Page 24 - ThePhoenix1991-92
P. 24
Page 4 Western Maryland College Common Sense This was a feller to the editor that, though anonymous, holds some interesting ideas and argwnenls. Tefl us what you think. The FederalistPapers, written 1787~88.arepublicletters explaining why citizens should vote for the proposed U.S. Constitution to replace the existing Articles of Confederation. Madison, Hamilton, and Jay were the authors. Style, knowl- edge, and wisdom make them good to read anytime and anywhere. They are known all over the world. Six (# 15-#20) are about the failure of governments caused by theauempt to govern governments rather than individuals. Kings ruling over dukedoms, central government over states Homecoming male representative from each crowded the campus. Events or provinces all failed on this account. A sovereign of class. The freshman representa- started before the football game, sovereigns, a government of communities has never worked From Page 1 tives were Shana Burdick and beginning with the Class of for long. The local authority claims the attention of the people the Black Student Union, the In- Chris Shnell, and the sophomore 1966's 25th Reunion Brunch at with the result that they lose faith in the central government as ternational Student Organiza- representatives were Lisa Wieter the President's House, a Pre- an expression of their will. tion, Alpha Nu Omega, Sigma and Tim Michael. Jen Milstein Game Warm Up at Harrison Phi Epsilon, and Phi Sigma and Bill Michaelson were the House, and a picnic on the Corporations are governments. The directors are their rulers. The employees are their subjects because control of Sigma. The judges were Miss junior representatives, and the Harrison House lawn. After the Com- Lucy Moran of Academic livelihood amount to control of will. King and Queen were Jason game, there was an SOS/Hinge puting, Dr. John Olsh of Eco- Rippon and Kathy Savage. Red Corporations collect taxes. The taxes are notidentifiedas After Game Reunion at such as they come in but rather as the money goes out at the nomics, and Dr. Dan Reese of carnations were given to the king McDaniel Lounge, and the Sociology, whowerechosenran- and queen by Carolyn Scott, the Young Alumni "Homecoming discretion of the directors. it is money in excess of that needed domly by the Student Govern- president of the Alumni Asso- in the Pub," sponsored by the to meet the cost of sales, dividends and taxes. ment Association to evaluate the ciation. Criss! Cina, SGA Vice Young Alumni Committee. The Corporations are undemocratic. They are not responsive entries. Theentries were judged President, and senior class sena- events were sponsored by the to the voters of the Congress or the President Law and custom by the criteria of enthusiasm, tor Gina Gargeu played major Office of Alumni Affairs. have come to treat corporations as imaginary and immortal originality, having a sturdy float, roles in organizing both the pa- Wrapping up [he busy day of persons. This-is how they have sneaked through and circum- and their interpretation of the rade and the half-time show, and events was the "Comedy Caba- vented the provisions and intent of the Constitution. They train theme. First place was made the formal presentation of ret," sponsored by CAPBoard in masquerade before the Law as persons, as individuals, but that awarded to Alpha Nu Omega the awards. the Forum. Acoustic musical is a fiction. They really are governments in the sense identi- ($150), second place was Concluding the half-time entertainment was provided by fied in The Federalist Papers as the prime threat to durable, awarded to the BSU ($100), and show, the Young Alumni Choir Steve Greene, Mary O'Conner, viable constitutional central government third place was awarded to the sang the Alma Mater, and fol- and Jeremy Verne. James The predicted result is ineffectiveness of the magistracy, International Students Organi- lowing the conclusion of the cer- Stephens III, a comedian origi- crime, and violence. When Germany and Italy were threat- zation ($50), according to SGA emonies,!he "100 days" picture nally from California, kept the ened from within they resorted to police states under Hitler vice president Criss! Cina. The of the class of 1991 was taken. audience laughing with his sing- and Mussolini. Corporations supported their regimes. prize money was provided by That started the third quarter off ing and impersonations, and took the SGA, and the Alumni Asso- Let us not choose police state methods as our way to cure as the Terrors moved towards everyone by surprise with his the violence in the streets. Rather let us go to the heart of the ciation. victory (see related article). knowledge and acquaintance matter and correct the erroneous position and immunity and Following the parade was the Throughout the day, alumni with many Hollywood stars Q power possessed by corporations. Directors, officers, execu- football game, WMC vs. tives, and stockholders must be made directly answerable to Randolph Macon College. The The Phoenix elected federal authority. half-time show included a pre- sentation by the porn pon squad Here are some proposals to provide a place to stan and then the recognition of the thinking about the new arrangements that need to be made: winners of special awards. The Editor Andrea Covington Scott Editor Jennifer 1. A sunset law: The largest (500, 1000-) companies to Alumnus of the Year award was Assistant Editor Constantine Frangos Layout be voted on by congress every ten years as valuable to the presented toHomerC.EarIl, who Sports Editor Ed Rigling common good of the nation or be dissolved. graduated in 1950. The Young Photography Editor Bob Kirkendall 2. Directors of these corporations to be appointed by the Alumnus Service A ward was Production Assistants Andrea Covington, Jennifer Scott President and if need be fired by him just like generals, presented to a 1986 graduate, Cartoonist Mike Jenkins admirals, and cabinet officers. Robin Adams Brenton, who is Reporters Wendy Bollinger, Andrea Covington, Jen Hill 3. Some officers and their families to live next to each an Alpha Nu Omega advisor. Lauren E. Himmel,Kristine Holland, Rebecca Kane, factory or utility. This will improve operations because the The James Brant Memorial Bob Kirkendall, Mike Kubacki, Demetri Lambros, essence of responsibility is being there. Accidents like Three- Cup is an award recognizing ac- Dave Miller, Todd Robinson, Jennifer Scott, Kristin Peter White Viek, Tracy Walter, Mile island will be less likely to occur. complishments of 1991 gradu- ates and current members of 4. Names and addresses of directors, officers and manag- Greek organizations during the Advisor Terry A. Dalton ers to be published annually in local newspapers and posted 1990-91 academic year. These The Phoenix year-round at each facility and at the local courthouse wher- accomplishments include excel- do not necessarily is published bi-weekly. The opinions expressed the reflect those of Phoenix staff members, ever a federal corporation has a place of business. This plaees ling in academics, participation faculty, or the administration at Western Maryland College. proper public scrutiny on leaders who control large social and in leadership activities, varsity The Phoenix welcomes submissions and Leuers to the Editor. environmental effects. sports, and service with commu- Letters that are one page, typed, and double spaced are 5. Acabinet position and department to supervise federal nity projects. This year, the guarenteed publication in the upcoming issue. Letters exceed- corporations and keep them working for the common good at award was proudly presented to ing that limit will be published as space permits and must be disk submitted Word, home and abroad. the Alpha Nu Omega Sorority. WriteNow, on a Macintosh formats. in either Microsoft a phone include Please or MacWrite 6. When fines are imposed officers shall pay a portion After the presentation of the number for verification. and stockholders shall pay a portion by cancellation of divi- awards were given, the mem- Address mail to: The Phoenix dends. Individuals rather than the corporation are to be bers of the 1991 Homecoming 2 College Hill governed and punished as need be. This is the constitutional Court stood across the football Western Maryland College way to govern. Q field, facing the crowd. The Westminster, MD 21157 court included a male and fe- -,---
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