Page 77 - ThePhoenix1990-91
P. 77
March 14, 1991 Western Maryland College Page 5 60 Seconds on Campus Jenn Scott and Andrea Covington Do you think the faculty's seven-course-Ioad will affect your education? r ~ Lisa Rossignol Edward Buzzi III Glenn Anderson Kevin Wolters "Blue" Taylor -SophoJPsych.-SW -Sopho./Econ. -Senior/Soc. -Junior/Hist.-Span. -Freshman/Bio. I don't think it Idon't think seven It won't affect the No, but I think it is I think the seven- should affect it be- would affect the education. However, a heavy load because course-load will be cause it didn't seem quality of education it will affect the free it will keep the pro- pretty cool because to change it when it here at Western time faculty have to fessors from doing it will put variety in went from eight to Maryland College. spend with students outside research on their teaching. I six. It might be eas- outside of the class- other projects. don't think they will ier to get classes. room. bum out because they were at eight. 1-<--._ An Ouen Letter: Colors and Their Meaning To the Western Maryland Col- throughout time has always people. The Drape above the Each of us is partofthe over- and Ior sairnsothcr than martyrs. lege Community, symbolized mourning for a per- Chapel doors has symbolized me all human family marching to Noucc that the black drape As we hold to the hope that son or people. That is the mean- deaths on all sides of this war as thebeatofvariousdrummers. In was removed. The removal was the current war in the Middle ing and has been the intent of the well as the death which has come an academic environment such done because of overt secular East has ended, there continues drape aube Chapcl. In thc Cbns- to the land, sea, and air. In no as ours, there is an unwritten misunderstanding. Thesameday to be concern about the display tian tradition the church isdrapcd way was the drape a political understanding and tolerance of the black drape came down so of colors. A major concern has in black on Good Friday in re- statement of anti-anything or diversity and the right to display did the yellow ribbons. Since been the black drape over the spect for the death of Jesus the anyone. Thedrapesymbolized a that diversity. The symbols we these outward and visible sym- main entrance to Baker Memo- Christ. In Judaism and Islam religious and spiritual concern outwardly display have deep bols have taken on secular con- rial Chapel. black is also displayed or worn for God 's creation and for God's inner personal meanings, such notation instead of sacred deno- The display of a black drape out of respect for the death of children. as the yellow ribbons. ration then possibly the symbols have lost their purpose. ----------------------------, had~:~~~~:::~~~~~~:i:~~ The Chapel is a place for all Letter to the Editor: Don't film in 1949 where a woman God's children to have a voice. waits for the safe return of her May we all listen with open cars Force Opinions on Me lover. and Dawn tell of a pris- old: "[God] shall judge between in 1973 Tony Then to the message of the prophets of Orlando oner desiring to know the intent many peoples, and shall arbi- Editor, their god to sate his thirst for few citizens consciously con- of his lover in their song, "Tie a trate between strong nations far I write in response to the ar- control over the region. sider these past acts daily, many Yellow Ribbon 'Round the Ole away; they shall beat their ticle "From the Bottom, Up" by Later, Mr. Blackman com- of us do remember them when Oak Tree." With the Iranian swordsintoplowsharcs.andthcir PatBlackman(ThePhoenix,Feb. plains mat the Iraqis were in- new Instances occur in the world hostages came the yellow rib- spears into pruning hooks; na- 28). I disagree with certain ideas stamty labeled terrorists, and that now. And, each time we aid bons once again triggered by lion shall notlif t up sword against which Mr. Blackman presents in American leaders never consid- tyrannized peoples today, we Penny Laingen, spouse of for- nation. neither shall they learn this piece. ered all Iraqi motivations for the work toward relieving thoseevils mcrbostagcBrucc Laingen. She war any more; ...for the mouth In his opening paragraph Mr. attack on Kuwait. I believe that that slain out history. ueda large yellow ribbon around onhe Lord of hosts has spoken" Blackman speaks of "this war in countering any attack, the most Tbearucle seems to have been a tree in her front yard as she (Micah 4:3-4; ep. Isaiah 2:2-4, against the Iraqi people". If the effective means would rely on initiated by Mr. Blackman's wailed for Bruce to be released New Revised Standard Version). war was actually fought against knowing the agressor's motiva- knowledge of "an enhanced and return home. Today, the It appears at the writing of the~,Idonotseewhy tions. I also believe that our racism against Arabs and Mus- connotation of the yellow rib- this letter that the cease-fire is so many of them would have leaders tried their best to under- lims"inourcommunity.Iwould bon is support of military forces working, and that the prisoners surrendered so willingly to the stand what stimulated this par- have been far more interested in involved in war. The yellow of war are being returned. May AlliedForces,orwhytheywould ticular anack. reading an article exposing those ribbons which were on the we coruin uc our si nccrc desire to have attempted to flee the at- Mr. Blackman concludes by actually guilty of this crime than Chapel doors had religious establish peace among ourselves lacks. Those truly wanting to asking us to remember the ag- in having Mr. Blackman once meaning of hope for peace and and in God's world. May we fight would have fought; they gressions the American govern- again present his opinions of the the safe return of all persons to continue to pray for peace, indi- would not have given up. We ment committed against "the world's faults as real news in the their country of origin. Liturgi- vidually and together. fought the war against the ag- NativeAmericansandtheMexi- campus paper. cally, yellow is associated with Rev. C, Wj/son '83 gressions of one power-hungry cans in the name of a God-given Angela Tremain energy and is used for seasonal Coordinator olR etigious Life man, a man using his people and right to expansion." Although Sophomore worship of light, hope, peace, (Campus Minister)
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