Page 17 - ThePhoenix1991-92
P. 17
October 4, 1991 Western Maryland College Page 3 60 Seconds on Campus Bob KirkendaU Paul Pawlowski Mark Willis Amy Kruge Michele Reavy Jen Binder '93 '95 '94 '94 '94 -Comm/ANW -Bus. Econ/Rouzer -Phys.Ed./McDaniel -Soc.IBlanche -COnTIno Thtr./DMC It's cheaper than No, because there No. The rooms are Yes. I like the size Not really. The living off campus, so is noAC and I think it too small and of the room and IIike heat is annoying and it is worth while. should be cleaner as cramped. living on the Phi Sig there is paint peeling far as roaches. floor. everywhere. PeterWbite namely, selective logging. This Afterthe shortdiscussion that An environmentalist who maintains the forests' integrity, followed, Ken Bigger, a senior spoke at WMCli'eatOOlfis audi- and infrastructure, yet still pro- and chairperson of SEAC, ex- ence to an hour long slide pre- vides the timber firms with the pressed satisfaction concerning sentation on the Pacific North- same amount of usable lumber. theevening'sevent, "It went real west Although acouple of timber ven- well. The speech was a joint "I guess you could say I mar- tures employ this "environmen- effort of the SEAC Club and ried the mountain," confessed tally-safe"practice, themainhin- Sierra Club." Lou Gold. keynote speaker at t drance to widespread approval is "It [the slide-show J made me WMC on September 16, as he ~ simple economics: it's a lot aware.ldidn'trealizehowbeau- spokeofbald Mountaininwash- ~ cheaper to slash and bum than to tiful the ancient forests are," re- ington state. ~ pick and choose. plied senior Sherri Mansperger, Growing up in Chicago. do- ~ Gold ended his presentation when asked about her feelings ing graduate work in politics at ~ wi~ an appeal to the audience ~ on the lecture. Angie Brennan, a Columbia University, N.Y., and f. wnte or call then junior, also echoed the generally teaching that subject at Oberlin Lou Gold is an avid fan of the pacific=N=O="=hw=es=L==== Congressperson, join some on- positive attitude of the evening, College for several years sounds going and future demonstrations "He did a really good job ex- like an unlikely startfor a fanati- tures of flora and fauna trans- ronmentalists and the timber in- in the nation's capital, and send plaining things." a calecologistActually,Goldhad formed the Forum intoawindow dustry-lawsuits, judicial and in donations forthecause toraise no idea that his life would take a to the mountains in the Pacific legislative debate. as wellas per- public awareness. As the audi- one hundred eighty degree tum Northwest. The scenes were sonal disputes from members of ence staned to leave, Gold in- Wanted! until he moved to Washington. scarred, however, by the huge both sides. formed them of a numbing sta- Enlhusiastic, aggre.>t<;;ve. and He embarked on a five day hike scale of timber cuttings; whole Despite his anger at the com- tistic. The U.S. is destroying as re.~pom.;blestudent or Of&
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