Page 80 - ThePhoenix1990-91
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Western Maryland College March 14, 1991 Campus Arsonist Released Teach-In ARSONIST, from Page 1 mother, had a number of accom- Discusses for two years for first offense plishments while in the Mary- Alternatives arson explaining that "the enor- land Correctional Training Cen- mity of setting fire to an occu- ter in Hagerstown. By Decem- TEACH-IN, from Page 1 pied dormitory is an outrageous ber of 1989, Fisher was certi- tive perspectives on the war." act-apparently not considered fied to teach basic grammar to Blackman added, that "when in guidelines." other prisoners, had qualified for [society] becomes homogene- A three-judge panel modified the prison's college program, ous, we're in big trouble." Fisher's sentence to two years. and had enrolled in a self-help As a follow-up on the first He was released August 2 and, program. Teach-In held October 1, 1990, as of March 13, Fisher's proba- Both the Office of Residence two professors from that panel tion period expires. Life and the Department of were invited to speak again: Dr. Dr. Michael J. Bisco con- Campus Safety recently re- 1ulie Badiee, of the Department ducted a psychiatric evaluation quested copies of Fisher's pic- of An and Art History, and Ter- of Fisher soon after his arrest in ture from the Phoenix's photo ence Dalton, of the Department 1988. Fisher had difficulty ex- file in order to distribute it of English. plaining the proverbs "People amongst their staffs. However, In addition, Nina Gregg, of who live in glass houses Philip R. Sayre, Dean of Stu- the Department of Communica- shouldn't throw stones" and "a dent Affairs, said this was only tion, and Norberro Valdez, of rolling stone gathers no moss" a precautionary measure and that the Department of Sociology, but the examination showed "no Fisher had not indicated any fur- spoke. evidence of any psychotic ther intention of doing damage David Seligman, Dean of Former Campus Safety Officer Marc Fisher was convicted of trends," according to Bisco's to the campus. Sayre added that Academic Affairs, acted as several counts of arson, including setting fires in Blanche report. Ward and Rouzer Halls. Fisher is not permitted on col- moderator in the question and Fisher, the son of a Vietnam lege property. answer session following the Trustees Respond to Petition veteran and a thrice married Fisherdcclinedan interview,lJ panel discussion. 0 TRUSTEES, from Page 1 STUDENT, from Page 2 he hated because "it was too Shanahan likes living off to a representative who asked report on the Student Right-To- strict." campus also because "you're not to be identified. The repre- Know and Campus Security Act; because "I believe it is important "They [the RAs] told you more independent, but you also semauvc addcd that a third visi- a planning session for the Octo- to give something back to the when to eat, when to play music, have to worry about more things; tor to the Student Affairs Com- ber meeting; and discussion of community." how many people you can have you have to budget time, money, mittee has yet to be announced. the new smoking policy. Shanahan lived two years on in a room.. basically a lot of but you get a better feeling of Cherundoloalso serves as the Trustee Robert W. Schaefer, campus. During his second year, minor things which when added independence, and that's what president of SGA, according to Executive Vice President for he lived in Whiteford Hall, which up, becomes a pain." college is all about." 0 and is . the College Activities Office First National Bank of Mary- 1" ••••••••• _••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ~ organization roster. Because land, is the chair of the Budget Chcrundoto 's positions overlap, and Finance Committee seven positions remain unfilled. scheduled to attend the tuition • The student visitors will be increase discussion. Ruth Tho- • asked to fill out an evaluation mas, Director of Financial Plan- • form for the committees they ning and the Budget, and Ethan • attend and to mect with trustees Seidel, Special Assistant to the • afterwards to discuss concerns. President, are also scheduled to Sayre met with several stu- attend this discussion. dent leaders on March 4 to for- Brett Cohen, who introduced mulate the Student Affairs the new smoking policy to the COO L Committee agenda. The current college administration and has agenda is a discussion of the been its main supporter, will be • tuition increase; a general dis- invited to attend the discussion • You can't be it without cussion of grievances; a staff of the smoking policy. O· BLACKMAN, from Page 4 American are fond of pointing eny and justice for all, which • O.L.'s! out that dissenters take theirbasic drive us to point out what we see freedoms for granted. Instead of as destructive and unjust poli- • protesting, they argue, dissent- cies and attitudes. ers should shut up and be thank- Being an American does not ful for what they have. mean waving the flag and cover- Applications are now I hardly think those freedoms ing your eyes and cars. Itmeans arc taken for granted, especially taking responsibility for main- when dissenters have to face taining and extending to all being accepted for resistance based on such igno- people the freedoms we are • rance and intolerance as in this supposedly guaranteed. Some- - Orientation Leaders for 1991 latest war. We are thankful that one who speaks out and uses the Constitution, if not some of non-violent action to promote the public, recognizes our right the ideals of freedom and peace to speak out. But it is the very is no threat to the nation. Weare spirit of that document, and the indeed patriots, in the truest sense Apply at the Student vision of the republic with lib- of the word. 0 BUZZ, from Page 2 educators' etfortstosuppress the • Affairs Suite or call utilize a variety of tools which movement. include: excluding parents from The list of tools available to • our world until they conform; us is limitless; our key to success 857-2240 by April 5, 1991 withholding our buying power is organization. from retailers; and inventing a CHILDREN OF THE • new language to thwart adult WORLD UNITE! 0 \. •••••••••• _•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ..I
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