Page 18 - ThePhoenix1991-92
P. 18
Page 4 Western Maryland College Parents Dean a Busy Woman with Punch from Page 2 Kristine HoUand jazz, and ballet since the age of up programs, found lay- noon, RAs and the members of It is only a few weeks into the three. In highschool she triedout out ads. and sold tickets. the hall governments of Rouzer semester and already Jennifer for a musical and she has been "While I love acting the and Whiteford halls organized Dean, ajunior, is sniffling from hooked on theatre ever since. most, I believe that this parent and student receptions. a cold. Small wonder, consider- When she came to WMC on job taught me responsibil- 1 the walls of the lobbies where ing all of the activities she par- fuU scholarship, she fell in love ity." the receptions took place were ticipates in . with the theatre department. "I'm Herfavoriteexperience ": decorated with huge welcom- Organizing Alpha Psi learning more things then I ever inactingwasworkingwith sa ing banners for parents that were Omega-WMC's drama frater- thought there was to learn. Even the original play Play- ~ covered by greetings and signa- nity-starring in a play, think- though there is not a mass num- things written by WMC ~ tures of the students. Munchies ing of three majors, and working ber of theatre majors here, the alumna Wendy j were served with mock-tails as at two jobs are just a few of the people who are in it are dedi- "I liked work- ~====~"'!~~!!!!._ ~ families convened and shared things she's doing. "I always cated." Ruderman. It Jean Dean, left, plays the role of ing with the playwright. comments of the day's activi- become involved in too many Jen has stage managed,acted, was a very personal expe- Judy in Punch and Judy ties. things," she says. "I'm always danced and sang in numerous rience because the play dealt with Judyin the play Punch and Judy. The WMC Parents Board getting sick ." plays. This summer she was box modem college issues." "I enjoy the exaggerated gro- Reception was held in Ensor She has been dancing tap, office manager where she made Currently she is portraying See DEAN, Pg. 6 Col. 1 Lounge and the President's Din- ner for parents and families took House living arrangements was the size and 189 houses seven students, A screen had fallen out when place at 6:30 in EngJar dining of his bedroom. Miller said mat there'smoreroom in 191 ,Pieper she touched it, according to the hall. After families enjoyed the from Page 1 it was much too small for two stated. junior sociology major. but the candlelight dinner. Dr. Cham- here," said Webster. Also, the people to live in. The students living in P.A. problem was resolved quickly bers gave an amusing talk sum- size of the house has really con- Pennslyvania House 189 is House 191 did have one prob- by maintenance. marizing a student's experience cerned Webster. "If I had the not the only one to have experi- lem upon arriving on campus But there is some good news. during the first few weeks of money, Iwould live somewhere enced problems, but it seems by this year. A towel rack was The school had repaired me college. else," she said. far to be the worst. pulled off the waIl and parts of walls, put rubber tredding on the David Seligman. vice presi- However, most of the prob- Christine Pieper, a senior the rack were left hanging, ac- basement stairs and fixed the dent and dean of academic af- lems were reversible and taken Chemistry and physics, said that cording to Pieper. "It was like ceiling in the bathroom before fairs, gave an equally humorous care of. The bathroom floor was there were no major problems nobody walked in and said, the residents of 193 had moved talk, sharing his own experience fixed, and maintenance did a with PA. House 191,butpartof 'yeah, this needs to be fixed," in, according to Taggart of having daughters in college good job, according to Webster. that is due to the living arrange- Pieper said. The other building that had and offered some useful advice Theworkerseveninfonnedthem ments. Pieper, and two of her A work order was put in for no major complaints was P.A. to parents and families listen- of what was actually going on. four roommates, Claudia the rack. However, when main- House 185 (the International ing. So.howdotheother House). A sophomore A foot-tapping musical per- P .A. Houses compare graphic design major formance given by the band to 189? Beth has only from Bolivia, Renata "Phil in the Blanks" concluded seen the International Donoso believes the the evening mea1. The talented House,P.A.House 185. house is okay. "I like it group is composed of student The International much better than the musiciansofWMC's music pro- House has two bath- dorms," Donoso said. gram. rooms, one on each floor. The Henemyre and Leslie tenance put up a new one they There wasa problem with the Later that evening a variety house is provided with walk-in MuUendore, have lived in 191 never bothered to take care of washer at the beginning of the show was performed by the closets and the kitchen is much for three years in a row, now. the pan of the one hanging on the semester. but that was taken care WMC Theater department in larger, according to Webster. The residents of P.A. House wall, according to Pieper. So of without any problems, accord- Alumni Hall, along with adance One person who had planned 191 have done some of there another work order was put in ing to Donoso. that was held in the Forum, spon- to live in the PA House 189 of own work like adding carpet to and everything was fine, said One thing bothering Donoso sored by the Black Student the 1990-1991 academic yearbut the kitchen and bathroom, paint- Pieper. Besides that one inci- is that there are only two wash- Union. changed his mind immediately, ing the walls, and adding some dent though. the maintenance ing machines for all for the P.A. On Sunday moming, the Par- was biology major Joe Miller. wallpaper. "None of the houses staff has been really good, re- Houses. "It can get really ents' weekend drew to a close Miller, a senior, said, "The ap- are as nice as ours," Pieper said, marked Pieper. crowded," she said. Donoso also with a continental breakfast and pearance of the place was a little since they have been doing work Students living in two of the suggested that maybe the Inter- brunch. The first Parents' Board shabby." Miller saw a large on 191 for three years, now. P.A. Houses had better com- national House could be pro- meeting look place as well. The stain on the living room carpet As forthe other houses, Pieper ments about their conditions. vided with a little more fumi- Parents' Weekend Committee of when he walked in on the Sun- feels some of them aren 'tasgood KellyTaggart who's living in ture. the Parents' Board worked day before classes. He also no- as they could be. "There is a P.A. House 193, said besides JoanneGoldwater.directorof busily at planning the weekend ticed the paint on the walls was marked difference between the being a little dirty, "There was Housing. would not answer any and provided much support in chipping. houses," said Pieper. Even nothing majorly wrong with it," questions about the conditions many functions. 0 What led him to change his though 191 houses five students she said. of the P.A. Houses. 0 .:.... HOUSE OF LIQUORS WMC Sports Shorts ~ "-'''''.,~"'~-zy''- CARROLL(~t~~J~~~~I~;~~~ CENTER Field Hockey (0·2 MAC) .•.•...........2·4-1Overall Susquehenna 2, WMC 0; WMC 2, Frostburg St. 0 WESTMINSTER, MD 21157 Football (2·1 Overall, 2·0 CFC) ......2-1Overall 848-1314 WMC U, Gettysburg 3 ........... See accompanying article 7 WMC 27, Ursinus Lotto & Lottery Headquarters r-------'r-------'r-------, Men's Soccer (1·2 MAC S.W.) ........4-3Overall FINE WINE & SPIRITS' THE PERFECT GIFT FOR ALL OCCASIONS WMC 7, Lebanon Valley 0 1 •.•.•.•See accompanying article Gettysburg I 15% off II 50¢ off II $100off I Women's Soccer (0·2 MAC West.) .3-4Overall 2, WMC I II II I Notre Dame 2, WMC 1 I Any Bottle of Wine II Any Case of Beer II Any Case of Beer I Messiah 3, WMC 0 ............ See accompanying article Priced under $10.00 Pnoed over $10.00 I (sale items excluded) II (sale items excluded) II (sale items excluded) I Volleyball (1·1 MAC) .......................9-6Overall I NO LIMIT II NO LIMIT' II NO LIMIT I WMC 2 games, Catholic 0; WMC 3, Dickinson 1 WMC 2, Notre Dame (Md.) 0 L_~=~1~~_.J L_!.XP~~1~~_.J L_~=~1.!!!!._.J
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