Page 7 - ThePhoenix1991-92
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September 19, 1991 New Prof Shows Prints at Gallery One e newly appointed printmaking J,;l Demetrl Lambros instructor Pamela Crockett, en- ~ Iam not an artist, not in the titled FafllRebound. The show ~ specific medium of non-perfor- hasanenvironmentahhemecon, ~ mance art. Nevertheless, I took sist throughout the exhibit, at- ~ it upon myself to "critique" the tempting tocapturethe "organic" if first of many Gallery One an feel of nature with the use of exhibits. My perspective OIl art trees, flowers, rocks, and land- tends 10be assosciated with the scapes. clockwise), since thelithographs gora sensethat this figurcrepre- of a top spun loose. It showed a "common eye", or with one of The first two pieces I viewed complemented FafflRebound I sented the viewer, allowing him! superb capture of action in an oil whose great art identification were UntitledLitlwgraph# J and and II, as well as Rust Thrust and her to step into the work and the medium, giving the piece the senses are somewhere around #2. A more appropriate place Rust Thrust Red. They all con- world that it represents. texture it needed to bring it to Nil. Art majors, please be kind. forthesepieces would have been tained the same dark figure that TopSpin caught my eye from life. Cloister, another oil paint- The works on display are by at the end of the exhibit (going filled the left half of the piece. 1 across the room with its bright ing, contrasted Top Spin. In- Egypt be beautiful and tall while the parties must be big, not just a use of colors and action. The steadofspccd.itseemcdtoshow work follows the twirl and spin See ART, Page 4 col. I small gathering of friends. men were all short and ugly," from Page 1 she said. Arbaugh also added "I would definitely go back to said to be the best snorkeling and that she recommends Egypt as a Egypt, but I wouldn't want to scuba diving around. "I've been place 10 go for any single men live there," Arbaugh said. "I ~~:';1z,uof.";~furtby to other islands. like the Baha- who want to find a woman. have never been very patriotic mas and the Virgin Islands, but ThenightlifeinEgyptismuch but I found myself constantly Do you want to know how Hurghada was much more beau- like here in the U.S., according standing up for Americans. 1 to help a friend? tiful," she said. to Arbaugh. Egyptians go to realized lam tooAmericanized." Call us for free, Leaving Hurghada behind. bars and beaches hut Arbaugh Arbaugh felt that the Egyp- confidential services. Arbaugh's next SLOp was in did notice lhat the peopledressed tians' bad impression of Ameri- Luxor, The Valley of the Kings. up a lot more when they went cans was well warranted. Rape Crisis Intervention Service Arbaugh was able to view the out "People are very dressy," "Americans are very 224 North Center Street> Westmlnster, Md. 21157 tombs of the ancient Egyptian Arbaugh said. "Women even uneducated," she said. "Even 24·Hour Hotline: 857·7322 kings, like the famous King Tut. where jewelry and make-up on the poorpeoplecould speak Ara- The temperature in Luxor was the beach." bic,English,and usually another 140 degrees with zero humidity, Parties are another popular language and 1could only speak a fact Arbaugh was not very ex- form of fun but to Egyptians one language." a cited to remember. "1 would drink tons of water and sweat it all right out. You never had a chance to get really wet since there was no humidity," she ~ said. CHINESE RESTAURANT After Luxor, Arbaugh made Szechuan» Cantonese- American one last stop in Alexandria, and 59 West Main St., Westminster, MD 21157 then headed for home. Arbaugh could not believe the Telephone: cultural differences between the (301) 848·0919 • (301) 876·3166 U.S. and Egypt "In Egypl there are only two classes," she said. "You arc either really rich or really poor." However, Arbaugh did note that the really poor people were not "bums or be~- gars". Everyone works in Egypt and they all arc able to afford food. Arbaugh also noted that women are treated very well in this Middle Eastern country. "Egypt is the most advanced of all the Middle East," she said. "Women have a high employ- Tuesdays and ment rate. They are doctors and lawyers and they don't have to Wednesdays wear veils." 18 & over welcome! Arbaugh also added that she was an obvious tourist in Egypt. "I was the only blonde.everyone We
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