Page 50 - ThePhoenix1990-91
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Page 2 Western Maryland College rHEATRE, from Page I other. The feelings they each the content and the acting in the The same problem with over- bring to the stage arc intense to first act, it was inherently vul- production surfaced at times the point of ludicros! ty, showing nerable to and weakened by when toomany things were going at once the raw energies that overproduction. For example, on at once for anyone in the·;: motivate their search as well as thought the slapstick was funny audience to get anything out of 0 the ridiculous extremes of their and creative (Frances spits it. I like chaos, but chaos on:g emotions. At some points, I was mouthfuls of aspirin and sprays stage without a meaningful con- ~ not quite sure whether to laugh Bacunc while MaryTheresa has text is hard to enjoy. Screaming~' or 'get in' to the intensity of the an unassisted orgasm), it was at and physical ~onnict on stage j I moment Limes overbearing and trite. can be effective In exPloringP..=--=-_::,-='-'-c_:-:::-'========= The cbaractcrs arc portrayed Frances' orgasms helped human emotion (as was evi- Pat (Steve Zumbrun) and Frances (Chris Covell) discuss their as comedic, and there is cer- create an understanding of her dcnced by WMC Theatre's re- neuroses, as Mary Theresa (Jennifer Dean) reads a book on tainly a good amount of laugh- feelings about sex, and that be- cent production of True Wesl), sex in Act One of Wendy Ruderman's Playthings. ing to be done in the play, And comcs ctcar cartyon. Butgoing but ucan also drag asbow down rained her neurosis, which was content and acting in the play. while the comedy is often slap- for laughs tOO many times by if it becomes repetitive and creatively turned inside out into More importantly, ! found slick and blatant (some of the dcmonsua Iing her pccu liar prob- cumbersome. aggression and self-aggrandize- myself proud of Ruderman and subtler Jokes went completely lem just undermined the depth My biggest problem with the mcm. Otherwise, the-characters the students who helped put her unnoticed), the characters rise of the symbol. play was the second act. I liked were flat and the action was even play together. I'm encouraged above that level and probe The same sort of thing could the idea of bringing these uoub- more overproduced. The poten- and happy that a student here deeper. It seems that each char- bc said about cach cbaractcr and led souls back together 'ten years tial for the second act is there, took the opportunity to show her acter is in some way a part of his or her amusing foible. While after,' but that's about all. The but I just didn't feel that it was hard work to the community, their creator (Ruderman), and each actor did a good job of characters degenerated into ex- realized. that.other studems put their scri- that she is asking the audience. giving his or hcrcharacterdepth, ternal stereotypes and their Despite these Daws, I came cus effort into the project, and "Hey, don't you feel this they were often burdened by a humanity disappeared. There away entertained and pensive. that they all put their collective sometimes too'! Ain't tophcavy comedy. The play wasbnlccoruinuuybcrwecnwbo And I would be lying if I didn't efforts on the line to success- strange'!" would have bcenjustas funny, if these people were and who they say that, at times, I genuinely fully pull off this experiment on Yctasmucb as Hikedthc sct, not more so, with fcwer'fnughs" became. Only Frances main- enjoyed and was moved by the stage. In that spirit, Bravo! 0 Strong Performances Highlight Successful Playthings By Frank Huminski This is Grocki's second stint and other activities in an attempt place as the first act. Each char- selves, showing that for all their ltwasto bcanigfuauhothca- as director. having directed the to be popular. Further, it is acter walks in and is visibly work and progress over the last tor. For tonight, something Beauty and the Beast something to put on his resume, changed. Frances is now an ten years, they have not really would happen that has not hap- which will eventually get him a apparently successful person conquered their problems, but The action of the play centers good job. This, in turn, will who has gained almost total rather hid them, and glossed over on the problcmsonbc main char- please his father. control over her neuroses. Barry them acters. During thc firstact.jhcsc Each is psychoanaJysed by also appears to have done well One thing which is nOI made come forth. Pat as- the others, and in so doing, they for himself, with a well made clear is why they regressed at to be a great writer, but show us who they truly are. The suit and a briefcase. Mary that point and in that place. It believe that he can be actors brilliantly portrayed col- Theresa has abandoned her psy- could have been each other, it lege students struggling to deal choa nal ysis and "Catho! ic J uda- could have been lhe place, it with their problems. ism" and has become a Hare could have been several other Covell has not only the right Krishna. Pat docs no! apJX?ar to things, but what it is exactly is :.llways complex aspccts 01 idols. amount of nervous energy for be doing as well as the others, not madeclcar human nature." Frances is a nervous, pam- her character, but '(1\0'\\(\9 place ten years later, in the same Feeling Alone? 140 EAST MAIN STREET WESTMINSTER, MD 21157 No one to dISCUSS your fcchngs WIth? 848-2844 876-830 _ \ t Confldenual help IS only a phone call away ~ Servw Proviaea QUALITY RESUMES QUICK PRINT RESUMES $1000~:L ~ ':".#'~~1f;1,.. ~~;-~~~AL/GROUP COUNSELING OCTOBER 90 NEW SUPPORT GROUP BEGINNING TYPESETTING WORD PROCESSING /7.]J" '"~I""\' BOOKS MANUALS Earn lip 10 $1000 In one ~ __ , ~ ~~~~~~~~~~I~G TO POLICE COURT HOSPITAL ACCOMPANIMENT BUSINESS FORMS ANNUAL REPORTS ; -1'\, ' 0 \\'eekfor\'ou[campus INFORll..1AnON PRESENTATIONS TWO AND FOUR COLOR BROCHURES organIzatIon ~ All counsel ng ond support servces ole free Same 'Day Service Gn QUid:_Print Graers Plus a chance at RAPE CRISIS Pick Up And Delivery Service Available $5000 more! INTERVENTION SERVICE 21 !)lars of serving tfif. community TIllS program worksl '\/0 1Il\"t'stment needed. 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