Page 11 - ThePhoenix1991-92
P. 11
September 19, 1991 DeGroot Joins Communications met on campus. KristenVick Born in Houston, Dr. Asshestands before her class, DeGroot has spent much of her Dr. DeGroot's face is calm and life traveling throughout the thoughlful. Not only does she country. share and discuss with her class the University of Oregon and the many theories of communi- wenton to teach courses in com- cation, but she has much tocom- munication there for five years. municate to the students about She then transferred to Lewis herself as well. and Clark College, a small insti- Among lhcmany new faculty tution also in Oregon, and con- members that have come to tinued toteach there forone year. WMC's campus this fa1l, Dr. "Lewis and Clark College is Jane DeGroot has added a new similar to WMC," explains Dr. face to the communication de- DeGroot. Her experience there partment. She has traveled was both meaningful and untor- Dr. Jane DeGroot earned her Ph.D. from the University of Oregon and taught there for five years. widely throughout the U.S .• and geuable. "It was a great experi- Dr. DeGroot likes the league from the University of her career, she came to the con- herfirstimpressionofWMChas ence with super students," she Westminster area, but is still Oregon, has also had a great elusion lhatlhere is nothing more been a positive one. adds. experiencing a period of adjust- impact on Dr. DeGroot's career. important in human interaction "The school has a very pretty Despite the fact that she lived ment Her hobbies include read- "She was a good role model, than relationships. "After all, campus, " Dr. DeGroot com- on the opposite coast. she had ing, cooking, "and just work- both professionally and person- they are what you begin with and ments with a smile. Upon her heard good things about WMC. ingl," she concludes, laughing. ally.itisdifficuittofindwomen end with," she concludes. first arrival on campus, she was "I knew it was a good position," Among her favorite reading as role models, in our field par- Dr. DeGroot has goals for interviewed by several students she says of her position now of materials is Aristotle's .B.h!a2.: ticularly," she adds. continuing her career here at for the communication depart- teaching interpersonal commu- ill;.. "He had things to say more Dr. DeGroot's initial interest WMC. "I'll like to lhink I'll ment leuer. nication courses at WMC. One than 2O(X) years ago that are more in the field of communication stayl," she says with a chuckle. "The students seemed drawback to her living on the valuable than things I read cur- began with her desire to improve to thoughtful and involved. They east coast. though, is that she is rently," she says of a book that her own skills of communicat- She explains that she waDIS become closer to the students as asked very good questions," Dr. 3,000 miles away from her son, has had some influence on her ing. As she continued her stud- time goes on. '" expect to be, DeGroot adds, emphasizing the who attends the University of career. ies throughout the course of go- and want to be more involved in openness of the students she has Oregon. Sonya Foss, a fellow col- ing to school and then pursuing studentactivities." 0 Caldwell Hops on Music's Bandwagon Kristin Holland tern." early age. However, he didn't Caldwell was somewhat reluc- graduate school he became fas- Caldwell's job at the college becomeseriousaboutmustcdur- tant to return to the workforce. cinated by the classes he took. in A new music instructor has involves teaching music theory ing middle school because the "School was somewhat of an sociology. "I intensely want to just arrived at WMC, landing a classes, giving private lessons, T.V. show Batman coincided escape from the real world. I see why people react the way job in a highly competitive field. and leading the saxophone en- with his music lessons. In high realized however that I couldn't they do. I want to understand Although he has been here for a semble and the concert band. school, he found his instrument be a student forever. You have how people are able to over- few weeks only, he is receiving Bringingtohisnew joba wide of choice to be saxophone al- to jump back into the pan and try come experiences as a group as calls for free-lance writing, ar- range of experiences, Caldwell though he also learned to play to live a normal life:' opposed to experiences as indi- ranging and playing. feels that he will be able to share flute and oboe. While Caldwell may have viduals." Quite impressive for a man Meshing sociology with mu- that is two chapters shy of his "The people here are super-friendly. It's almost unreal, like I'm in the sic is something that Caldwell doctorate. Twilight Zone or something." plans to work on in the next few Glen Caldwell's recent suc- years. He wants to research Af- cess doesn't seem quite as sur- -Glen Caldwell rican American music, protest prising when his credentials are music of the 60's, and Rythm examined. He has won nwner- with his students much of what During his undergraduate been somewhat uncertain ini- and Blues. ousawards, been in many bands, he has learned. "The strongest years, Caldwell auended North tially about joining the "Many people think that this and already has several years of points that I can offer to WMC is Carolina A and T State Univer- workforce, hehas no shortage of musicispopcorn music with liulc experience in teaching. my own personal musical expe- sity for Musical Education. goals for himself in and out of social vaiue. ActuaJlysomeofit In his offtce-already grad- rience," be says. "I've dabbled While he enjoyed teaching the his new job. He wants to attract ," he says. ing papers-CaldweU seems to in enough styles that I can show students. it was also frustrating more students to the music ma- is quite complex advises aspiring Caldwell feel quite comfortable with his students what has worked in the because the administration was jor, work on his teaching skills, musicians following in his foot- new job. He leans back in his past and how they can conduct nonnterested in theaestheticsof free-lance, and stan to compose steps to practice hard. "Never chair and smiles when he recalls music research." music, just cranking out perfor- music for film documentaries. think that you are good enough how he was blown over by the He would also like to show mances for .the football games. Caldwell thinks that his job that you don't have to practice," Jcindnessofthe students and fac- students what a powerful vehicle Later, asagraduate studentat gives him the chance to improve he says. "But also let it be fun, if ulty on the first day. music can be of expression. "If Rutgers, be finished with a mas- his writing, music, and theory is not fun away then they should "The people here are super tbere'sonethingthatl'veleamed ters in Creative An in Educa- skills. He misses playing the friendly," he says. "It's almost from my years in music it's that tion. He then taught at Mullins saxophone. "I've been research- get away from it." to the switch Still adjusting unreal, like I'm in the twilight words don't say everything," he High School in South Carolina. ing for the last few years. I from studem to teacher, Mr. zone or something." says. "There's more than one He has spent his past few years enjoyed it but J really missed Caldwell feels worn out. He He is very excited with the way to use symbols to express in school at Ohio State where he performing. It's like an actor yawns, stretches and says. "I'm possibilities of his job. "There something and music is a form received his masters in music who stops acting and starts di- not used to talking non-stop for are few places that would allow of expression that it not to be theory. Now he is a doctoral can- recting. While I love what I did an hour and a half." me to do what I do here. The overlooked." didate for his book on french in college, I yearn toplay again." Caldwell emphasizes that the music department wants to see Growingupwithacousinwho theorists of the early 19th cen- His interests stretch far out- concert band can still use stu- that the students do their best was a classical pianist, Caldwell tury. side the realm of music. When dents for the brass, percussion, and that there is no caste sys- developed a love for music atan Loving the life of a student, he was in undergraduate and and flute sections. Q ,---- -
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