Page 15 - ThePhoenix1991-92
P. 15
Men's SoccerGets Psychedfor Season- Story Page 5 THE PHOENIX College to Weigh Pluses and Minuses Michael Kubacki to throw them all in the same pot WMC may have a new grad- I think it is terribly unfair and ing system for the 1992-93 aca- deserves to be rectified." demic year. The proposed sys- Right now, the registrar is _ tern would compute pluses and calculating pluses and minuses, !min~ses into a student's GPA. and is going to make a compari- :;; Right now, + 's and -'s are not son with the regular grading sys- ~ computed into the GPA. Cur- tern to see if there is any impact. ..!; rently, it is in a one year trial The Admissions and Stan- ~ period, as the Admissions and dards Committee will examine '0 Standards Committee is study- the impact, and make a recom- f ing the impact of this proposed mendation to the faculty whether system. or not to adopt the new grading PA House Has Some Problems valueisasfollows:A+=4.3,A= point system. to Dean of Aca- system's The proposed According 4.0,A-=3.7,B+=3.3,B=3.0,B- demic Affairs David Seligman, Doug Rettberg Rahn Groshek, one of Webster's housemates, =D+2_~7I'.3C,+D=__21,.3D'_C=__O-.27',FC_~=O.I.7, "Right now there is no way to Some of the students who live in 189 and191 tell what the impact of the new Pensylvania Houses say that there were numerous ~~~~~k~: !~S!~u:;l~~a ;:.nih~=~~~ The issue of a new grading grading system will be, as pro- problems with the houses when they moved in this closets in the house, so anything they can possibly ri~t~:W:d b~~~t ':tS~~1Temerryanfessors realize now that pluses year. find is used for storage space. ''There is not during the December 1990 fac- and minuses will count, there is Beth Webster,aresidentofP.A. house 189,and her six roommates found one thing after another eno:: ~~C:ri:r :rV!~~~e'~o~~~s~~:~d ulty meeting. no ~~~~~:S~:~~:rm~;~r::~: wrong with their house. The major problem she would cost the students extra money to fix them "We as faculty have an obli- "Any faculty who chooses not to found was the bathroom. Webster, a junior Ger- Webster stated. galion ~ be as ~~ise:Od f: ~ ~~~eh;~~st~ d~! :~~~~~~ ~':~ man major, said, "I found a humongous puddle on The students in these houses have had to find ~t~d:ts ~;g:er, ;~~~~o get legislation," says Seligman. the bathroom floor." The puddle must have been ways to deal with cramped conditions. One thing an 80, and others who got an 89, One benefit of the new sys- there for awhile, because there was a rank smell, they do is buy small sized items and pack things and misses an A- by a point," tern will be that "pluses and mi- according to Webster. tightly. The top of the refrigerator is used as a says Dalton, "it shows that there nuses will give more options to The shower was also stopped up and the wood. storage space for things such ascanned food items. is a big difference in ability and faculty, as those who wish to floor was rotting beneath the linoleom. "There For the seven students living here, there is only skills of those two students, and Sec WEIGHTS, Pg. 6 Col. 1 were holes everywhere in the bathroom floor," one bathroom. 'There's almost no space around , -'- _.:_.:::__---, Webster said. See HOUSE, Pg. 4 Col. 2 Gov. Schaefer, Former Trustee Library Near Completion Chair to get Honorary Degrees Michael renovations of old need. Although the printers are Kubacki The onthefirstflooronly.each noor Hoover Library are still being of the library has a Dynix. Maryland Governor William birth of West em Maryland's li- 1962 until 1983, and headed up completed, but they are sup- Around October 1st. the Donald Schaefer and former brary. the American Library Associa- posed to be finished by October Dynix will be used to check WMC trustee chairman William Retired president of the C.M. tion in 1970 and '71. , according to Director of books in and out. "We have to S. Keigler will receive honorary Kemp Manufacturing Co. of Her greatest career achieve- Hoover Library Harold D. get library cards for borrowers, doctorate degrees in Law and Glen Burnie, MD, Keigler also mentmayhaveoccurredin 1974, Neikirk. with barcodes, before we can HumaneLetters,respectively,at served as president of the Anne when she was nominated to be- Over the sum- ~ use it to check the dedication of the new Hoover Arundel County Trade Council come Librarian of Congress. She mer. the Dynix ; out books," Library on October 13. and was a member of the Na- withdrew her name from con- System, which is ~ ~ said Neilcirk. sideration.however, Throughout his two terms, tional Bank Advisory Board of was happy with her job in Dal- ~~~:,li~:C~~~WY"Um are~~:e~~~: because she Gov. Schaefer has been a sup- North Anne Arundel County. porter of Western Maryland. He was elected to the las. stalled and it is put into the When the library project was college's board of trustees in Since then Bradshaw has now in operation. The Dynix Dynix system. and Neikirk still in the planning stages in 1980. servedasadelegate to the White enables students to look for hopes that it will also be ready mid-1987, Gov. Schaefersigned The event's keynote speaker House Conference on Library books, videos and cassettes, by by October 1st. legislation approving a $2 mil- is Lillian Moore Bradshaw, and Information Services and as author, title, call number or According to circulation li- lion capital improvement grant WMC Class of 1937, former an interim director of the Dallas barcode number. The Dynix brarian Katherine Falconer, from the state. president of the American Li- Ballet, as well as an organizer of does the same things that the "Once reserves are in the com- Two years later, he partici- brary Association and retired the 1984 Republicanconvention card catalog can, but the Dynix puter, students can search for pated in groundbreaking ceremo- director of the Dallas Public Li- in Dallas. does it much more quickly, as it reserves in the Public Access nies for the new portion of the brary. Bradshaw majored in French also enables you to look up sev- Catalogue." This will eliminate building,alongsidecollegepresi- Since the early 1960s, and history at WMC before ob- era! different books at the same the need for the black book dent Robert H. Chambers and Bradshaw has been an outspo- taining amaster'sin librarianship time. whichcurrentlyholdsthenames Keigler. ken defender of American li- fromDrexelUniversity. In 1987, There are printers on the first of the reserves. Keigler, boardchairman from braries. Anative of Hagerstown, she accepted an honorary Doc- floor so students don't have to Once the circulation module 1986 to June of this year, also MD,she served as director of the tor of Literature degree from writedowntheinfonnationthey See CATALOGUE, Pg. 2 Col. 1 has actively supported the re- public library in Dallas from WestemMaryland. Q '- ---'
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