Page 84 - ThePhoenix1990-91
P. 84
Page 4 Western Maryland College April 4. 1991 Editorial: Don't Shut Us Out Pat Blackman's Andrea Covington - ,_~.~.u,;; *_1RG;;;WPJii1lf _.,,=~ From the Bottom, Up When lhestudentpetition was giving a damn now and students But the people who will be af- being circulated last semester, I want to know why the admini- fected the most by its reeom- recall that Pres idem Robert stration is making decisions that mendations, the students in the The Myth of Freedom Chambers expressed his cyni- affect us without asking us how Honors Program, never received cism about the student body's we feel. copies of the report. Granted, There is a powerful myth which our campus is beginning interest in campus affairs. We When Dean of Student Af- the committee did have student to confront, the myth of freedom. were discussing the idea of votes fairs Philip R. Sayre announced membership, but it should have More and more we are hearing the argument that anyone for student visitors to trustees' also reported its findings 10 the who pushes for standards to protect and empower oppressed meetings when he snorted, "if program participants. minorities is engaged in "censorship" and forcing "politi- the students gave a damn, they'd We Students Were Maybe the people who run cally correct" thinking on other people. On campus, an come." He was referring to the this joint do not think we have is a fact that student visitor atten- Again Completely anything worth saying. Cer- editorial by Tom Quirk in the last Phoenix (3/14/91) good example of this consciousness. Yet the argument Quirk dance stank, big time. Ignored .. tainly Dr. Chambers does not pursues fails on many points, both technical and ideological. Well, that situation seems to think so. He sent out a question- For example, he argues that Wade Fannin is a censor be- have changed. Not only was naire last week asking what the cause he protested the showing of two movies by CAP- student attendance at the last faculty and staff thought WMC Board. What he fails to mention is that College Activities meeting in February 100%, but that freshmen and sophomores should look like by 2010. We Fannin for a list of movies harmful to gay men and a batch of unofficial student visi- would again be required to live students were again completely asked lesbians. Furthermore, when Me Fannin delivered the re- tors regularly attend the All on campus, I resented it. Re- ignored, although I know that quested list (which only named three movies), he asserted College Council meetings. The gardless of how few actually we could have provided a good to Phoenix, in fact, has received would be affected, we still deal of insight into the environ- that these movies were inappropriate for the school sponsor because they could contribute to an atmosphere of more and more pressure from should have been asked. No- ment of this college and how it violence on campus. WMC states in its First Prinicples that the students to deliver the hard body bothered to ask the stu- could be changed for the better. it "strives to place students at the center of a humane envi- news that directly impacts their dents and that made me, as a I guess we are all just too roment." Mr. Fannin's concern was not that the movies are lives. And people read the pa- student, feel helpless and in- young and too dumb to even be to the safety of per. Our run of 1100 usually sulted. considered. If that is the case, "offensive", it was that they are dangerous gay men and lesbians. disappears within a day and a This is not an isolated inci- then that is WMC's loss. I wish So Mr. Fannin, a survivor of violent gay bashing, by pro- half. dent, either. The report of the the administration of this school All these factors are evidence Ad Hoc Honors Program Evalu- good luck because they are going testing the showing of these films, (scheduled in spite of the of one fact. The students are ation Committee just came out. to need it, big time. 0 school's own request for the list and its own First Prin- ciples), was auempting to protect his community by getting the school to live up to its own standards. He never sug- gested any sort of campus-wide ban on the three movies, only that the school itself shouldn't sponsor them, just as the school wouldn't sponsor a film with racist undertones. Editor, stereotypcdhomosexuals. After censorship. If this is censorship, then the new WMC smoking policy After reading Tom Quirk's being provided with a short list, Ideplore the actions of the CAO is a much more blatcnt violation of civil rights since it editorial entitled "Politically the CAO proceeded to schedule when they request guidance from proposes to restrict peoples' freedom, campus-wide and at Correct Thinking" (Phoenix two-thirds of those films. When minority groups, blatanLly ig- all times, in the name of community health. In other words, March 14), I feel compelled to GALA informed the CAO that nore this advice, and then run the school feels justified in making policy on the assumption respond. Mr. Quirk's editorial they would protest theshowning from the controversy it creates. that freedom goes only as far as the responsibility to see that was not filled with misinforma- of Bird on a Wire, the movie was Ichallenge the CAO to make other people are not hurt. Does this standard not also apply tion, but Ifeel a need to present cancelled. firm its policy on potentially to gay men and lesbians? another side of some delicate I encourage each student to offensive films----either show See BOTTOM UP, Pg. 5 Col. I campus issues. view Birdon a Wire and form his them and allow protest, or cen- WMC is caught between its or her own opinion. It is the sor them, and face the conse- responsibility to display contro- college's obligation to display quences. The Phoenix versial media, without censor- and encourage the discussion of Encouraging diversity and ship, and its obligation to en- controversial media. I believe fighting censorship can be syn- courage diversity and show the CAO sought to avoid the onymous, and Iapplaud the ef- Editor ••..••..•.........•.•..•••.......•....•........••.......Andrea Covington minorities in a positive light. controversy that often surrounds forts of outspoken students like Assistant Editor ..••...·····•·..•••........•...•.....•..••••.......•.Jenn Scott Business Manager Laurie Lutche Last semester, the College GALA and its members, and Wade Fannin, Meeghan ActivitiesOfficeasked the WMC GALA attempted to work with Ziolkowski, and Tom Quirk to Copy Editor ..............•..•............•...••.......••..•.......••.. Julie Baile Layout Editor ••..•••................................. Constantine Frangos Gay and Lesbian Alliance for a them in this effort. This cer- enact change at WMC. Sports Editors ......•..••.................•• Mau Levy and Ed Rigling list of movies which negatively tainly does notcondonean act of Christine A. Pieper, '92 Production Assistants ....••.•.•Julie Baile, Andrea Covington, Photographers ...........•••..•....... Dan Holoski, Bob Kirkendall, Editor, Feminism is not only about tried to make those points at the Helen Lowe, Ines Perez, Jenn Scott I'm not sure which appalled equality, it is also about the right meeting but was cut off by the Reporters ..••.................•••.Pat Blackman, Andrea Covington, me more, the posters advertising to make choices. Thejudgments apparent leaders. I hope some- Barbara DeCcsare, Lauren E. Himmel, the meeting of a "Male Coalition passed on women who become one will listen now. Bob Kirkendall, Mike Kubacki, Thomas E. Quirk, Against Women" or the meeting secretaries or participate in wet KymSamuels, '94 Todd Robinson, lenn Scott, Joe Vernetti which took place as a result of t-shirt contests were disgraceful. Advisor Terry B. Dalton the posters. When I arrived, the Neither of those options is de- WE NEED The Phoenix is published bi-weekly. The opinions expressed meeting (consisting of people meaning if they are chosen by do not necessarily reflect those of Phoenix staff members, the who, like me, found those post- that person. Are you trying to SElf-MDTIVATED faculty, or the administration at Western Maryland College. ers irritating) was already well tell me what I can and can't do? SlUDEHTS. The Phoenix welcomes submissions and Letters to the Editor. underway. Separatism of any As a person, I resent my options EARNUPTD Letters that arc one page, typed, and double spaced are guaren- kind is detrimental to everyone. being limited by anyone, male or teed publication in the upcoming issue. Letters exceeding that The proposals I heard at the female. $1II/1II. limit will be published as space permits and must be submitted meeting, such as building more If you are comfortable with MarDlcretI.canbaR~. on a Macintosh disk in either Microsoft Word, WriteNow, or MacWrite formats. Please include a phone number for verifi- women's studies classes into the yourself regardless of your gen- RIlliIll.kIIn. cation. curriculum, would only widen der, race, religion, sexual orien- ()Ily10pcJSltlonsmllatH. Address mail to: the gap. While a men's studies tation, (dare I say?) hair color, The Phoenix 2 College Hill class is also being researched, ete..., the world will be forced to call Now Western Maryland College keep in mind that "separate but accept you and give you any 1·800-950·8472 Westminster, MD 21157 equal is inherently unequal." chance you're willing to take. I Ext. 20
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