Page 12 - ThePhoenix1991-92
P. 12
Page 8 Western Maryland College September 19, 1991 Terrors Fall Short In Season Opener VersusAlbright 14-13 Dave Miller and Ed Rigling Adam Gregori blocked Albright's to another touchdown off the MaryIandO. point attempt by fres:hman kicker "Who died?" was asked more exrra poimattcmpt.and tbc Lions strong running of Thorpe, who TIle Green Tenors came out Mickey Neusatdt, the score was than once before the flag's half- second offensive drive was broke tackles for the 24-yard for the second half looking like a Albright14, Western Maryland 7. masrposiuon was corrected. The slopped by sophomore safety touchdown jog. Western Mary- new team. After an initial stalled The Western. Maryland de- Terrors should have known then Gary Carter's interception for a land Coach Dale Sprague ran out drive matonly broughtthe Terrors fense hung on tenaciously the day wouldn't end well. touchback. The rest of the first the clock: to end the frrst half. totheirown 33,thedefensebegan throughout the fira quarter, with The Albright College Lions half saw Albright take control of Albright dominated the game 10pull together into a formidable nose guard Adam Gregorio play- rolled into Scott S. Bair Stadium thegame, withThorpe'soff-tackle throughout the first half, both of- unit, DrivingtotheWesremMary- ing a crucial role m stopping the Saturdaywith a thirst for revenge, Lions first offensive assault of the and by the time the afternoon was first quarter. Albright's second over, that thirst had been possessionendcd withsophomore quenched. DealingtheGreenTcr- cornerback Greg Roycroft's ross a heartbreaking loss with a fumble recovery on WMC's 27 final score of 14-13, Albright yard line. could claim a victory against With 5:24 left in the game, the Western Maryland for the first Terrors hadpossesion and faceda time in two years. sevenpointdeflcn, McCordcom- As kickoff neared, the weather was sunny and warm, with tem- pletedonepasstosenirAll-Ameri- peratures in the 80s and a light can Andy Steckel, which was then followed by Western Maryland's breeze blowing across the field. own patented trick play, the "G8 Close to 1,500 fans gathered to Power Rea Flicker'. celebrate the opening game of After a flurry of ecrion in the Western Maryland's centennial backfield, McCord passed the ball year of intercollegiate football competition. Western Maryland, toStedrel. Seckelbaublemebajl, but luckily for the Terrors, coming otflts mostsoccessful sea- sophomre fullback Mo Klotz was son in the past ten years with a record of 6-3-1. looked hopefully there to grab the tip, lumbering into the endzone for a 75-yard for an early season win to set a touchdown. pace to better or equal last year's. The question on everyone's Albright, 2-8 for the past four mind at this time was whether 10 years, was looking for a little re- runsand sweepsoverpowering the fensively and defensively, allow- land 27, the Lions found their of- spect. WMCdefense. ing the Terrors to gain only sixty- fense stymied by sophomore kick the extra point for the tie, or attempt the two-point conversion The Terrors kicked off to the ThcTerrorsmanaged tomount lhreeyardswhiletheLionsracked safety Gary Carter's second inter- Lions to start the game with only one sustained drove during up 199total yards. Preseason AlI- ception of the day. for the win. With 4:28 left in the game, Albright returning the ball to their the first half, eventually stalling American pick Jon Thorpe man- Starting at their own two yard Coach Sprague called a time out own 35. Less than five minutes when Paul McCord, the sopho- agedtorush for 1620fthosevards, line, the Terrors mounted a 98- 10discuss the decision with the later, Albright had punched the more transfer quarterback from nearly gainingasmuch yardage as yardcampaign behind the increas- ball to the end zone through the Delaware, threw an interception threetimesWMCscombinedof- ingly confident quarterback Paul team. "We're not out here to tie. slashing off-tackle runs by senior to Albright defensive leader John fense. After a rough first half, McCord, who scored from one We're out here to win," Coach fullback Jon Thorpe. Shea. during which theTerror'soffence yard out on the keeper. Sprague stated after the game, Western Maryland's hopes With 2:35 left in the first half, and defence showed its youth, the With 55secondsleftinlhethird rose after freshman noseguard theLions regainedtheball todrive score was Albright 14, Western quarrer,afterthesuccessful extra- "There was no question in my mind. We're out here to win." Western Maryland attempted The Green Terror's Infamous Trick Play theconversion,and missed dueto Ed Rigling years ago. Looking like some- touchdowns and a gain of sixty McCord spotted wide receiver McCord's overthrow in the end zone. The score was now If there is a single play in thing drawn in the dirt at a back- yards,makingitapotenlpanof Andy Steckel cutting across the Coach Dale Sprague's book yard football game, it requires Coach Sprague's trick bag. middle of the field under heavy Albright 14, Western Maryland 13. Albright regained possesion which hasconsistcntly pulled the great skill and precision in pull- The current incarnation wit- coverage and threw. Steckel with4:21on lheclock,andwound fat out of the fire for the football ing off successfully. Yet, it has nessed last Saturday at Bair Sta- bobbled, and the ball landed in the clock down to :58 left in the team as well as setting the crowd worked successfully against dium began as a sweep pitch the hands of freshman fullback game with a 4-yard total drive. ablaze with excitement, it is Albright.Dlckinson.Gctrysburg, right 10tailback Eric Frees who Morgan Klotz, who pulled it in With 58 seconds }eft the Ter- surelytheG8PowerReaFlicker. and Lebanon Valley. In the six reversed the ball to wingback and ran the ball in for a seventy- rors drove to within the Albright The fans of Western Mary- timestheTerrorshaveattempted James Martin who then nipped five yard touchdown reception, land have come to know it well the play, the results are astound- theballbacktoquanerbackPaul drawing the team to within one 23 yard line, wherethey stalled on consecutive incomplete passes. since Sprague installed it three ing: six completions for five McCord. Looking down field, point of Albright, 0 See FOOTBALL, Pg. 9 Col. I .. :..... 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