Page 13 - ThePhoenix1991-92
P. 13
September 19, 1991 Field Hockey, New Coach Have Tough Start This Season Wendy Bollinger As another year begins on the Hill, the editorial reins fonhc The Green Terror field sports section have been passed on to me. Feeling this new hockey team won their firsrgame sense of omniscient power, Itook it upon myself to continue of the season last Thursday with the tradition Matt Levy left behind and write my own column, a2-1 victory over the College of filled with observations, accusations, and thoughts on the Notre Dame . world of sports. Fortunately, that world has given me plenty The Terror offense, led by of material to brood upon, so let us get right down to it. Senior forward Dina Comuzzi, Few students may realize how much itcosts for nonstudents spent most of the first half at touseourillustriousgolf course. Well, let me clue you in: ten Notre Dame's end of the field. dollars on weekdays, fifteen on weekends. That, my friends, Beth Longenecker took advan- isa lot of money ,especially for a nine hole golf course where tage of the Terror's first offen- the greens were so bad J may as well have been puuing with sive comer by scoring a goal off my eyes closed. of a Sarah Williams pass. Less Irealize that the school needs to make money off someone, than four minutes later, Jodi but it is out of the question to ask my non·WMC friends to Livingston added a goal to give drive down here and hit the links with me for that kind of the Terrors a 2-0 lead. Janel beingabletoscore. Terrorgoalie with a 4-0 loss to a tough Mes- money. Maybe whoever manages the course can see it in his Yilmaz provided Notre Dame's Sherry Albright clinched the siah team. The offense failed to or her heart to set up a system wherc guests of students can only goal and ended the game's victory for Western Maryland convert on any of their six comer play for less than the high fees currently in practice. scoring with fifteen minutes re- by recording a save in the last opportunities. In their most reo Moving on to more international mauers. it is sad to see the maining in the first half. few seconds of the game. cent game, Western Maryland sight which now resembles Mike Tyson these days. At one The two teams hauled in the The victory moves the Ter- lost 2..() to Juniata. time, it appeared that Mike was going to rise above his squalid center of the field formostofthe rors record to 1-2. Goalie Sherry Albright had beginnings as a hoodlum from the slums, but he has fallcn second half, with neither team The team opened theirseason five saves for the Terrors. Q greatly from his zenith. His recent indictment on rape charges stemming from a July incident is another black mark on a Deep Bench and Raw Talent Help career that has recently been filled with them. Thereare many theories as to when the decline began, and i,tis pointless to Volleyball Team Overcome Inexperience debate the exact point Suffice it to say that he has been led astray by pretenders such as Don King who keeps the once Ed Rigling the holes left by the graduation of and the squad rolled overGoucher great Iron Mike like a dog on a leash who he lets loose every The similarities between the Diana Palmer, Kim St. Claire, in the first game 15·2 behind the once in a while to amuse himself and rake in more obscene 1991 Volleyba1lteamandits 1989 and Alice Smith. When asked if power of ten team service aces amounts of money. predecessor are startling. Each the loss of the three players and and nine kills. Goucher bounced Well, the National Hockey League.has shot itself in the foot teamcontainedthreeexperienced the starting of three freshmen backinthesecondgamealthough again. In the midst of Team USA's first bid for a Canada Cup juniors and several talented fresh- placed more pressure on the Terrors also led a ba1anced and some tremendous hockey games, these great events have men who were able to step in and Wakefield and team captainsjun- euack behind ten team kills and been overshadowed by sheer stupidity in the form of· the gain experience en route toa wln- iors Sandra Hoelz and Jen Staub, eight service aces to win 15·13. league's policy on what they call free agency. In the NHL, a ning season. Where the 1989 Heather responded '1don't think In the third game, service errors player who is a free agent can sign with another team as long squad also possessed an experi- itputsmorepressureon us, I think and ball handling errors began 10 as his fonnerleam was compensated. Although the old system enced senior inLinda Biawec, the it makes us work harder." show the team's inexperience as was questionable, Icould live Now, though, arbitra- 1991model employs abcrcbdeep TheTerrorshavecertainlyhad Western Maryland hung on to tors have begun to award live bodies in exchange for free with talent but weak in collegiate to work hard to gain their current win 16-14. agency signings. The biggest name among these lives bodies experience, a difference which 4-2 record as they have begun 00 In their second match of the is Scott Stevens who an arbitrator sent to the New Jersey may hurt me team now but will work as a team and the freshmen season, the team faced Devils in exchange for the S1.Louis Blues signing of Brendan definitely payoff in me long run. havc made the transition to the Susquehanna Again, the Terrors Shanahan. This move effectively ended free agency for the As junior Heather Wakefield collegiate level. This season's jumped 00 a quick start as fresh. big name players because no team will be willing to bait the stated, 'This could be the best odyssey began against Goucher men Krista Shaffer and Tineka big fish for fear of losing some of their own key players. recruiting year we've eve< had. College as the Terrors won in Dyes contributed three and two This move has put the players' union in an uproar, which The freshman have talent like you straight games 00 take the match. kills respectively and sophomore is understandable, and has thrown a big monkey wrench in wouJdn 't believe." WithWakefieldsidelinedwithan Marilyn Naas scored three ser- their bargaining agreement with the NHL, casting the ugly Coach Jolene Jordan-Hoover injury, coach Jordan-Hoover was vice aces en route to a 15·5 win. shadow of a players' sjrikeover the upcoming season. Strikes certainly pulled out all the stops, forced to stan four rookies along Trouble set in during the second disenchant fans, and the NHL cannot afford to lose any more recruiting nine freshmen to fill side veterans Staub and Hoelz, See V-BALL, Pg.IO Col. 2 fans in the United States. One last thought let us hope that the raising of the flag to Football, from Page 8 Commenting on Western Western Maryland faces nine half-mast before Saturday's home football opener is not some With nine seconds on the clock, Maryland's inability to control more games this season and avery sinister omen for the upcoming season, or it will again be a and WMC facing fourth and ten. Albright's powerful offense in the competitive Centennial Football long year for the Terrors. 0 Coach Sprngue called on fresh- first half, Sprague offered, "We Conference,includingnextweeks man Mickey Neustadt to attempt had lOIS of broken routes offen- foe, rival Gettysburg. the forty-yard field goal for the sively, and problems with poor Sprague offered this advice fly win. Under tough pressure, field position. We need 10 work the rest Of the season, "People ha:I Fitzgerald's Carriage House Liquors Neustadt missed the kick, forcing on minirnizing mistakes on skill bella realize that lhey had bella 113 West Main Street • 848~3466 the Green Terrors 10 give up a positions." showuprea:lytopiayagainstus."'Q heartbreak:ingwin totheAlbright Specials ... Lions. Shaeffer & Shaeffer Light caselcans-$7.99 Schlitz case/cans-$7.99 Though it was a tough loss to NQEVIR Coors, Coors Light, CoorsExtra GoldDraft:caselcans-$13.49 Albright, whomtheyhaddefeated Stroh's & Stroh's Light 15·packslcans-$5.99 in the past two meetings, the Ter- Moosehead 12~p.
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