Page 81 - ThePhoenix1990-91
P. 81
Green Terrors Baseball Busts Record-Story, Pg. 6 THE PHOENIX Western Maryland College Prank Invokes Bird on a Wire Cancelled After Controversy Feminist Meeting Matt levy Future Part Ill. the Lesbian and Gay Alliance, movicbcgan in me fall semester. Andrea Covington The movie Bird on a Wire The comedy/adventure film, Wade Fannin, said that" this In talks between Alexander and What apparently started as a was cancelled by the College starring Mel Gibson and Goldie subplot was not developed to Fannin, it was suggested that a prank ended as a meeting of over Activities Office following pro- Hawn, featured scenes where celebrate their (gay men) lives, list of movies be compiled re- one hundred and twenty West- tests by the Lesbian and Gay Gibson portrayed a gay hair- but tolimit gay men LOroles and garding offensive material. em Maryland College students Alliance. Bird on a Wire, which dresser. In a letter addressed lO jobs demeaned suitable by the Fannin listed three; Bird on a to discuss women's issues on wasduetoaironMarch 13 inthe Mitch Alexander, Director of ruling class male." Wire, Presumed tnnocem. and -A t campus. Pub.wasreplacedbysccercree College Activities, the head of The controversy over the School Daze. However, Alex- The gathering, which took ,-----------------------------, andcr claimed that (he list place on March 27 at 8 p.m. in rC8chedhisofficeaftcrthespring Alumni Hall and was four-fifths V c... ion f" semester movies were ordered female, was sparked by com- .J by CAPBoard. Fannin said that puter generated posters adver- __ - _ the movie was on a list for five C.r~.\\ C.~.JyL'~H"~}1~~;)r~_ ~~';!:~:~:~~;oor~~~~~~~~~~~ mO~~~·n flyers for the movie of the group appeared. came out in the beginning of Non-traditional student Bon- March, Fannin and the Alliance rue Grady, communications took action. On Friday, March professor Nina Gregg, and Stu- 8, five days before the movie dent Environmental Action was to be shown, Fannin went to Coalition leader Meeghan see Alexander. Alexander,who Ziolkowski took charge of the had never seen Bird on a Wire, meeting and led a 90 minute agreed LO watch the film with discussion. Fannin and the Vice Prcsideruof Through out the meeting, the Lesbian and Gay Alliance, students expressed concern and Michal Hall. outrage over the prank. One "After I watched it, 1 found it student, Nancy Flowers, said, "It was offensive and could sec what sucks that those signs went up." they're saying," Alcxandersaid. Another female student, who Alexander said that he gave could not be identified, said that Fannin some options. The alli- if representatives of the Male ancc could hang posters both Coalition appeared, "I, person- outside and inside the Pub re- ally, would be violent." Sold! To the highest bidder for $20. President Robert Chambers volunteered to wash garding their concerns over the Some moments during the two cars or one car twice to benefit the Carroll County Literacy Program, movie. They could stand out- ~:~ngi,:~~;~~~edti,e:~:~ Auction Raises Money for Literacy ~i,~:~h~:"~~~:~:~o~i~;~:S~~~ "girls," a majority of the audio Ed Rigling and then worked the floor for bids. afterwards. Alexander said that ~~~~ds~:S:~s:'.women" in an- Every man has a price and for Bob Cham- Ranging from the usual offers to cook meals, ~~~;;~~ha~~:~~o~~~~ not Attendees discussed ideas on ber~!~'~!~~ Chambers, president of Western ~:: =:~:~~~~~u~~~ a~~e~:hb~a:~~t~~~~ "Thcydidn'tlikcanyof these ~~~~~~~:~gin:~:~~~s ~~~~:~ Maryland College, was the second most expen- ulty, such as a tennis lesson and game with Dr. ~:~~s~:~~i~~e ~~~e~td~~~~ study of women's issues during ~:d~:c~~n~~;n~~r~r~~ ~:nR~!i::~~ ~~~ ~~;O~~~do~!ee Sw~~o~~~O~i~~~~;f~~s~rg~~~ pened(auhcmovie),hecouldn't ~~~s:::~~~~~b~~~~n~~: Staff, the event was held to benefit the Carroll John Olsh whilc being caddied by former Inter- ~~r h~~~~~~u~~~~~:;t A:~:a~~ around feminism. co~n::dL~~~~::~~~~ChaSe,ResidenceLife Greek Council presideru Walt Eifc. An Italian ultimatum." Some of the students also Coordinator for Drug and Alcohol Education, ~:rO:~C~d:~~~ig:~f~~~v~~~:; D~Ss~~~~~ The movie, according to CO~~I~~:;~~~;:~:~o~~I: Li_ntr_od_"_Ced_'_he_v_"'_iO_"_S_SC_"'_iC_'S_bc_in_g_of_fe_"'_I Se_e_A_U_C_T_IO_N_,_pg_'._3_C_O'_. 1_ Alexander, cost between $175 See BIRD, Pg. 8 Col. 1 Position Awarded to Communications Despite APC Recommendations Joe vernettl other departments (psychology science department chairman, is among the voters, and resulted The budget committee con- The allocation of new fac- and political science) which also the current chair of the APC. in the following ranking: (I) siders the budget proposals ulty positions at WMC is achal- were ranked higher in priority Weber provided an outline de- Psychology; (2) Political Sci- "from each vice president (aca- lenging and progressive process by the APC. tailing the procedures followed ence; (3) Communications; (4) demic affairs, student affairs, designed to maximize faculty in- According to Dr, LeRoy by the APC for ranking which History; (5) Education; and (6) administration & finance, and put through the Academic Plan- Panek, Dean of Planning and department's proposals warrant Philosophy." development), who present ar- ning Committee; however, the Research, and the WMC af- an additional faculty position After-a decision was reached, guments in defense of their par- allocation of next year's sole firmative action handbook (sec. (see chan on page 3). the APC's recommendations ticular department's needs," said new faculty position to the com- 4.1.3), the decision-making Weber said that "this year's were presented to the budget Dr. Ethan Seidel, professor of munications department failed process for new faculty posi- process for considering the rank- committee by the Vice Presi- economics, who is a member of to comply with the APC's rec- tions originates with the APC ing of departmental and WMC dent: Dean of Academic Af- the budget committee. Seidel ommendations. who accept proposals from the needs for new faculty positions fairs, Dr. David Seligman, who further stated that the budget The communications depart- various department chairs. resulted in a cluster of votes is a voting member of both the committee considers the overall ment was given priority over two Dr. Robert Weber, political which showed a consensus APC and budget committees. See A PC, Pg. 3 Col. I
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