Page 83 - ThePhoenix1990-91
P. 83
April 4, 1991 Western Maryland College Page 3 Seligman Awards Faculty Position to Communications APC, from Page 1 was no formallobbying of the position "if we arc going to portam tong-term considcra- their needs, then we arc willing cost of running the college with Dean by his department. But, graduate true communications tion" lO give up that new position." "a major emphasis being placed Dean Seligman did consult ev- majors" Seligman also said that he Asked why the process had upon insuring high academic cry memberof communications, When asked why he chose to promised in writing \0 suppon failed to work by accepting the standards." both individually and asa group, allocate the position to the com- the request for new positions in APC's recommendation, Colyer Seidel said that after each last September." munications department, Dean the psychology and political said, "The one thing the APC budget proposal is made, com- Dillman slated that pan of Seligman said, that "1 consid- scicnce dcpanments dunng ncn did not come to us and ask is, promisesaresoughtandabudget those discussions included the ercd the rank and priority of the year's APC decision making 'what level of quality Clm you is formulated. Seidel further point that "if a college is going APC, but it was not a necessity; process. He also said that he maintain with outside person- stated that "after all factors for to maintain a department, then I have the right to reorder the was glad that WMC's faculty net?" the upcoming year's budget they have an obligation to that priorities." have "shown an enormous Colyer said that Dean Selig- were considered, it was deter- dcparuncru and to the college it- Seligman went on to say that amount of understanding and man had made the correct dcci- mined that the college could only self to staff it suppon of the sion by allocating the position afford to allocate funds for one with faculty pro b I ems to communications, and that he new position." who are process," and was in no way upset over the de- The next step in the process trained in that that he be- cision, because it was made in was for Dean Seligman to pres- field." ~~ ~~Pc.enLSSUbmitproposals forreailocationorallocationofanewposi_ lievcdthat if"l the best interest of the college. em the APC with the budget D i I I man 2 ~j~i~:::n~J~ed~eH with emphasis on: share as much Weber said that when he was committee's decision on how aodu~,elddethe~althu~ 3. ~~riaobl~~~:~xPC reviews include: as possible, so initially asked to give up the many positions could be funded...., a.) number of majors _ratio of students to faculty eve r yon e political science department's The APC had already ranked ationofhis de- ~:; ttARe~o~~~sc~f~red updated - intro. vs. upper division knows the in- number two ranking he was very their priority by recommending par t men I d.) total number of studenLStaught yearly for mat ion reluctant to do so. He added 10 Seligman that psychology be stressed a con- e.) need relallve 10OIhcrdepamnenu from which I that he asked the dean to "show considered first for any new al- cern that tho 1: ~~~E~~~ls1~~:~:::~sa::::::pcrsonnc! resoorces base my deci- me specifically how they [the location. It was at this phase commumca- 6. ~nvotetaken 1.2-3 sions, then communications department] tha~~hceo:::~~:;~:~t~~:~ce, ~~~St d~~:rl~ b:) ~:: :~d~~I~d on a ballot ~~~ ~~I.~gree :.!o~ssef:~u~o;i~i~~~~n~pt~~ who asked not to be identified, phaseitselrour alljlij?~t~c~~~~'!~~:;:hkr;:~~~!hb~isl;;'r~~~t~~r priority in Dr. Stephen the list. the communications department if it was not Colyer, chair- After being presented with had gone outside of the APC staffed by man of the the justification for Seligman's process by lobbying Dean Selig- qualified faculty. he had separate meetings with psychology department, said he decision, and a written guaran- man for the new position. The Dillman said that only one of the chairs of the psychology and had to approach the problem tee that Seligman will support source said that "the pressure the two major areas in commu- potitical science depanmentsin from two positions, as both a political science's position re- placed upon Seligman coupled nications (media studies and which he explained his reasons faculty member and as the quest next year, Weber said he with the limit of one new posi- interpersonal communications) for selecting communications department's chair. He said that gave up the political science tion forced him to ignore the were presently being taught by and asked them 10give up their as a faculty member he knew dcpanmem's ranking in order recommendations of the APC a qualified faculty member. ranking in the selection process. that we could fill our needs by [0 "give the new dean support and give the position to a de- Dil!man said that Dr. Nina Setigman was reluctant to say hiring qualified professionals and cooperation, which is in the panmcm which had been ranked Gregg, professor of communi- why he considered the commu- from the community for part- best Irucrcsr of the college." third by the APe," thus ignor- cations, specializes in media nications department to be ume positions. Weber said that, although the ing the needs of the psychology studies and that the new posi- WMC's highest priority, but he Colyer stated, as department system had not been adhered to and political science depart- uon will be staffed by a person did stale that "we [Seligman, chair, his opinion is "we need and had failed this year, "the rnents. who specializes in interpersonal and the two department chairs] another person; we arc under- college is fortunate that the fac- Professor Richard W. Dill- commurucauon. Dillman came to an agreement that the staffed and can always improve ulty assumes responsibility to man.chairman of the communi- stressed that communications stability and integrity of com- our quality. However, if an- advise as a team member on cations depanment, said "there mustbeallottedalleastonenew municauons was the most im- other department cannot meet personnel issues." 0 Profs For Sale, Cheap ~~bSRImp~~:~~,!,~~n~~a:eas~~~h,:!~e~~d AUCTION, from Page I and Andrea Covington. who NearlyoneyearafterWMCR pusradiostation. Forthreeyears WMCR? MauLcvy,thcgeneral laid down $20.00 to have Presi- madeitsdebutbroadcastoncable the only way to hear WMCR manager of WMCR, thinks so. and a guided trout fishing expe- dent Robert Chambers wash her channel 3, students as listeners was on 640 AM, or in Decker "The best thing with cable is it dition with Dr. Herb Smith of car twice. Other than a handful and DJ's alike agree that cable Center and Englar Dining Hall. can reach everyone on campus the Political Science Depart- of large items, the services were has increased the number of Then last April 13, WMCR with great sound. People can me~:~:::~~~~:~'~'theeve-~,u;:tt:~~i;~I&;:~;;:;veIYSluf~;t~o~:,O:~::~e:~a~;~~;:~cu~,:r:r~~~:~:~~g'h~~n~:~::;::e~nO~~b~~~i~:~~~vn;~~~1 :~~~ ~~~~~~maf~rUf;~~d;~~ dOI~:~~ ~i~~~e~rat~~ :~r:small number of students began on Prestige Cable. See WMCR, Pg. 8 Col. 3 battle with Residence AssiSlanl ily, and the residence life staff ••••••••• - •• -. - •• - •• -. -. -. -. -. Classifieds & Personal Ads ~;n~~s!::~~~~i~~ ~~~:inoe~ ~~~~:.ponsorlheeveOlaga~ Being Accepted for Next Issue "FAN'S Seniors are graduating next month. Send them off with a special personal ad! For publication Don't lose money by selling your old books to the bookstore. Sell them with a classified! 10 the April 18 issue, ads are due by April 11. Only 30¢ per line. Send ad with cash or check @ payment in sealed envelope to The Phoenix, EO. Box 208. CHINESE RESTAURANT Szechuan· Cantonese· American 59 West Main St, Westminster, MD 21157 Telephone: (301) 848·0919 • (301) 876·3166 ~..-.-..-..-.....-...-.-.--..~
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