome- the team faced Greensboro and wontwostraightgamestoendthe 11 to 12. BowieStatefinishedthe ter road run, schools fielded day 2-0 in pool play. Saturday competition third, followed by a teams of nine cadets. morning began with the Terrors tie between Loyola College and WMC's team consists of se- facing a tough Guilford [cam, Morgan State University. nior and team captain, Pete May, eventual falling to their foes 13- Howard University finished last. senior Herb Hewlett, juniors 15,13-15. Western Maryland The RangerChallenge In vita- Matt Byrne, Matt Gebhard, and rebounded by defeating Catholic tional Competition was held by Steve Sherrill, and sophomores in three games (11-15.15-8, 15- WMC's Ranger Challenge Team will face 30 to 3S teams at Western Maryland College Oc- Sherry Albright, Chris Cutler, 8) to move into semifinal play. Fort A. P. Hill, Virginia October 2S and 26. tober 5. The event was in prepa- John Gazzelli, and John Hamp- Beating washington College BrigadereGeneraIJuliusF.lohn- ration of the region-wide event to ton. Freshmen Rob Doeller and easily in straight games, the Ter- By Jennifer Scott son.Firsrkegion Commanderof be held at Ft A.P. Hill, Virginia Bill Lubking participated in the rors once again confronted "We've learned one impor- ROTC, as he presented WMC the last weekend of October. APFT and the road run, but their Guilford for the tournament tant lesson here today," joked Ranger Challenge learn captain Thiny to 35teamsareexpected to scores did not count. 0 crown. Losing the first game 15- Pg.8 Col.3 See VOLLEYBALL, . ~2]n~i~Pi2!u~~u2~2v~,S ~ CARROLL PLAZA SHOPPING CENTER Rd.) (Rt 140 and Englar MD 21157 • Lotto & Lottery Headquarters 140 EAST MAIN STREET WESTMINSTER. MD 2157 WESTMINSTER, 848-1314 876-830 848-2844 r-------'r-------'r-------, aUALllY RESUMES QUICK PRINT RESUMES FINE WINE & SPIRITS· THE PERFECT GIFT FOR All OCCASIONS Sennces Provitftrf I" 15% off I I 50¢ off I I $1 00 off I TYPESETTING WORD PROCESSING MANUALS 1< II II I BOOKS FORMS ANNUAL REPORTS BUSINESS ." 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