Page 8 - ThePhoenix1991-92
P. 8
Page 4 September 19, 1991 Andrea Covington I wonder why... ...students pay tocomehere and faculty are paid lacarne here, but students have to park on the campus periphery while faculty gel the preferred interior parking . ...students like to destroy things when they are bombed . ...students seem to get bombed so oflen. ... students don't have the right to police themselves but suppos- edly need help from the faculty on the Honor and Conduct Board ••...the faculty student relations committee doesn'teverseem to do anything, although the students complain about faculty all the time . ... the administration is so worried about getting a new science building when the overwhelming majority of our students major in disciplines located in Memorial Hall . ...administrators and facuhy are "unprofessional" but students are "immature," ...1 have to address my professors as Dr. Last name, but they can call me by my first name . ...nobody can say anything at a faculty meeting without cracking a joke first ... the Communication department professors arc so serious about their oddness . ... fish in glass tanks arc okay in the dorms, but hamsters (a.k.a fuzzy fish) in glass cages are not. ... the lighting between the Garden Apartments and Whiteford parking lot stinks. In fact, so does the lighting between theGAs and Editor, Rouzer as well as Harrison Parking lot and Main Street. Your recent article (August 29,1991) entitled "WMC May Cost $21,500 in 1995" conveys the ...students complain about the dying social life on campus but misleading impression that "the economic outJookofthecollege ... [is] bleak," and quotes me as saying don't join CAPBoard or plan any campus activities themselves. that there is a "budget crisis." Unfortunately your reporter failed to distinguish between a budget ... sociallife and liquor licenses are considered co-dependant crisis-a temporary condition caused by a reduced State appropriation to the college and by a decline in student enrollments due to demographic and other factors---and an economic outlook which refers Transfers Frustrated to the long-term fiscal health of the institution. lam happy to report that the latter isexcellent. Western rode so in the future. One important Maryland College finished the year "in the black" and will continue with Orientation sign of the institution's fiscal health is.its ability to weather occasional budget crises without damage and this we have been able to do. programs, to the quality of its academic crisis," The author of the article also fails to indicate the source of my purported reference to a "budget Tracy Walter vorable reviews and comments and by doing so may convey to the reader that the article was based upon an interview. Since no such While the Student Affairs on this year's orientation. interview took place, regrettably I was not able to correct the misimpressions created by this out-of- Office has received few com- Students were able to evalu- context quotation. Responsible journalism dictates that the author indicate the sources of her plaints, some transfer students ate the orientation weekend at quotations. Ihope Ihat that will be done in the future. found this years new student ori- the end of the program and to David Seligman entation redundant and tedious. make suggestions on ways to Dean of Academic Affairs After picking up room keys improve it for next year. The and information packets. the new rcsuitsofthestudentevaluations year or more. students arc thrown into a flurry are still being reviewed. The social activities offered of virtual non-stop orientation The one main area of com- did allow the transfer students to activity that lasts four days. The plaint brought up in regards to meet some students on campus, The Phoenix activities that are scheduled are this year's orientation was the however, most transfers would broken down into a balance of lack of programs for new stu- have liked to have had the op- Editor ...•.•• _••,•••••.•..•._ Andrea Covington three categories-academic, in- dents transferring into WMC portunity to meet people wilh Assistant Editor _._ Jennifer Scott formational, and social. This from other two and four-year more similar academic and so- Layout Editor _ _.._ Constantine Frangos year's orientation themccentered colleges. The orientation was cial concerns. Sports Editor .. _ _ _ Ed Rigling around the subject of "giving helpful in familiarizing the new Another common complaint Photography Editor .._ _ _. Bob Kirkendall and taking" and also on the cul- students with WMC procedures was that, unlike their freshman Production Assistants Andrea Covington, Jennifer Scott ture of Native Americans. and programs, but many transfer counterparts, most transfer stu- Associate Dean of Student students found some aspects to dents do not live in one particu- Reporters ...... Wendy Bollinger, Andrea Covington, Jen HilI Affairs Frank Lamas said he had be a bit tedious and redundant lar area or building. It is much Lauren E. Himmel,Kristen Holland, Rebecca Kane, received, for the most part, fa- after having been in college fora See TRANSFERS, Pg.6 col.4 Bob Kirkendall, Mike Kubacki, Demetri Lambros, Scott, Jennifer Art of monoprints captured land- within the pieces. I grew excited Dave Miller, Todd Robinson, vlck, Tracy Walter Kristen scapes of the seabed. Contain- as I was able to discover more from Page 3 ing browns and oranges, these within each piece that I never Worry Wart .. __ ._ Terry A. Dalton a slow, growing movement with pieces gave me the impression sawatfirst. Pamela successfully large, smooth "tubes", which ofbcing deep underwater, rather was able to bridge the gap be- The Phoenix is published bi-weekly. The opinions expressed may have represented roots. than closcrto the blue-green sur- tween my uneducated eye and do not necessarily reflect those of Phoenix staff members, the Across the room from Clois- face water. There was just her keen one. This series isdefi- faculty, or the administration at Western Maryland College. ter, the three-paneled Matrix dis- enough color mixed in to make nitely worth visiting again. The Phoenix welcomes submissions and Letters to the Editor. page, typed, spaced are one played an environment of flow- the scene more warm human PamelaCrockett'stalentwill Letters that publication in the upcoming and double Letters exceed- are issue. guarenteed ers and grass in a mixed media. I rather than cold and alien as typi- fit in cozily with the already di- ing that limit will be published as space permits and must be wasparticuJarly interested by this cal underwater scenes are. verse art faculty. I only wished submiu.ed on a Macintosh disk in either Microsoft Word, painting, since I returned to it The highlight was the Catch- thatI could see some of her Hlus- WriteNow, or MacWrite formats. Please include a phone again, and again during my visit. ing and Falling series (14). I trations on display. The exhibit number for verification. It is definitely worth the repeat was impressed by the way that runs Mondays-Fridays through Address mail to: The Phoenix viewings, each one allowing me my eye first caught the black, the 27th of September between 2 College Hill to discover more within the en- white, and greys in the pastej 10 and 4 p.m. Don't miss the Western Maryland College vironment of the, painting. and charcoal works, and then worksofWMC'snewestartfac- Westminster, MD 21157 The Underwater Series (1-8) slowly realized the colors mixed ulty member. a
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