Page 9 - ThePhoenix1991-92
P. 9
September 19, 1991 Western Maryland College PageS 60 Seconds on Campus Jennfrer Scott and Doug Rettberg Jim Gibbons '95 Janet Brown '92 Dave Hovey '95 Kim Stursa '95 Roy Zipp '92 -Business -Chemistry -Political Science -Biology -Biology I used to watch his I don't think he's I don't know if Ithink ifhe wanted I think he is shows, but not any- an appropriate role everything I heard is to do something like seriously deranged. more. model for kids in true, but if it is I feel that-fine, but don't light of his recent pretty bad for him. do it in public. [The criminal activities. media] didn't need to publicize it, either. Theatre Plans Punch and Judy WMC Has New Board Chair Look for some familiar faces in WMC's first theatrical presentation Andrea Covington this year. Punch and Judy will star Jen Dean (Playthings and Castle ments on student and campus the greeks. of Ourasuo). Lea Stanly (West Side Story and Godspell), Scou Western Maryland College's issues. When asked about mi- Rice said that WMC could Grocki (Godspelland The Wizard ojOz), and Todd Robb (Godspell new chairman of the board of norities on campus, he said that improve its student body by re- and By the Skin of Our Teeth), Premiering in Punch and Judy is trusteesisanalumnuswhoviews WMC's position for years has cruiting more articulate students Heather Cotter, Reid Wraase Tracie and Sara Lundberg his new job as one of providing been that the school does not and students who have a better have enouvh in anv cateecrv. The play will be directed by Gene Burgess, who recently stared information to the board and us- Rice said that, while WMC's idea of their career goals. He in Theatre on the Hill's production of The Wizard of Oz and Sweet ing his knowledge to achieve also wants students to be more long range plan did discuss rni . involved with the trustees and Charity. Burgess has also done workshops here at school and stability for the college. nority goats, greater minority although he said that last April 's directedAndrocles and the Lion in 1990 Steve Zumbran (West Side M. Lee Rice, 66, graduated numbers would not be easy to meeting had the best student in- Story and Playthings) will be musical director. fromWMCin 1948 summa cum achieve and would not happen volvement he had ever seen, he The pan of Punch will be played by Lundberg. An international laude. When interviewed in over-night. student from Sweden, she has previously preformed in Gypsy, The August, he said that he did not On the other hand, gays have does not see enough follow-up from the students. New Year's Eve Show and The Boyfriend. have a good idea of what life is not been focused on in the long Rice also said that any stu- Ira Domser, producer, says the play is not a "children's play" but like on campus today. He did range plan, according to Rice. with the is comically serious in the issues and subjects it discuses. "The say that he would be able to He added that he did not know if dent can get involved the trustees trustees, but that nightmare on Elm Street movies are pale in comparision to the gathermore information as chair, WMC needed a policy on gays. sometimes do not give "an im- nocturnal pranks of Punch and his friends. Punch and Judy have but added that in his position, With the greek organization age that they [the students] are succeeded in entertaining five centuries of audiences, come and see "you get impressions only from issue, Rice was in the middle of welcome." The students have to why." what people [CII you." the road. He said he neither sup- take the initiative, he said. Punch and Judy will run October4,5,6 and 9,10,11. Rice did make some Slate- ported nor held anything against Overall, Rice supports diver- sity. What he sees as more im- STUDENTS ''There is always a cultural shock what is going on here. There is that many people think it's only portant, though, are what hecalls for the new students, but nice always someone there to help open to international students, "broad freedoms." This is the from pagel people have made the transition you," says Tina Lind-Nissen of but it is open to everyone!" freedom of the individual to do much easier," Arlene adds. Denmark. She feels the whole Both Marty and Nicole urge what he or she conctously be- Marty O'Conner has been a image of the school is helpful, all students to come to the meet- lieves to be correct, according to Trinidad/Tobago, is the house key person who has done a tre- polite, and personal. ings in Leidy room every Tues- Rice, and, in order to be right, an manager, and explains that the mendous amount to make sure Marty stresses the importance day at 7:30 P.M. Nicolegoeson action must pass an ethical test. main criteria for establishing the the international students feel at of American students being care- to explain that every organiza- The individual must be able to house was to provide a home home. As Director of Admis- ful of the interpretation of inter- tion mustdo something forthem- logically reason that the action is awayfromhomeforinternationaJ sions, she has been in charge of national students. Many times selves and the college. ISO not the right thing to do. students. "The house is a focal the recruitment of the interna- they are shy. They form groups only brings students together, but Although Rice said that he point to establish an exchange uonal students, whom she keeps among themselves because they it also helps internationally edu- does not have an "agenda," he with Americans. It is a meeting correspondence with through have fear, and are homesick for cate the college, she adds. does want WMC to have beuer area and just a warm place to both local and international agen- theircuhure. American students "I think they're the greatest teaching and a solid financial be .'• cies. Cathy Nosel, the foreign who reach out to them can help people on campusl," exclaims base. WMC's physical condi- Arlene hopes that next year student advisor, is also an them feel more comfortable with Eileen Mahan, whose roommate tion and administration have there will be opportunities for imporantliason between the stu- the new environment. is from Japan. As more and improved over the last four to expansion. Presently, there are dents and the government immi- There is a support group on more students are reaching out five years, he said, and he sees nine students, both Amcricanand gration and naturalization ser- campus, called the International to one another this semester, more professionalism amongst international, living in the house. vices. She helps the students to Student Organization. Nicole many will discover not only new the staff Arlene has received a lot of help adjust as well. Jordan, the President of the club, friends, but "whole new worlds" Rice predicted that he would from many people on campus. "1 am very comfortable about says, "Our biggest problem is right on campus. 0 be chair for five to six years. Cl
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