Page 75 - ThePhoenix1990-91
P. 75
March 14, 1991 Western Maryland College Godspell a Magical Production Jennlter Dean Act I portrayals of characters in intensity of his fellow cast Brightly-colored cardboard the parables. members and was therefore columns with handprints on Scott Grocki was singularly somewhat overshadowed. Britt them, mirrors, naked scaffold- enthusiastic in his multiple im- was at his prime in "All for the ing. costume racks, and lighting personations of everyone from Best,"whereheseemedthemost instruments strewn about. Does Judge Wapner to Butterfly commuted, he never quite mus- this sound like a likely atmos- McQueen; his versatility kept tered the conviction necessary phcre to present the Book of the audience laughing. for "Alas for You." Matthew? R. J. Measday seemed unfo- Most enjoyable were the Western Maryland College cused surrounded by the rest of production numbers "Bless the Theatre's production of God- the cast's enthusiasm and total Lord" and "We Beseech Thee." spell took place in this exact commitment, but her rendition After Groeki's showstopping setting. DirectorRobMcQuay's of "Tum Back, 0 Man" was rendition of the latter, the restor concept of setting Christ's teach- complemented by her engaging the show seemed dull; the cruci- ings inanactors' rehearsal space voice. fixion was unconvincing and is a fresh idea that lends a new Kellee Maginness tended to lacked the power to move the aspect to this musical that is usu- upstage her fellow cast mem- audience. ally set in ajunkyardor acircus. bers in her abundant enthusi- Ira Domser's set design and This meticulously-detailed asm, but her buoyant nature Steve Parsons' light design con- production almost had to be seen provided contrast in the darker tributed largely to the success of twice to capture the full effect, moments of the show. this production. The free nature because each company member Demetri Lambrosaddeda hu- of the set gave the actors a virtual was always doing something that morous note to the entire show, playground in which to create; merited attention. in contrast with Matt Bayley, the multiple levels were an ex- Lea Stanley's and Michela who largely played the straight citingelementaswell. The light- Patterson's strong vocals were a ing provided much-needed con- valuable asset to the show. Rock Reiser captured per- trast to the primarily bright-col- Todd Robinson is to be com- fectly the dual characters of John ored set for the more sombre mended as well for his inex- the Baptist and Judas Iscariou second act. could not make one appear em and energy of the cnscm blc. haustible commitment to char- his transition between the two The orchestra, conducted by magically. this unity and enthu- acter and his pcrfonnance of" All was flawless. (I especially liked Dr. Margaret Boudreaux, was a These novelties that appeared siasm, Without the show would be re- Good Gifts." the symbolic yin-yang on his vital element in the musical throughout the show greatly duced to a Sunday-school les- Chrisy Covell and Pam forehead.) success of this production, but contributed to the audience's Kraemer sang "By My Side," a David Britt exemplified the also got in on the action by pro- enjoyment. son, but the hard work of the resulted hauntingly beautiful duct which simple, pious nature of Christ, viding Rock Reiser with a cane The single factor that made cast, crew, and director enjoyable in an inspiring and contrasted with their hilarious but failed to measure up to the for a dance number when he Godspel/ a success was the tal- production. 0 David Britt an Inexperienced Messiah in Godspell Todd Cioni friends in the theatre department. Still, Britt found that, "to portray Veteran actor Rock Reiser, who want to sit in the audience and Imagine having no previous "I had seen almost all the shows a character such as Jesus was a plays Jesus' nemesis Judas Is- watch them." stage experience and finding on campus," Britt said, "and it very demanding yet rewarding cariot, said "he's got something Apparently, others enjoyed yourself as the leading role in looked like a good experience." experience." in him that we can all relate to watching as Well, as opening GodspeU. He commented that he would Britt gives credit to the other Jesus." Lea Stanley, another night ended with a standing ova- David Britt did just that when have been happy with any role actorsforadvice,encouragement, company member, echoed the tion. "It was an indescribable he captured the leading role of and never expected to get the and for helping him throughtthe feeling. "Ilookathimduringthc bliss that just lifted me up," Jesus in the Western Maryland lead. stress and pressure of acting in show and believe there is a touch commemcd Britt. College's production of the Britt said that he felt confi- his first show. He is especially of Jesus in him." As the show came to a close musical retelling of the Book of dent about his audition but that it thankful for the support and in- Asked how he feels about the last weekend, Britt realized that Matthew. was his musical experience that spirauon from director Rob role, Britt described himself as his days in the theatre will soon "J thought there must have helped him land the role. On McQuay, who also portrayed easygoing and said he has en- an end. However, he has been some kind of mistake," campus Britt enjoys singing and Jesus in the 1982 Theatre on the joyed applying that trait to the enjoyed himself and would like stated the senior biology major, is a member of the Madrigals, a Hill producLion of Godspeit. character. ButBrinalsobeJieves to continue theatre as a pastime. who entered auditions having select campus choir, all of which On the other hand, many of that he is "the weakest link in the Britt just hopes that he "can lind never acted before. Britt was have paid 01T in the production. both elated and in shock to find O~e of the f~s. that Britt ~::~~~~~;):t:~~~:!~~ts~~~ :~;n::%O~~e~~~~ i~~~ ~n;~:~ anot~er opportunity like thg his name posted as the leading experienced after gettmg the role be •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• actor. was "knowing there would Britt had decided to audition many people with many back- after pressure from several grounds and different beliefs." The Classifieds are Coming!! 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