Page 85 - ThePhoenix1990-91
P. 85
April 4, 1991 Western Maryland College PageS 60 Seconds on Campus Jenn Scott and Andrea Covington What do you think of the freshman/sophomore residency requirement? Rebecca Kane '94 Dennis Walker '94 Jennifer Park '94 Steve Lane '92 Karen Irvine '94 -Psychclogy -Communications -Undecided -Biology -History I think by age 18 I think it blows. I think they should Itsucks.Ijustthink I think it's stupid and 19,people are old be able to live off it's plain stupid. It because, for the enough to decide campus if they want doesn't make any freshman who have where they want to to. It's their choice. sense. Ifeel sorry for the resources, they live ...they should not the people who can't should have the right have their right to afford to live on to live off campus. decide taken away campus. from them. Editorial: For Want of Parking Honors Report Released JennScott % '''''''''''~=.P -'X--T-m",':::'"" ~ v-w",m"'~'''''''='''~W7m_ A committee has released its Honorsalsohasproblemswilh report on the honors program at poorcommunication between the The parking lot by Rouzer the full week that I have been what is the point behind creating Western Maryland College and Honors Commiueethatovcrsees Hall has just been restriped over keeping track of such things, has excess parking spaces if they are has recommended that Honors lheprogramandtheprogrampar- the Spring Break. that newly restriped lot had less going to go unused? housing be moved out of its cur- dcipanrs, the report said. The I'm sure the faculty and staff than five empty spaces. I don't know what the al- rent Daniel MacLea suites and reponatso statcdtharthe Honors are really enjoying it. They have It's all weiland good that the mighty administration has in onto a regular residence hall floor. Comm luee had become stagnant their pick of 55 spaces between 7 college is finally taking steps to mind for the long term, but for The report, which was com- due to unchanging membership. am. and4 p.m. Monc1aythrough alleviate the lack-of-parking now I wish they would let stu- piled by the Ad Hoc Honors Pro- The Ad Hoc Committee's Friday. Never again will they problem by creating the new 29 dents put those extra spaces to gramEvaluationCommittee,de- otherrecommendauonstncluded have to fret about not getting an space lot behind Daniel MacLea use. scribedasenseisolauonamongst having the Honors Committee ideal parking space. (which, for the moment at least, I'm tired of having to park program participants due to its membcrsbeelectedforfouryear Why? Because not once, in is available to students). But behind the water tower. 0 preferred housing and a frequent terms on a rotating basis and that ---------------------------1 problem with participants drop- honors courses be taught by a BOTTOM UP, from Page 4 that is oppression, then Mr. studies the issues can see this is pinglheprogram when they were larger group of faculty. Inaddi- Mr. Quirk's argument also Quirk's editorial falls in the not so. eligible for better housing. non. the report suggested that contains another distortion of same category. The myth of freedom is that The report also listed other professors teaching honors facts. He accuses Meeghan Finally, the use of the words no one has the right to say any- problems in the program. Prob- classesexpenmemmore.thatthe Ziolkowski of oppression be- "politically correct thinking" to thing about their suffering and lems included course work that honorsseniorseminarbereduced cause of her editorial Language describe the philosophy of most its possible solution if it means wastoosimilartotheregularcur- to one semester and be graded and Reality. (Phoenix, 2/28/91) peace and justice groups is sim- challenging the behavior of the riculum and faculty who did not credit/fail, and that the director Quirk states that she attempts to ply mistaken. No one I have majority. But how can freedom have enough expertise in work- of the program seek more input define what words are right and ever worked with and nothing I not include the right to chal- ing with honors students. from the honors students. 0 wrong, and what people should have read on these issues has lenge behavior which causes Smoking Policy Effective and shouldn't do. ever used the words or even harm to people? Yet a close rereading of her approached the concept of "po- If we believe the myth of The Administrative Council should preferably be enclosed. editorial reveals no such aim, litically correct" freedom, then we believe that ofWestemMarylandCollegeap- The faculty may also designate overt or covert. Such language How could that be possible people on this campus had no proved a plan LOrestrict smoking certain lounges as smoking areas simply isn't there, and there is when even those who work for right to respond to the proposed on campus effective Aprill. in accordance with the policy. no reason to assume that peace and justice represent in- Male Coalition Against The policy, which was intro- The policy states that the col- Ziolkowski was trying to con- tense politically diversity? Women meeting last week. We ducedby junior businessadmini- lege wishes to establish restric- trol people's behavior by mak- The term is a right wing epi- should simply have waited for strauon major BreuCohcn, states tive smoking regulations because ing the legitimate argument thet meant to undermine move- the next rape, and then done that all public areas are non- of the health hazards of smoking thai. words have power and can ments by scaring people into something about it. smoking. Theonlyexcepuonsto and second-hand smoke. Council, this rule are the fireplace area of The Administrative function as tools of oppression. thinking that someone who But if we truly believe in the pub and private offices and which ischaired bycollegepresi- She raises an important point demands freedom from oppres- freedom, then we know we residence hall rooms. dent Robert Chambers, elimi- for discussion. sion intends to take it away have the right to speak out and The policy offers the option nated a previously proposed ex- Her comments are obviously from everyone else. take non-violent action against to residence hall governments to ception that would have permit- not a political manifesto, and It is propaganda, plain and that which threatens our inal- designate certain public areas in ted smoking in the Physical Edu- they are a coherent and reason- simple. Any compassionate, ienable human rights, and those their halls as smoking areas. The cation Learning Center lobby able statement of opinion. If thinking person who really of our sisters and brothers. 0 areas, according to the policy, during athletic events. 0
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