Page 76 - ThePhoenix1990-91
P. 76
Page 4 Western Maryland College Editorial: "Politically Correct" Thinking Thomas E Quirk tttWfC::$D¥C;::lf4hlF.Jf'ITfBETiliWMFW _~,_",,3"00%;LXTC::};;.c::·<')tj Thcrcarc some people on this demic legitimacy." I find many of my friends in. campus and the nation who arc The push for diversity and Another student leader, strong advocates of free speech "correct" thinking is, in essence, Meeghan Ziolkowski, in hcr cdi- Many names are hurled at those who choose to work for and expression. Yet, some of its own form of censorship. torial of "Language and Real- peace and justice. Mostof the Lime, these are easy enough to these very people, when con- On the local level, I sec "po- ity" (The Phoenix 2/28f)1) tar- ignore. But some need to be answered because they are taken fronted with an idea that goes litically correct" thinking being gets oppressive language She as gospel and yet are based on serious misunderstandings and against their thinking, become pushed by some of the stronger basically stated that people must outright lies. One in particular which needs to be addressed is vehement about what is accept- student leaders on campus. One redefine their language from so- the charge that such people are "unpatriotic" able and what is not. student wanted to cancel called "oppressive language" to First, r fail to see how a person can be called unpatriotic Basically, these people want CAPBoard's March movie se- more acceptable language be- because they choose to work for a more just and peaceful to decide what is right and wrong lection of Bird on a Wire be- cause "language shapes reality" society. If someone sees a policy or an attitude as dangerous and push their views upon oth- cause he personally found it and "oppressive language ere- and destructive to the country and works to expose it and ers. I view this as a dangerous "both offensive and derogatory ates opprcssion." propose alternatives, then it seems obvious that such a person and flawed double-standard. to gay men and lesbians." Now, I ask, who determines cares enough about the country to do what he or she thinks is There are numerous examples He then stated "the Lesbian what is oppressive language and right. Cynics and pleasure cruisers don't take the time to of this both locally and nation- and Gay Alliance has not asked who doesn't? It would almost organize or speak out. They would rather curse the dark than ally. On the national level, Ed- this movie to be censored, but follow that Ziolkowski has taken light one candle. win Feulner, President of the we would not be unhappy if the it upon herself to define and con- Unfortunately, some say that dissenters are simply com- Heritage Foundation, wrote that College Activities Office can- clude what words are right and plaining and not doing anything positive. But this attitude is the Middle States Association which are wrong. It would also based on ignorance and misinformation. Events on this of Colleges and Universities- seem that Ziolkowski would like campus alone prove that peace and justice issues can be the organization that has the "Politically Correct" others to watch their language pursued in a positive way. For example, there have been power to grant or deny accredi- Thinking is Just a Nicer and definitons-but is this itself discussion groups, teach-ins, a rally, religious services, work- tation to several east coast an oppressive act? shops, and informal gatherings for mutual support. states-is trying to "raise the Word/or Censorship. In other words, people should None of these things are destructive, and all provide a banner of 'cultural diversity' on not tell other what words arc forum for the expression and creative pursuit of alternative campuses, a euphemism for ra- right and which are wrong. It is a viewpoints. The best that some who oppose these activities on cial quotas, gay rights, male eels this inappropiatc film." And free country. People should be campus can do is vandalize and harrass. While dissenters bashing and other manifesta- he threatened that if the film is able to exercise their frccdom of attack policies and attitudes, some so-called patriots attack tions of 'correct thinking'." shown he "would like to get speech without having to censor peoplcand property. This isa much more negative and violent Feulner continued stating that, some suggestions about bring- themselves in the guise of "po- approach than one based on dialogue and respect for human- "heretics arc all burned at the ing formal charges at the Honor litically correct" thinking or any ny. stake. Professors or students and Conduct Board against the other form of oppression from Along these lines, "Love it or leave it" is a particularly who question the agenda are ei- students and administrators that those who think they know what dangerous attitude which has surfaced on our campus. As I ther rushed into 'sensitivity sponsered this film." is right and wrong. suggested, loving the country is the best reason to disagree awareness' seminars, harassed Now, if this is not an attempt r write the above not to attack with its government. And if our nation is so free and mighty, into silence or run off campus." to censor- and he can call it any of my friends, but in the why should anyone fear the voice of dissent? If the truth be Personally, I believe that what ever he wants-than I hopes that they will understand told, we make our nation weaker every time we silence there should be more sensitivity don't know what is. Just be- a different perspective. They protest. Dialogue and debate strengthen us. Silencing people toward diversity. Yet, politi- cause one person, or a group of must realize that "politically because we are too afraid of or offended by their message is cally and logically, I do not be- people, finds something offen- correct" thinking and extrcm- the best way to undermine and destroy this country. lieve that this sensitivity should sive docs not mean this "cffen- ism will not further their cause Finally, those who charge dissenters with being anti- be forced down the throat of sive" thing should be censored. but only hinder it and build up people who have different Awhile back, I can recall resentment from others. See BLACKMAN, Pg.8 Col. I views. when the Gay and Lesbian Alli- "Pol iticall y correct" thinking Feulner said that the Middle ance were showing a "pro- is just a nicer word for censor- States Association offers an in- homosexual" film. Maybemany ship. When someone is given The Phoenix centive "for a campus to swal- people on this campus did not the power to determine what is low the new orthodoxy of 'po- agree with that (and maybe some "right" words, "right" diversity, litical correctness. '" That is, if of them even found it offensive) or "right" movies ..a shadow of Editor . Andrea Covington "a college loses it's accredida- but did they try to censorit? censorship will fall over the Assistant Editor ...... Jenn Scott uon [if it docs not accept the Of course, I am sure that the community ..and the very build- Business Manager Laurie Lutche political views on diversityJ it above student did not see it that ing blocks of free speech will Copy Editor . Julie Baile also forfeits federal aid and aca- way. This is the sure hypocrisy begin to crumble. 0 Layout Editor Constantine Frangos Sports Editors Matt Levy and Ed Rigling Letter to the Editor: Please Don't Production Assistants Julie Baile, Andrea Covington, Meeghan Ziolkowski Put Me Where I Don't Belong Photographers. . Bob Kirkendall, Helen Lowe, Ines Perez, Jenn Scott Reporters .Pat Blackman, Andrea Covington, Editor, as a soldier. I want to concen- depends on chance or uncertain Barbara DeCesare, Lauren E. Himmel, I was quite surprised to find trate on my future and not dwell conditions." I should have ed- Bob Kirkendall, Mike Kubacki, Thomas E. Quirk, out that I am a part of the WMC in the past. Please don't put me ited the word OUi and replaced it Todd Robinson, Jenn Scott, Joe Vemeui military contingency. Can you where I don't belong. Thanks with a better one such as "con- Advisor Terry Dalton tell me what that means? I for your understanding. stituency." I apologize. The Phoenix is published bi-weekly. The opinions expressed thought a contingency was some Mike Marceau I also apologize for having do not necessarily reflect those of Phoenix staff members or son of emergency. branded you as something that those of the administration at Western Maryland College. I have been medically retired Dear Mr. Marceau. you would prefer to not be iden- The Phoenix welcomes submissions and Letters to the Editor. from the Army for more than 20 I believe you are refering 10 tified as. I acknowledge your Letters that are one page, typed, and double spaced are guaren- years because of injuries I suf- Joe verneui:s article titled desire to not be forever con- teed publication in the upcoming issue. Letters exceeding that fered in Vietnam. I think of that "lYMe's Fighters Talk sboia nected with events from the far limit will be published as space permits and must be submitted part of my life as way behind me. the War" which was in the Feb- past and when I assign stories in on a Macintosh disk in either Microsoft Word, WriteNow, or r need to move forward now. ruary 14 issue. If so, you are the future I wilt try to have a MaeWrite formats. Please include a phone number for verifi- catron. I consider myself as part of correct. Webster's New World greater consideration for indi- The Phoenix the WMC school community, Dictionary of the American viduals such as yourself. Address mail to: 2 College Hill not part of their military organi- Language defines contingency Andrea Covington Western zation. I'm hereasa student, not as "somettungwhoseoccurrence Editor Westminster, Maryland College MD 21157
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