Page 79 - ThePhoenix1990-91
P. 79
March 14, 1991 Western Maryland College Page 7 Sports Profile: Scott Deitch Terror Wrestling Misses Matt Levy \.. Out on the Big Show Wanted: A sports enthusiast to work six, sometimes seven Going into the MAC tourna- seven seniors from the lineup, days. Must be willing to work ment, the Terror wrcstling squad leaving the squad rich in t.alent had high hopes to send one of but young, consisting mostly of long hours for a moderate sal- ary. their numbers to Nationals. juniors and sophomores next Most people would not apply Although Tony Spagnola (158), season. Leaving the squad will for [hal jab, but if you ask Scott Chris Madden (167), and Jay be Chris Madden, in-captains Deitch, Western Maryland's Black (142), the team's best Jim Jakub, Frank Pommett, and Sports Information Director shots, wrestled well, none were Rich Edwards, Sean Dunn, and (SJ.D.), it's an occupation he invited to the Big Show in Rock Peter Eulner. Already missing loves. Island, Illinois. was senior SCOLl Tinney, a "It's the enjoyment of work- Of the three, Tony Spagnola member of the U. S. Marines ing with athletics," explained had the best tournament record, who is serving in the Persian 27-year-old. "At the Division placing second in his division Gulf. The loss of his ability was after finishing in fifth place at certainly an obstacle for the tearn. Hllevel.theathletesareourthere for the love of the sport It's the 150 weight class his fresh- The squad will be losing a group enjoyable to gel to know the man year. Chris Madden, wres- that posted a combined record of people involved," Scott Deitch has been WMC Sports Information Director for tling in his final MAC tourna- sixty-three wins and fifty-five Deitch is in his fourth year as fOUT years and promotes the school's 21 varsity teams. ment, placed fifth at the 167 losses. Still, with Spagnola and the school's S.I.D. The job's releases on the winter sports, my calls, but it was one of the weight class while freshman Black returning to the lineup, the main responsibility is topromote while putting together roster and worst memories." sensation Jay Black grabbed Western Maryland wrestling and publicize the college's 21 fact sheets for each spring sport. Scouandhis wife, Diana, live sixth in the 142 weight class. team looks to have a solid foun- varsity teams. This includes However, during a season, in westminster. In January, the The Terrors will be losing dation for next year. 0 press releases, calling in game Deitch says, the hours build up. two were blessed with the birth results, and maintaining statis- "Reporting game results pri- of Emily Margaret. Deitch says tics. Deitch also serves as sports marily is an evening job, and it that becoming a father hasn't editor of Western Maryland's takes up time. Travel (to away changed him much, but it has quarterly magazine, The Hill, games) adds to it." affected his work in a way. and as a consultant to the West- Highlight? "It would be the "It will force me to and has em Maryland HallofFamecom- Dickinson (1990 Homecoming forced me to make better use of mittee. football) game," Deitch said Deitch graduated from after some thought. "I rcmem- Susquehanna University in ber late in the game, a feeling 1985. It was at his alma mater coming over me that this could ~!;~:~~~~uss':!;~. the sport~ ~: ~~i.~gest win for th;_;e.;;sc;;;h;;;oo;.;_!~~;,;";o;;,~,:,:;:;,,_,~;::;;';';;;;~,;,. "My junior year, I did odd Football also produced lhingsinlheoffice,"Deitchsaid. Deitch's most embarrassing "Then the part-time S.LD. posi- moment as S.I.D. When West- tion became open, and I was em Maryland broke a 29-game offered the job. After I gradu- winlcss streak versus "I've never seen someone as ated, I stayed part-time as S.LD. Swarthmore in 1987, he was dedicated to a job as Scott and worked part-time in theresi- there but forgot something vcry He's extremely efficient in dence life staff." important. ancing the many roles he has This period of time is not a "I was caught at Swarthmore fulfill in the Sports Informauon hectic one for Deitch. Theteams without my call list," Deitch Department," junior English are between seasons, so there said. "J was still new, my wife major Chris Conklin, who also 0 are no games to cover. This was there, and Iwas cursing and worksint~esportsInfonnalion~-___~~~~~~~~~~~~~=~ week, he has sent final press :._sw,;';,an;·n;;,g'"I"dO"n"""'h"in"k"Im"i;Sse
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