Page 10 - ThePhoenix1991-92
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Page 6 Western Maryland College September 19, 1991 Express Plan Has Some Bugs Forgery from Page 1 Rebecca Kane "That was all they had," said Frangos. Brewer, Curtis Walters, and Kurt Lump were listed as witnesses Additional options have been ers. Heidi Hastings is working debit card have to be taken care added to the list of meal plan on this project. Her Student of in student accounts. by court documents. choices thissemester, as well as Catering Guide list includes Joe vcmeui, a student at No charges were filed against Walters, the owner of the camera (orinc1uding)awholenewcrcdit choices like a Cheese Tray, a WMC, was a witness to these and laminator. systemforthePubandlhcSchoo! Vegetable Tray, Wings and kinks in the system on the first Frangos, along with Marc Steinman who was charged with 25 April 8, 1991. Store. Thisnewplan.calledthe Things, a Deli Board, Birthday day that he was here. Bcingonc counts of selling false lOs, were indicted Steinman "Express Pian", aims [0 allow Cakes, Cookie Grams. WMC of the people who bought their court documents, could not be reached for comment, but, according to to he was found guilty of one count and sentenced students more flexibility in where GiftBaskets,LuchconsandDin- books earlier that day, he was and how often they eat. ners, Taco Night, a Pizza Party, told that he was not allowed to one year of unsupervised probation and 100 hours of community service on July 19. Brochures were sent to the 6 Foot Subs, and an Ice Cream use the plan, because the cashier In addition, Steinman lost his Macintosh Classic and Image Social. ex- they By next semester, students over Plans from which they Tn The best that could Writer II with colorprint worse: software and was lined $45. and/or the summer how it worked. did not know plaining to them the of Express r,============="':'1 in prison much a total of 50 years He faced bedoneforhimwas variety $100,000 fine. of selling 25 IDs from various was accused without the 5% dis- could choose. The20, ,~e the use of his card Steinman Texas, Louisianna, Massachuscns, states 12, and 5 Express count and only for 3 including and South Carolina. Plans offer basically books that added up He pleaded innocent. Only the charge he was found guilty of actually went to court the same pia" as their ~%~'Rf.ISto approximenuy roommate, Kevin Woodward. were Brewer and Steinman's listed on court documents Witnesses a I $47. t r a d i t ion with a debit (Yes, the J'J'LAIV Joe also pointed out disiplinary action would be taken, according to Frangos. any predicessors. How- The college has not talked with Steinman indicated or for $50. more, much how money ever, is mak- you the school they will supply Philip Sayre said "we don't Affairs, Dean of Student this action reverseofcredit)card ing on popular new, 17 evidence" against him, but "yes, it's possible" thatdisplinary have any 0 most which allows you to Express plan. Fig- would be taken against Steinman. makepurchascsinthe wingoutthepropor- Transfers School Store and Pub tionately average ata5%discount. The mealcost,$4.25and harder to meet new =,_,-._ --------, from page 4 5 Express Plan also multipying it by 3 allows you to eat any mealsandthatby 14 people in an upper 5 meals in GLAR weeks gives us a class dorm where whereas the 5 tradi- grand total of everyone else ap- tional speciftedthatlt $178.50. This is to have at- had to be lunch. The approximently how pears 17 Express Plan is much money the ready known each slightly different. school would save other. For the less outgoing on this Thisplan,atthesame by giving us 17 campus it's ex- priceasthetradilional meals a week in- tremely hard. 20 meal plan, offers stead of 20 in one Suggestions you only 17 meals a week, while are hoping to have promotions semester. However, they are have been made by at the same time giving you a geared towards card holders. For giving us $50. credit. Therefore, transfer students to debit card of $50. The $50. example, ''Tuesdays are free soda they are only making a $128.50 have meetings setup credit from both semesters in all nights in thePub for card holder's profit per student per semester. during orientation plans is good up until the end of only!" Waydown!heroad,they Karen Downs, a student and a likethoscofferedfor the academic year. Also, stu- hope to be able to hook the debit School Store employee, sees the the non-traditional dents are allowed to add money card system to the washing ma- positives and the negatives. She students and com- to their debit card at any time chines and vending machines. agrees, "it is a lot of extra work muters. during the year. That would mean no more and trouble for people who work agreed ==--_====-- .:. Frank Waller, the Director of searching for quartiers late at in the school store." However, Lamas Affairs Administative Services and night because of near death from as a customer, she says, "it is with theconcemsof Associate Lamas Dean of Student orientation. oversaw Frank the transfer students Mary Colatorti, the Director of thirst or no clothes to wear to very convenient , because you and noted that plans are being means for addressing concerns Dining Services are responsible class tomorrow, because all one don't have to carry money made to include programs de- and problems. for developing and implimenting would need is their card. around, and you gel a 5% dis- signed for transfers starting next Lamas stated that he would this plan based on comments they Waller and Colatorti encour- count off some of your text- year. He also suggested the welcome any input and sugges- received from students who were age students to take pan in the books." "Every little bit of possibility of starting an orga- nons students might have both pan of the Food Service Com- Food Service Comittee Meet- money saved helps," she smiles. nization on campus for trans- on improving orientation for miuee.lastyear. Studcntsatthese ings either as a group leader or Margaret Oehlers agrees with fers to allow them to meet 50- transfers, as well as improve- Food Service Commiuee meet- an individual. They are inter- Karen about how convenient the cially, as wcll as, to provide ments in general. 0 ings pointed out that most stu- ested to know how the plan is plan is for students. She ex- dents werc not eating 20 meals a working and if any modrrca- claims, "J love it !.. ....Because I Phoenix Poll week. They wanted the option tions are necessary. Future don't eat 20 meals a week, and to buy a meal plan with less changes in the plan depend on books were a lot cheaper for me Do you think Freshmen should be meals. The idea of having debit studentinput. this year." capabilities for meals in the Pub Pat Blackman, a school store Niccolo Amodeocommented allowed to have cars on campus? was also discussed. Waller and employee, commented, "Al- that since the food is especially Colatoru worked along with Sue though the plan is a good idea, bad this year, he is particularly Schmldt..Diane Morris, Mary there are still a few kinks in the glad the Express Plan came along Belle Gring, and some students system." He explained that the when it did. He describes the 17 • a ~ Ves who were members of the Food plan is inconvenient for School Express Plan as "the lesser of Service Commluee to fuse these Store employees and time-con- two evils." He explains this by two ideas into one plan. suming for customers. These saying that while herealizeseco- WallerandColatorti are hop- problems may stem from the fact nomically, the school is making ing their plan will not stop here. that all cashiers are not yet a profit because of this plan, hc By the end of this month, they familarwith thesystcm,thecash also never eats more than 17 are hoping to be able to supply register is not hooked up to the meals a week anyway. So, why n=237, Results broken down by year -l catering services to card hold- debit system, and refunds of the not take the extra $50. credit? L- _;_;_
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